Tengkiu banget buat all my sisters who sent me e-card, email, and gave comments. I really got encouraged by you all....
After I posted the previous entry, couple people talked to me. Someone actually is experiencing the same case as me. Others have experienced that before....
Truly...until now, I still don't know what I need to do or am going to do. It is still blur....can't see anything right now. I sent around ten resumes to different companies across the state, but only heard from two companies so far....oh man...it seems like sales jobs are anywhere...is that the path that I have to take.......
Now, I'm thinking to just study for GMAT, take the exam, complete MBA application, and go back home to work for couple months. But...I may get lazy to come back after get adapted in the home country aiz....or I can take the exam and then move to my dream cities, find a job there, and then back to school on Fall 2007. *BINGUNG* duhhhhh coba kita punya mesin buat melihat 3 bulan ke depan ya........
Couple things I learned from my friends' sharing:
"Fear is believing the worst is going to happen, but Faith is believing the best is going to happen."
"Doubt itu seperti ganjelan pintu. kalo kamu liat ganjelan pintu yang bentuk-nya wedge/segitiga itu, kalo itu ditaroh dibawah pintu pintu-nya ngga akan terbuka 100%. begitu hal-nya dengan doubt...kalau ada even slight doubt, itu seperti kita tidak membiarkan Tuhan punya 100% kuasa atas hidup kita. akibat-nya, berkat Allah juga tidak akan tercurah 100%."
"Don't lose hope. Keep trying, keep hoping, and keep believing. In the process, love God. Wait on God and claim all of His promises to happen in your life. You are His and He is yours (Song of Songs 6:3). He will never leave you nor forsake you (Joshua 1:5b). He is your shepherd and you shall not be in want (Psalms 23:1)."
"No matter where we are going to be, no matter what we will do (ya of course bukan yg negatif la yahh), tangan Tuhan pasti tetep ada di sana buat nolong. Kadang bingung sendiri is this the right thing to do? tapi claim tiap pagi God's favor is upon me, His favor is opening doors of opportunities for me, His favor is causing ppl to want to help me."
"Be patient and persevere yah. God's help is rarely early, but never too late. Sometimes memang ngga dikasih jawaban instant ama Tuhan, supaya you can exercise your faith dan learn to make good choices in your life."
"As you grow more in your Christian life, more freedom of choices will be given to you. Tp jangan takut membuat keputusan yg salah! Remember Heb 13:5, God will never leave you nor forsake you. Even if you make mistake in your choice, in Rom 8:28, everything works for the good of those who love Him."
"Keep strong and persevere!! Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God -Phil 4:6."
Tengkiu banget buat Helen, Tin-Tin, and Cindy....each sharing has blessed and encouraged me. I am hanging on God's promise on my life....akan terus mencoba bertahan...sampai Tuhan melakukan sesuatu...
PUSH = Pray Until Something Happens
God never promised that life would be easy, but He promises His presence with us and at the end, we will be the winner, AMEN!