Friday, December 22, 2006


My roommates are all in Indonesia right now. Have fun gals! I am happy for Erlin who finally be able to find her luggage. Praise God! God is good and faithful. He does answer our prayer. Di and Lin: have a safe journey ya!

At first, it was scary for me to stay alone without my roommates. I do not get used to being alone like when I was back in Indianapolis. But God is so good...He sends bros and sis to accompany me. Thank you all....appreciate it....

On Sunday, I will be going to California for two weeks. I will not write any journal when I am going. I pray that this gonna be a safe and wonderful trip.

Today, one of my bros got into an accident. I was in his car. Thanks God we were all fine. His car got front part damaged. I got slightly injured. My right thumb was bleeding. I guess I was not in a ready position that I accidentally pressed my thumb. Hope it will get better soon. God heals!

Eniwei, have a safe and fun holiday guys!

Merry Christmas 2006 and Happy New Year 2007!

Take care and God bless!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Angkat tangan tinggi-tinggi........

Pasrah bener malem ini.....sedih...stress...dan bejibun jadi satu. So sad....sampe kepikir doa Yesus di taman getsemani ni..."Kalo bole biarlah GMAT ini lalu dari padaku..." Takut banget...ini otak dah terlalu lama diajak belajar dan panas bener....udah ampun...

Man...I just don't know what will happen tomorrow....can I survive doing the 4-hour test? oh no... Kalo aku sendiri kayaknya ga mampu de....butuh Tuhan banget...btw, if you happen to read this blog tomorrow or tonite, I'll be taking my GMAT tomorrow at 1:15pm EST. Please pray for God's strength and wisdom to be poured out upon me.

Yang buat aku bertahan, cuman menyadari bahwa apapun yang terjadi ada dalam controlnya Tuhan. So I will just do my best and let Him do the rest. All the best juga buat yang masih punya final besok dan Sabtu. Apapun yang terjadi,aku bakal berusaha buat ga kehilangan the joy of the Lord that is in my heart...cause I believe the joy of the Lord is my strength and your strength too.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Ohana's Last Care Group Meeting Posted by Picasa

32D will miss you surely, yennnnn Posted by Picasa

Ohana Loves Youuuuuuuu Posted by Picasa

Yenny's Farewell in Pastor's House Posted by Picasa

- Bear, Rabbit, Cat, Dog, Hamster, Elephant, Monkey - Posted by Picasa

Beauty Sleep with OHANA Posted by Picasa

Tengkiu Hun for the pics Posted by Picasa

Friday - December 8, 2006 Posted by Picasa

My New Haircut Posted by Picasa

God's Powerful Words

Here is what I got from my daily devotional:

Number 11:21-23 (NIV)
21 But Moses said, "Here I am among six hundred thousand men on foot, and you say, 'I will give them meat to eat for a whole month!'
22 Would they have enough if flocks and herds were slaughtered for them? Would they have enough if all the fish in the sea were caught for them?"
23 The LORD answered Moses, "Is the LORD's arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you."

“Moses had witnessed God’s power in spectacular miracles, yet at this time he questioned God’s ability to feed the wandering Israelites. If Moses doubted God’s power, how much easier it is for us to do the same. But completely depending upon God is essential, regardless of our level of spiritual maturity. When we begin to rely on our own understanding, we are in danger of ignoring God’s assessment of the situation. By remembering his past works and his present power, we can be sure that we are not cutting off his potential help. How strong is God? It is easy to trust God when we see his mighty acts (the Israelites saw many), but after a while, in the routine daily life, his strength may appear to dismiss. God doesn’t change, but our view of Him often does. The monotony day-by-day living lulls us into forgetting how powerful God can be. As Moses learned, God’s strength is always available.” (Quoted from my bible)

Amen! Amen! Yes…..we need to believe that God will never change. If God can bring Success and Excellency unto my study during college, I want to believe that He stays the same and I will be success too in whatever I will do next. Although many times, I am afraid and tend to forget what God has done in the past, today I want to renew my trust and faith in Him. Now and forever, He will always be a faithful God.

Putting my GMAT, job search, and even my future in God’s mighty hand….

He will make all things beautiful in His time!

Stuck with your current condition? Read more God’s words….His words are powerful and will make your life different.

I just got a new haircut from Renu….like this new hairstyle….will try to upload photos later ^o^

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Sesuai dengan request Gary, inilah updates sementara:

Dec 15: Jumat depan, bakal ambil GMAT....serem abies...takut...cuman I'll do my best and give the rest to God. God will fight on my behalf =) Key Lesson = TRUST

Dec 16: Grad Dinner

Dec 17: Diani and Erlin back to Indo huaaaaaaaaa will surely miss them ;) Have a safe flight gals!

Dec 18: Going for ski ga ya??? *masih mikir* pasangan jatuh bangun, a link, tak ada disini.

Dec 24- Jan 6: West Coast Trip. Thanks God, ga stranded sendirian di Lafayette. Dah sedih banget kapan hari mikirin gitu...apalagi rumets semua pulang Indo. I miss Indo! Miss my family and all....Thanks God for the cheap tickets....still looking for a place to stay in LA. Ger...hmm masih bingung ni...tgl 24 lo dimana? I may need your help.

This Saturday, Yenny is going back to Indo and she will not return here. Gonna miss you, sis! Teman berkongkow berkurang....sedih =( wishing you all the best there....cuman sejauh webcam n telpon.

Detik-detik ini mengumpulkan hasrat dan semangat 45 untuk bekerja keras menuntut GMAT hehehe mohon dukungan DOA.....aduh kadang serem banget de bayangin....ntar kalo waktunya ga cukup gimana....duh duh....manusia....oh mau kuatir....cuman kadang dateng sendiri kuatirnya. Mesti fully surender....percaya kalo Tuhan dah plan terbaik buat aku.

Btw, ada tawaran kerja dari a sister in San Diego....still praying for that....if it is God's will, may it come to pass amen amen....kalo ga kepikir ke tempat Yenny sementara, cari kerja di New Jersey. Tak ku tahu hari esok, tapi ku mau percaya.

Tadi beli scarf cantikkkkk sekali warnanyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............hepi deh. Terus tukaran kado Christmas ma Hunny hehehehhe duh 2 taon ne hun....what will happen ya this Christmas and New Year....pertama kali ga ma kamu...Wishing you good times there.....can't wait to hear the *story*

All the best for finals bros and sis, and also my GMAT!

Congrats for Vonny! Udah kelar ne exam"nya.............spend quality times ya.....hahahahaha... can't wait to see you next 2 weeks. Ayo kita plan-plan dan plan..............Safe flight tomolow =)

Not forget, HaPpY BiRThDaY to my lovely double dee back in Indo! Kangen kamu wi....duh...wish can celebrate your b-day. Makan" bareng koko", sandy, ci Tin-tin....kangen kangen...kapan ya hari itu akan datang disaat kita selalu bisa makan bersama untuk merayakan hari ulang taon....