Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Small Thing that God Has Done Today...


Aiz...lately I slept so early during the nite... (Mama pasti berbahagia mengetahui anak cewenya bobo sehat sekaleeeeeeeeeee ^^) Eniwei, I was supposed to take short night nap and wake up to write my case paper for J401 class, wow....a case paper due on the second day of school. Actually I can choose to do five out of nine cases, but I may do all case papers depending on what grade I will get on my first couple papers.

Enihow....a gal from phonecard for sale called me 30 minutes after I sleep and becuase I was sleeping, she said she will call back later.....wonder why I get a phone call from phonecard4sale. I decided to set my phone to vibrate only and guess what??? Someone failed to call me for waking me up...oh cut the story short, I slept all the way until 6:30am. When I woke up, I directly realized that I have not done anything for the case =(

So.....I was rushing writing my paper. It took me almost five hours to write the paper. Almost crying neh....because I have to do so many calculation for financial ratios...and the case was not easy to write. All those questions will need you to stop and think hard to find answers. Thanks God that the paper was done on time and I still had some minutes to have my lunch. Last Monday, I was so hungry during class..... (bisa kurus ne kalo ga makan siang mlulu...kan kudu menjaga keseimbangan berat badan ;p)

Class went fine. The China trip made me dare to speak up and do presentation in class. Thanks God for that once in a lifetime opportunity. It taught me a lot.... After class, ternyata diluar abis ujan...n belon sampe dah mulai hujan (besar-besar lagi coba)...terus mindahin mobil buat ke BS building. Abis markir mobil, eh hujannya berhenti....thanks God! Akhirnya dapet memo letter dari advisor buat OPT, besok bakal nitip Gary nih...thanks Gar! Eh rambutnya look much better with this new hair cut Gar!

Terus ni...kan ke BS comp lab buat ngeprint slides, pas didalam gedung tu ya...diluar hujan deres banget....ada guntur segala....(aiz...guntur kan di Chicago....hush ini guntur yang dilangit hahah) eniwei....serem ni....apalagi harus nyetir kalo ketemu kilat dan guntur....suka kaget denger suara langit gelegekan n kalo difoto (aka liat kilat euy)....but God is good....pas jalan pindah building....berdoa nih minta hujannya beneran lho pas kuar dari technology building berhenti deh hujannnyaaaaaaaaa.............wah senang........give thanks to God... see... even it is a small makes me hepi....what a very kind God I have =)

Lapar nih.......hari ini ga bakal masak memasak dengan tetangga seberang.....soalnya Ria kudu Bible study, tapi masih ada makanan sih....tau ga sih??? ya pasti enggalah wong belon dikasih tau....(wong itu kalo diartiin apa ya??? hayoo ada yang tau ga???) Kemaren itu kan ke BW3, gile rame banget coba, udah laper abis joging sore, eh lama amit nunggunya....ampe 20 menitan, barulah ke-12 wings saya datang....nyam nyam....taste gut....after sebulan lebih ga ternyata Ria dah 3 bulan ga makan....gara-gara nunggu lama, Ria ngeliat2 menu dessert gitu, terbesitlah keinginan dihati untuk makan dessertnya Applebee's depan rumah. Akhirnya beneran nih abis dari BW3 berlanjut ke Applebee's n kita tuh order 2 dessert....yang satu yang coklat leleh gitu ama ice cream, satunya hot apple pie ama ice cream....WOW...they taste so gut by the way........dah lama ga mamam dessert ni......jadi teringat makan bertiga DVD di Applebee's....kapan ya itu btw???

Thanks God for today!

Have a blessed evening everyone!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Makan Sehat Di Masa Summer ^^

Dah lama ga ngeblog ni....tadi pagi pas gi SaTe, aku bilang ke Tuhan, "Lord, what can I share to others?" Merasa ni soalnya....dah lama tidak membagi-bagikan berkat ke sesama...

Mau givethanks to God gitu buat provide me a new friend, Ria, yang nge-sublease apartment Vonny selama Summer. Kilas balik, sebelon mama papa n koko-koko tercinta balik ke Indo, aku sempet ngomong, duh ga tau ni entar kalo dah balik dari China pasti bengong ga ngerti mesti masak apa, abisnya dah jaraaaaaaaaaaaang banget masak ampir sebulan ni. Jadi dah pasti pas balik dari China bingung na lo....aiz....

God is good! Budi bilang kalo apt Vonny dah ada yang sublease ni...anak Purdue...namanya Ria. Terus Budi ngenalin gitu aku ke Ria pas gi dinner bareng di King Wok. Berawal dari perkenalan itu deh, akhirnya kita sering janji buat masak-masakan bersama gitu. Man...aku mikir bakal sepi, males masak abis ga ada temen, eh Tuhan kasih Ria lho....terus juga pertama berpikir bakal tiap weekend ngedrive bolak-balik Indy-Purdue, eh Tuhan sediain Ria dan Budi buat menemani.

Abis lari sore ni....setelah disuruh bokap berkali-kali, abis minggu lalu masih kurang sehat terus abis gitu kemaren ujan deres....jadi ya today is my first exercise day...seperti biasa Hun bersiaplah menemaniku disore hari....senangnyaaaaaaaaaaa..........

Sejam lagi mau makan BW3 ama Ria nih....huhuy ada temen de jadinyaaaaaaaaaaa.....Makasi Be! Btw, jadi kangen my DVD Player nih...all those sweet moments will remain as beautiful memories in my heart ^^

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

- Me and My Tiramisu (disuruh ngabisin nih ama kedua koko tercinta, sorry ko belon diajak ke Buca Di Bepo) - Posted by Picasa

- My Second Brotha, Andre - Posted by Picasa

- Ciwan and his delicious food - Posted by Picasa

- Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center - Posted by Picasa

- Sweet Memory - Posted by Picasa

~ Olympic Building ~ Posted by Picasa

- Mamam bersama di satu-satunya Thai resto - Posted by Picasa

= The Royal George Bridge = Posted by Picasa

- The Peak Colorado - Posted by Picasa

- bersama-sama memegang obor olimpiade - Posted by Picasa

~ niruin patung disebelah tuh ~ Posted by Picasa

- my fun family - Posted by Picasa

- with beloved dad and mom - Posted by Picasa

- It was cold and beautiful ^^ - Posted by Picasa

- May 2006 - Posted by Picasa

- with my lopely Ciwan in The Garden of The Gods - Posted by Picasa

= Denver, Colorado = Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 19, 2006

My New Hair, after 2.5 hours  Posted by Picasa

- Jeff, Me, Nadia, Amanda, Rachel, (dunno the name of the guy) - Posted by Picasa

- Farewell Dinner Celebration at Sunshine City, June 16 - Posted by Picasa

* Me, Omar, and Akiko * Posted by Picasa

- Rebonding Rambut di Super Star, Shanghai (alatnya menyiksa sekali, puanas buanget tuh, ampun de) - Posted by Picasa

- Shopping Time in Xiang Yang - Posted by Picasa

Faculty Advisors of Group B, Candice and Ernst Posted by Picasa

Yu Gardens, Shanghai Posted by Picasa