Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Thank you all...

Hunny, makaci buat surprise b-daynya Sabtu kemaren.....so hepi ^^ makaci buat semua deh ya!

Mau bilang tengkiu juga buat semua yang udah kasih b-day presents buat aku:

Hunny: thanks for the purple pijamas, sweet kok....dijamin selalu inget kamu karena warna ungunya.

Renny: thanks buat green cardigannya ya ^^ akan selalu diingat setiap kali memakainya, karena Renny loves greeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn dan sapi Mooo...MOoo

Albert: thanks buat the pinky top

Jefvlyn, Evelyn, Sasa: tengkiu buat perfume setnya also "pery cute poem" hahahahha....ada penghiburan dipagi hari.

Dolly n Vicky: tengkiu buat curiosity hugable dollnya ya....

Ada yang tertinggaaaaaaal ga ya????????

Basically, mau bilang tengkiu juga for all the b-day cards and testimonials. All those encouragement words that will always motivate me to be better and better. Lope you all!

Ditengah ketidakberdayaan...

Sejak weekend kemaren dah mayan stress ni mikirin exam, project, homework yang mengalir bagaikan aliran air sungai yang menyesakkan. Udah pusink banget mikirin gimana bisa ngelarinnya. Hari senin kemaren ada satu application paper due, psychology exam (yang batal diambil jumat, jangan pernah terulang de), n group meeting.

Dipikir-pikir kayaknya dah pengen nangis, cuman akhirnya aku memutuskan, I will just do my best. Hari Minggu ada group meeting dari jam 3-8pm, mayan ne...abisnya ada 2 group yang meeting. Udah hampir KO abis mayan juga nyetirnya begitu....apalagi weekend abis spend quality time ama DVD player huehuehuehue ^^ itu pelepasan stress juga tuh.

Minggu abis group meeting dah kepikir ni, tinggal KOnya doank, abis mandi, SaTe, dah mikir apa bobok dulu cuman ga ah....harus berjuang keras.....alhasil saya pun memulai belajar, bergumul dengan buku psychology tercinta. Thanks God for the strength dah sempat mau melayang ke pulau lain, cuman akhirnya malem itu selesai juga saya dengan textbook, udah subuh gitu.

Senin pagi dah bangun mesti buat paper, padahal badan dah KO banget. Cuman disini hebatnya Tuhan kita. Disaat aku udah ga mampu n angkat tangan, tapi berniat mengerjakan yang terbaik, God does work! Bayangin itu application paper bisa kelar dalam waktu sejam padahal udah dibaca-baca sejak weekend and have no ideas what to write. Praise God that indeed He does work on me.

Hari Senin semua terasa dipercepat, appt ama writing center kelar dalam waktu 30 menit jadi ada sisa waktu buat revise. Jam 12 dah kelar revisenya jadi ada waktu buat belajar ne. Kelas Psychology senin kemaren menarik sekali, kita nonton Crash, movie yg menang award neh ^^ seru banget, learned a lot about prejudice. Jeleknya.....aku kalo abis nonton movie tu, serasa pikiran masih ketinggalan. Apalagi kalo filmnya action ato yang sweet duh duh....harus diswitch dulu. Keluar dari lecture hall masih agak blur....heheheh jadi kangen Jenny yang dipagi hari selalu blur kayak sotong =p

Abis gitu langsung bergerilya menyelesaikan belajar psychology, akhirnya ambil test at 4pm. Duh... beberapa questions aku miss abisnya bacanya ga ati2, itu jeleknya multiple choice kali. Somehow, kerasa dah capek banget gitu jadi pas exam ga terlalu konsen gimana". Hasil test mayan sih..kalo digabung ama exam1, saya masih bisa survive dengan target. Thanks God, I'm done with the exam. Lelahnya......

Lalu haruslah ngedrive ke Fisher, group meetingnya disana coba jaohhhhhhh sekali n g paham daerahnya. Singkat cerita sempat ga ketemu jalan, harus balik lagi ke I-69 sampe akhirnya lewat jalan yang temenku kasih. Terus pas telpon teammate aku, dia ga jelas kasih directionnya. Jadi de aku bingung n memutuskan untuk stop di Marathon. Dah frustasi.......akhirnya temanku yang baek menjemputku disana, eh ternyata ada 2 Marathon coba, untung dia pinter n bisa menemukanku akhirnya hehehhehe....thank you, Chad! Appreciate that!

Terus kelaparan coba......ama temenku disuruh ke Burger King, tapi itu mayan juga dari officenya n aku mayan takut nyasar. Kedua teammateku itu ternyata tidak laper hiks akhirnya Chad yang baek hati mengeluarkan snack dari persediaan office, selamatlah perut saya untuk beberapa saat.

Singkat cerita.....akhirnya 8:30pm tiba dirumah dengan selamat. Terima kasih Tuhan!

The Joy of The Lord is My Strength....hanging there....hidup itu sebuah perjuangan. Either kitanya berjuang, bertahan, atau menyerah. Tinggal sebulan lagi, membulatkan tekad untuk terus berjuang bersama Bapa tercinta!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Meskipun langit sedang mendung....

Tadi siang, bener-bener sedih, karena pas discussion aku ga sempet ngomong apa-apa, jadinya cuman dapet 25/50 as a point for being there. Padahal dah prepare cuman cuman... duh kan ada language barier ni. Jadi entar belon jawab, orang lain dah angkat tangan, eh jawaban yang diotak kita, dijawab juga ama mereka. Terus entar mereka kan bisa ngomong ke kanan n kiri dan saya clueles kadang hiks hiks >.<>

Terus sambil jalan dah pengen nangis....dah mikir...ya ampun semester ini kok kelas-kelasku semua berat pisan. Buat ngedapetin the grade that I want for most of my classess seem impossible gitu. Udah kepengen pulang Indo, mengakhiri perjuangan yang panjang dan melelahkan ini. Semua ini membuat aku menyadari, I'm really nothing without God. Semua yang aku dapet, semua yang aku capai, dan kalo sampe detik ini aku masih mampu bertahan dan meraih semua, itu cuma karena Tuhan, dan bukan aku. "Semua ada karena anugerahNya semata"

Ajari aku untuk setia menjalani setiap proses, seperti yang dulu Tuhan pernah bilang, ngelewatin fase kepompong itu ga gampang. Prosesnya menguras air mata, sakit, dll cuman akhirnya menjadi kupu-kupu yang cantik dan bisa dinikmati banyak orang. Tuhan, aku mau setia dan taat, karena aku tau semua proses yang aku harus jalani, karena Engkau mau bentuk dan menjadikanku indah. *harus semangat lagi ni*

Terusssssssss tadi lunch sendirian, mana ni PonChay??? pas lunch dah separuh gitu, ada satu cewe bule namanya saya yaaaa Abe kalo ga salah....terus pertama dia lewat dah senyum gitu eh terus berputar balik terus nanya gitu apakah daku duduk sendiri....ditangannya ada Bible. Na lo kalo dah begini *pikiran buruk* mikir ni, cewe ini either bakal share ttg gospel ato jangan-jangan yang kayak aliran sesatttttttttttt kan mayan gitu.....eh dia duduk...pertama aku rada cuek gitu...........cuman tau ga si......akhirnya instead of dia ngeshare, aku end up yang share banyak banget gitu. Dia juga nanya ini itu........ya ampunnnnnnn jadi deh it's time for sharing what God has done and taught me so far....praise God....I'm happy and relieved. Pas share ma dia, ga kerasa stress lagi gitu.......aku share macem-macem de n hopefully it will bless and teach her. Kita saling encourage each other juga..........duh makasi Tuhan....emang bener ayat emas Vivi bulan ini.......kita mesti memikirkan hal-hal yang baik....dll....*phil 4:8*

Sekalian deh.......mau bersyukur ama Tuhan, dikasih teammates yang ngerti dan bisa bekerja sama dengan baik. Lord, I pray and bring my M450, W311, and Z441 teams into Your hands. I thank You for each of them. I pray that You will grant us Your wisdom, understanding, and dilligency in working throughout those hard projects. I believe that in You, I will do things excellently.

Sekarang saatnya makan dan belajarrrrrrrrr neh......kamis-kamis harus belajar, karena besok mau ambil exam Psychology. Mohon dukungan doanya ya.....okie dokie.....

Hope all my sharing can bless your heart and bring encouragement, amen!

When God answered my prayer...

Thank you, Lord...

Yey.... round trip ticket for my graduation trip are finally set. Still need to wait for China visa application process and apply for Canadian visa and buy the round trip ticket for Indianapolis - LA for me and my family.

Kemaren pas cek-cek Orbitz.com, keinget kapan hari pernah baca satu kupon Northwest dari Valpak savings envelope....thanks God, I read and checked all coupons inside the envelope last time. Terus inget tuh kalo pas itu meskipun hanya memandang sekelibatan mata namun udah sempet ngecheck kalo bakal bisa pesen flight pake kupon itu dari Indianapolis ke destination place. Kemaren coba akhirnya ke nwa.com terus masukin code and reference number, eh bisa yeeyyy hepi deh but but......cuman berlaku buat 2 adults only...langsung bergerilya, panggil-panggil Gary and Shinta, meminta mereka melihat-lihat dan mengecheck keberadaan kupon mereka. Finally Gary ketemu......Praise the Lord, tengkiu banget Ger! Sedangkan Bos Shinta (she really enjoys being called Bos, beda banget ama N'dru coba, ckckckck...ibu dokter ini ckckck....) lupa tentang keberadaan kuponnya.

Akhirnya kemaren tuh pesen, nah disini ada sedikit kesalahan tapi ga fatal. Nama Kokoku yang imut dan kokoku yang ganteng (ceilee...promosi ni hun!) yang tercantum dipasport itu tidak ada nama keluarga...duh..padahal kalo loginnya as guest di nwa.com, credit card name n nama salah satu penumpang kudu sama. Lha salahnya ni ya...aku tuh masukin nama papa mamaku dalam satu group, harusnya dipisah-pisah. Terus pas masukin Ciwan and Ko Andre, gedubrak...ga bole tu karena nama di credit card ga sama duh duh...kalo papa mama kan ada nama belakang sama ma aku, jadi bisa pake credit card aku. Alhasil, by faith aku beli tiketnya Ciwan ma aku, sambil berdoa dan berharap nemu kupon satu lagi buat Andre. Jadi kemaren malam dapat 4 tiket. *saving-saving* Tengkiu Lord....aku dah doa sejak kapan-kapan lalu, minta Tuhan kasih good deal gitu, karena ya kalo travel berlima kerasa mannnnn although ga ikut bayar. Tapi sebagai pengurus keuangan, kalo ada deal menarik dan bisa berhemat haruslah diambil.

Jadi ni kepikiran sejak tadi pagi......karena si PonChay dah membuang amplop itu. Pagi-pagi dah kontak Juju, terus ngemail Sunie, siang-siang ngeSMS Elizabeth n akhirnya nelpon Visal juga. Nah si Visal bilang udah buang amplopnya, cuman dia ada save itu Northwest kupon kayaknya. *menaruh harapan penuh* Terus kan dah sekilah pandang harga tiket yang sama kalo ga pake kupon, ya ampun bedanya $200-an lebih duh duh....cuman kalo ga nemu apa bole buat.

Begitu kelar kelas, telpon Visal nih........eh dia bilang adaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa huaaaa yippieeee *my heart full of praise to God* duh...thankful banget....makasi Tuhan...makasi Visal...cuman wait....skrg masalah billing ne sehubungan dengan nama Kokoku Andre. Basically, aku nemu Credit Card dia kiriman dari Bank One cuman ya nama yang disana tuh really really full name jadi nama keluarga pun tercantumlah dikartu itu....now I know knp kokoku selalu kena security random check in ya gara-gara masalah namanya neh. Akhirnya aku activate tuh kartu dengan harapan bisa dipake. Masuk ke webpagenya nwa.com terus masukin nomer reference and code dari Visal....yuhu bisa........cuman guess what?? sampe di billing process ga bisaaaaaaaaaa... na lo dia bilang harus contact reservation agent kalo yang bayar third party...duh susahnya ya....

Akhirnya nelpon, terus cerita ke orangnya bla bla...n pesenlah online....semua beres tapi harus add $10....cuman okaylah ya dibanding beda $200-an terus check nama dah bener and click telpon ditutup. Ya ampunnnnnnnnnnnnnn baru nyadar ni.....aku tuh masukin nama kokoku salah pisan duh duh >.<>

Finally, *memanjatkan puji syukur kepada Bapa disurga* atas terbookingnya tiket buat kami berlima. Terima kasih Tuhan, although processnya lama dan panjang dan mendebarkan, sambil mencari-cari "satu kupon tambahan yang sangat berarti" telah sampailah kita pada pintu gerbang kemerdekaan...yang bersatu....eit jadi baca UUD.....eniwei, gitulah duh makasi banget Be, You're awesome! Jadi so far graduation trip done! Tinggal obtain visa Canada. Butuh hikmat Tuhan dalam mengatur segala sesuatu nih....

- In Your hands, Father, I surrender my graduation trip plan, every single thing....and I believe You will provide the best for me and my family -

Monday, March 20, 2006

Debbie and Polibear Posted by Picasa

Polibearnya udah nyampe akhirnya....

My special birthday present which supposedly to be arrived at March 17, finally come today.. yey.. hepi for that...I went to the post office before school to pick my present.

Due to the limited time that I had before my class, I could not open the box when I arrived at school, so I opened the present before I went back home.

Then I found "Polibear" hehehhe now I know why you kind a screamed yesterday haha.... kecian it's okie...what my hunny said is true kok....it all depends kan...makaci...makaci...

So, welcome to my Polibear ^^ Thanks for the cards and all the thoughts and words that you shared there. Those words say a lot and are very meaningful.

Hunnyyyyyyyyyyyy tinggal hadiah anda yang belon terbongkar *makin penasaran nih*, jumat cepatlah datang. Renny, dah nyampe ni akhirnya, ada yang mau anda ceritakan padaku??

Thanks for the Polibear ya...*bersaing dengan bercil* just as chubby as the one who stuffed it with love???


March 4, 2006
14 inches, 8.5 ounces
Vanilla fur colour
Brown eye colour
belongs to Debbie

Sunday, March 19, 2006

One Step Ahead...

Matthew 18:19-20

“Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”

“For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”

I thank God for the way you pray, the way you think and the way you make decisions, the way you share your heart and thought, the way you react and the way you assure me. Let’s walk together in seeking for His perfect will. Believe that when we do really pray, call His name and seek His face, we will find the answer.

Watch Our Thought

Philippians 4:8

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Thanks for the verse, Vi and P. Indeed, I believe God wants to remind me about my thought. These past few days, something happened that make me think negatively toward someone. *Watch what I’m thinking*

Our thoughts toward someone even before we meet that person can determine how we behave toward the specific person.

Thank you Lord for reminding that I should have a clean and pure mind.

Overall, want to say special thanks for Shinta and Sunie. Tengkiu banget cicik-cicikku yang manies. Really appreciate!

H: Have a safe flight. Thanks for coming. Hope you enjoy your times being here.

Have a blessed day everyone! God bless…

Saturday, March 18, 2006

My 22nd BiRtHDaY

First of all,

I would like to thank my beloved Father in heaven for the past one year. Thank you Lord for every single thing that has happened in my life. I have seen and witnessed many good things and miracles in my life.

In this new year, I want to walk closer with my dear God. Understand His heart and plans in my life. I'm ready to walk with my dear Lord fulfilling every single plan God has placed in me. You have been so faithful to me throughout my twenty one years of life and I believe You will always stay the same, Lord. Bring and teach me to be a strong and mature woman of God. Grant me your wisdom to decide on things that will impact my life greatly, even little things. I want to obey what my dear Lord wants me to do and walk in the direction You will show me. Reveal to me, Your perfect will and give me the strength and the heart to obey and walk in Your path.

Thanks for Vonny and Diani for organizing my surprise b-day, so sorry that I kind a have a clue hehehe hun....kan dah dibilangin....jangan pernah berkata apa-apa didepanku kalo mau ngerencanain. Eniwei, the b-day cake was so beautiful, should asked Vonny for the picture. Whose camera ya?? Thanks everyone! Really appreciate for Sunie, Juju, Shinta, Gary, Steph, and Wei Chang for coming.

DV Player: I'm so sorry my gals for not be able to come and celebrate my b-day with three of you. Of course, I want to...but I just cannot make it. I'm so sorry...promise that next week, we'll celebrate my b-day.

Hunny: jangan ngambek ya....manis deh kamu......udah ditelepon.....mana ni kadonya? Aiz kenapa dikau channel belakang dengan Piyo kuat sekali?? *jadi penasaran*

H: Thanks for flying here, also for the dinner at Melting Pot and the bouquets of flower.

M: Thanks for the bear and the "VS" set. Appreciate those gifts!

Vivi: Kartu n kadonya baru nyampe hari ini. Thanks for the two pairs of cute earings, the call, and the card, lope ya sis!

P: Thanks for the lovely emails sent before my coming b-day. Thanks for sharing the "hidden". I'm also honored. Sorry that I was not in a good mood, but I'll see soon "something" on Monday. Thanks for your caring and everything! Berarti harusnya ga telat donk...cuman USPSnya yang aneh tuh.....it's worth waiting tapinya....believe so!

Brothers and Sisters: Thanks for the calls, sms, Friendster messages, MSN messages and nicknames, cards.......love ya all!

Dewi: Thanks for the call, kirain dah lupa....mohon jangan lupa ya, yang ditunggu-tunggu entar Mei, delivered by special people hehehe.

Grace: Thanks for the sms yaaaaaaaaa......for your caring, dear sis! God bless.....All d'best for the work.

Pokoknya makasiiiiii buat semua yang udah nelpon n SMS, baik dari domestik maupun luar negeri. Appreciate all those!

Von and Ray: thanks banget lho for friday ya....appreciate your willingness to help and stay with me. Pon, tengkiu dah ditemenin shopping, demen deh shopping ma kamu...duh nakalnya kita.

Terus buat semua yang udah nemenin sejak Jumat and hari ini juga..........

Special thanks juga buat testimony dari Ci Tanfie n Tante Nani.

My beloved parents, brothers, and relatives: thanks for the call, SMS, and Email.

Duh.......ada yang lupa ga ya??? Berhubung tidak semua hadiah tiba ditangan sampai hari ini, nanti di update aja de yaaaaaaaaaaaa..............

Makaci Be for my B-day, I know You will work greatly in my new year. Here I am, ready to walk and do great things with you.

Thanks God for the surprised email from Kelley. I want to do my best and let You do the rest.

God bless you all and Lope yaaaaaaaaaaa............


- Worship = intimacy, relationship
- Hidup harus pratikal jangan teoritikal

- Bebaskan diri dalam ibadah, jangan terpaku pada liturgi.
- Tuhan hadir dalam ibadah bukan karena kita menyembah tetapi karena Tuhan sudah berjanji bahwa 2 atau 3 orang berkumpul, Tuhan akan hadir.
- Jangan tertuduh, datang apa adanya.
- Hidup dalam Tuhan tidak menjamin bahwa badai tidak akan datang.
- Dunia tidak punya yang namanya kasih anugerah.
- Jangan menghakimi orang lain, saat kita merasa lebih benar, kita gampang jatuh.
- Peturs orang yang pernah mengalami badai, dia tau apa yang namanya badai. Petrus memutuskan untuk keluar dari kapal.
- Iman adalah anak dari ketakutan. Petrus berjalan diatas air karena takut.
- Jangan mencoba mengubah pasangan kita, nanti bisa hancul. Pernikahan bukan saling mengubah. Pernikahan adalah harmoni dimana dua orang yang berbeda melengkapi satu sama lain dan berjalan beriringan.
- Kalau lautan kehidupan selalu teduh, manusia ga akan pernah melangkah keluar dari perahu.
- Waktu kita takut, melangkahlah bersama Tuhan.
- Jangan takut atau pusing akan apa yang orang lain bilang, tetapi apa yang Tuhan bilang.
- Kekudusan = kondisi; kekudusan tidak sama dengan standard.
- Banyak "pelacuran-pelacuran" dirumah Tuhan, karena gereja memasang standard terlalu tinggi dan tidak menawarkan kasih karunia.
- Terkadang ada hal-hal yang kita ga bisa ngerti, tetapi TAAT dan berjalan bersama Tuhan.
- Iman dimulai saat kita melihat posisi kita dibawah dan Tuhan diatas. Kita mencoba mengukur kekuatan dan kemampuan kita, dan akhirnya kita sadari kalau kita ini tidak bisa apa-apa tanpa Tuhan. Talenta, kemampuan tidak menyelamatkan kita tapi kasih karunia.
- Tuhan datang dalam badai kehidupan.

Friday, March 17, 2006


Praise the Lord! Retreat was awesome. I learned a lot from it and was blessed by every single thing that God has done in the retreat.

These are things that I got and of course, I will apply those in my life:

- Menjadi orang ditempat dan sebagaimana Tuhan kehendaki
- Menangkap kehendak Tuhan dalam hidup dan membiarkan Tuhan mengerjakan hal-hal yang besar didalam hidup
- Menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dan berdampak untuk sekitar
- Semua ada dan terjadi karena kasih karunia Tuhan
- Mendengar dan mengerti akan suara Tuhan; pendengaran itu penting dan sangat menentukan
- Tuhan akan mengangkat kita menjadi KEPALA dan bukan ekor, kita akan terus NAIK dan tidak turun
- Menggenapi semua rencana Allah didalam hidup = SUKSES
- Cari nilai yang kekal dihidup ini
- Jangan puas hanya menjadi hamba Tuhan, tapi minta untuk menjadi terang bagi bangsa-bangsa
- Mengasihi Bapa = hidup seperti yang Bapa kehendaki

- Kita berjalan dan hidup dalam ketidakmungkinan
- Dalam hidup terdapat destiny dan journey. Untuk menuju destiny, kita perlu sebuah journey kehidupan. Didalam journey, tertulis kisah kehidupan kita. Mengapa perjalanan penting?
* Dalam perjalanan ada kehendak bebas, perjalanan menentukan cara kita berpikir. Dalam
perjalanan ada yang namanya musim. Perjalanan mengajar kita untuk beradaptasi.
- Allah yang bijaksana dan kreatif telah menciptakan alam semesta beserta isinya. Allah yang sama adalah Allah yang mengatur kehidupan kita. Kita tidak punya dasar untuk membantah Allah.
- Cintai orang lain karena kekurangannya. Bapa mencintai kita apa adanya, termasuk kekurangan kita diterimanya.
- Penderitaan adalah test akan bagaimana kita bereaksi.
- Untuk menjadi pemimpin-pemimpin ilahi, perlu melewati ujian.
- Jangan tanya dimana Tuhan saat kita menderita, Tuhan selalu ada dalam kita,
- Tuhan mau memakai orang-orang yang mau melewati padang gurun.
- Yang berhak menilai manusia adalah penciptanya, Tuhan.
- Terus bangkit apapun yang terjadi.

- Apakah kita termasuk orang bijak atau bodoh dalam membangun rumah?
- Anak Tuhan tidak kenal yang namanya nasib. Saat kita mengalami perjumpaan secara pribadi dengan Allah, disitu hidup kita akan diubahkan.
- Untuk membangun rumah, kita perlu Yesus sebagai arsitek kita.
- Membangun rumah berarti membangun pribadi, keluarga dan masa depan, karir kita.
- Kita sedang membangun rumah yang nantinya akan dilihat orang lain.
- Daud gagal abis, tapi Daud mendapat sertifikat dari Allah, "berkenan kepada Allah" karena Daud mengijinkan Allah membangun rumah untuk Daud.
- Rancangan murni pernikahan adalah apostolik calling: berkuasa dan memenuhi bumi dengan keturunan Ilahi, berdua lebih baik dari seorang diri, dan menciptakan sinergi.
- Praise and worship bukan teknik tapi HATI kita pada Tuhan.
- Rumah yang Tuhan bangun buat Daud kekal selamanya.
- Biarkan Tuhan "feel at home" dihati dan hidup kita. Ijinkan Allah mengerjakan semua rencanaNya dalam hidup kita.
- Jangan mencoba menolong Tuhan!
- Janji Tuhan teguh dan luar biasa. Yesus lahir dari keturunan Daud.
- Sepeninggal Daud, Tuhan menepati janji dan memperhitungkan perbuatan Daud.
- Worship leader: cukup menjalankan tugas, jangan berusaha menyuruh jemaat untuk mengikuti kemauan pribadi. Lirik lagu sudah memiliki kuasa yang besar. Jangan mengemas ibadah secara teaterikal. Harus bisa ngeflow n sensitive akan Bapa.
- Menabur buat Tuhan dengan hati yang benar, Tuhan akan melipat gandakan.
- Kalo mau menikmati berkat Abraham, harus mau hidup seperti Abraham.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

From Me to You.....

To see you smile at me…

will be my pleasure

To have you holding my hands…

will be God's precious gift

When I look through your eyes…
and I can see what is inside

The way you look at me…
Make me feel special

The way you talk to me…

It is just different with others

March 6, 2006

For when I am weak, then I am strong...

I was completely tired. I have too many things to do and handle this week. One big individual case, two midterms, one project to be revised, retreat's transportation... I was so stressful yesterday.

I decided to take my quiet time to find peace and to calm myself. As I prayed and read God's words, God said:

II Corinthians 12:9-10

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. "

"That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. "

When I feel that I just can't do it by myself. It's time for me to hands up and to surrender everything into His hands. Lord, whatever I'm going through, I believe that You're watching over me. Though things seem heavy and hard and I have no strength to carry on, You are there to give Your hands and restore my strength. Thank you for having You, dear Father, someone who completely knows and understands what's going on with my life. You are my everything, Lord!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

God Never Fails to Show His Faithfullness....

Again and again.....

I'm amazed with what You can do, Lord! I just can't say anything now.......my heart is so grateful to look at all things that You have done, You are currently doing, and You will do in my future.

Lord.......thank you so much.....I know You never fails to show Your faithfulness. I'm so glad to have such a privilege to be Your beloved daughter and just to feel and experience Your kindness, even I don't deserve that.

Last Tuesday, I had my 415 mid-term. It was nine chapters in one exam. I was not really well prepared, well that was what I felt, though I have finished my study. The essay part was hard, but I did my best.

I was unhappy and frustrated as I drove back home on that day. I told some of my “very special ones” about what I felt….

Today, I checked my grade book. I remember that my professor said she will be done grading this weekend and will put the grade on. I was afraid and worried, but I finally checked the grade. Guess what??? I got 141/150 à 94% and the highest score is 143.60. Man….I am so amazed, speechless at the same time. God, You are awesome, and You will always be…..again and again……You never fails to show Your faithfulness. As long as I did my part, as long as I have given my best, I know You will work over the rest.

Children of God, never give up seeking God. He is able to do miraculous things in your life. If He can do great things in my life, He can do in your life too. Put your hope and trust in Him. He will never disappoint you. Sometimes He permits bad things happen, sometimes He lets us be in the cloudy times…..but hanging there…..He is faithful and He is able to change your situation. He is able to restore and heal you. He is able to lift you up and release you from bondages.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

My Cruise Plan is set....yeiiii....

Praise the Lord! I finally set with my cruise plan for the graduation trip with my beloved family. Man………almost pay for double…..thanks God that mom asked me to check with other agencies.

I was busy on Monday due to my nine chapters exam on Tuesday. In the afternoon, after I was done with my writing center appointment for psychology paper and revised it, I decided to surf for some websites deal with the same cruise that I wanted.

So, I found this one website that offer lower prices than what I got from the travel agent. I decided to call there, while at the same time I had someone to check prices from the local travel agent. Talked with the 1-800 number and the lady could put me on hold. I had a day to decide. Someone finally got another price quote for the sailing date and the specific ship that I want. Thanks a lot for your help, really appreciate that.

The price that he got actually can save me couple hundred….quite much…but it would need another day for him to come to the agent’s office and try to put a hold reservation for me. Thanks for your offer, by the way. He finally said, why don’t you try to call the official website for Holland America……click….I was thinking to check the prices offered from the web. Web prices are lots of cheaper then the one set by the travel agency. The room availability is also different.

I made the call…….and guess what??? They had a special offer going out…so I got lots of cheaper, like half of the price the agent gave me. Even cheaper than what he told me. I finally called my mom and explained to her all the information. I booked everything that same day. Thank you Lord….. My cruise plan is settle for now. Still need to book for other flights and apply visas.

As I brushed my teeth just now, somehow I felt excited to be on a trip with my complete family, Papa, Mama, Ciwan, and ko Andre…..so happy……

Lord, I pray that You’ll provide everything. Pray for Your wisdom to decide on things and plan the complete trip.

Pray regularly, no matter what, for prayer is your lifeline to God.

Have you ever longed for hearing God’s voice? How can we hear His voice, if we never read His words?

Tonight, I read Daniel chapter 6. God reminded me back the importance of prayer, the importance of keeping our life pure in God’s eyes.

Daniel 6: 3-4

Daniel made enemies at work by doing a good job. Perhaps you have had a similar experience. When you begin to excel, you will find that coworkers may look for ways to hold you back and tear you down. How should you deal with those who would cheer at your downfall and even try to hasten it? Conduct your whole life like Daniel. Then you will have nothing to hide, and your enemies will have a difficult time finding legitimate charges against you. Of course, this will not save you from attacks, and, like Daniel, you will have to rely on God for protection.

Daniel 6:10

Daniel stood alone. Although he knew about the law against praying to anyone except the king, he continued to pray three times a day as he always had. Daniel had a disciplined prayer life. Our prayers are usually interrupted not by threats, but simply by the pressure of our schedules. Don’t let threats or pressures cut into your prayer time. Pray regularly, no matter what, for prayer is your lifeline to God.

Thanks God for reminding me once again about the importance of keeping the stairway to the heaven. How often we tend to take granted of our situation. There is freedom in religion in America. We can pray, go to church, have Care Group, have fellowship… but often time, we take those for granted.

“ I will go to the church/care group if I don’t have exams next week…….”

“I will pray after my homework done…..”

There may be a time when we cannot freely pray…….thus, now, when it’s free for us to pray……MANAGE YOUR TIME RIGHT. PUT GOD AS YOUR FIRST PRIORITY. SET A SPECIAL MEETING TIME FOR YOU AND GOD. SPEND TIME TO MEDITATE ON GOD’S WORDS.

Sometimes, God wants to talk to us using His words. If we never open and read His words, how we expect to know and understand His will?

- Lord, teach me to be discipline with my time.-

When God says,

“I have been waiting you all day my son (daughter). You woke up in rush in the morning, took shower, went for school (work), without even say “good morning to Me.” You did your own activities, you had your lunch, and you had fun times with friends. In the evening, you arrived home, cooked for your dinner, chit-chat with your friends, studied for your exam, worked with your project, and you feel asleep. I was standing there, waiting for you to talk to Me….but you just never have the time for Me.”

- Father, thank you that You’re still there for me even at the times when I was not faithful to you.-