Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thank you...Thank you...

Someone from Indonesia sent me this message:

Mark 9: 23-24

“If you can believe, all things are possible to Him who believes. God doesn’t see you as weak, ineffective, or fearful. He sees you as you can.”

Thank you…thank you…it is so encouraging…especially under this specific circumstance that I don’t like to be in. Kadang kanan-kiri, depan…udah begitu discouraging…but I need to keep hold on God’s promises.

Words and Music by Reuben Morgan

Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me
within your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are God

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust

Can you still believe in God beside your circumstances? Disaat tidak ada seorangpun dan satupun yang bisa dipegang teguh, hanya janji Tuhan tempat kita berpegang. Dia Allah yang kadang terlihat pelan dalam meresponi doa kita, namun satu hal yang pasti, Dia Allah yang ga pernah terlambat untuk menempati janjinya.

“And God makes all things beautiful in His time…” Ecclesiastes 3:11

Monday, September 25, 2006

Secercah sinar ditengah langit yang mendung...

Yellow all,

How is everybody doing? All the best for those who have exams, projects, and homework. Cheer up! God is with are not struggling alone!

Wanna share God's goodness....I'm not getting a job yet so far, but I'm in the process for getting one. What really impressed me is that God allows me to get a follow up with companies that I want. It is unbelievable, but it is real. After looking for a bunch of different jobs located in, CPO website, company website and also attending some job fairs, I am interested in a limited number of companies only. Some required a quite long training program, which will make harder for an international student under OPT, some are those sales jobs, which I don't like.

Based on my research, I like the marketing job descriptions for Uline and Rolls-Royce. I talked with the recruiters on the job fair two weeks ago and found that I like their marketing positions. This noon, I just got a phone interview from Uline and need to wait several days if they want me for further process. Once I was done with the phone, I checked my school webmail and found an email from Rolls-Royce. They asked me to do some assesments and they will call me later if they want a campus interview, which will be at Purdue. I never imagined that I would be selected for their recruiting process. Thank you, Lord!

I like Uline's marketing position, but they do not offer sponsorship, so I don't know. Just surrender to God. The interview was okay, there were couple question that I did not give good answers. At least I have done my best for my first interview.

Dipikir-pikir hidup ama Tuhan emang seru si. Cuman kepikir diotak ama bilang ke beberapa orang kalo aku pengen kerja di company A,B,C and Tuhan kasih aku kesempatan gitu, meskipun belon tau keterima ga gitu...cuman tetep aja si...udah hepi =) dikasih email for a further process aja udah grateful banget...

Thank you for never letting me down, Father....waktu aku mulai ga paksain kehendakku, belajar nge-flow ma Babe, be still and wait upon Him, Tuhan ga pernah gagal buat nunjukkin kasih setiaNya buat aku. Ngerasa bener kek ada secercah sinar ditengah hari-hari yang mendung, seperti hari ini =)

So, don't give up!! Be still....believe with your faith that He is able and He will provide. We are limited but with God, all things are POSSIBLE! Yeahhh....

Have a blessed noon everyone!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Dia bukan Allah yang tidak mendengar....

Tuhan kita bukan Allah yang ga dengerin seruan hati kita....
Tuhan kita adalah Tuhan yang menakar air mata kita...mendengar seruan hati kita...

Udah dua hari ini...bener-bener cari Tuhan. Hasilnya: BE STILL...jangan coba "nolongin" Tuhan. Jangan sok pinter....jangan terlalu mikir ini bisa ini punya kemampuan gini, gitu. Yes, kita ga mampu, very limited, ga segala bisa....tapi kalo Tuhan mau bawa kita kesana, ya bakal bisa gitu....Tengkiu Na! Akhirnya bisa ngechat ma kamu....hehehe....

Terus kan gi liat-liat lagu Reyner buat Sabtu ini....divine banget....intinya sama gitu....BE STILL! Ni ada specific lagu, lyricsnya bener de:



Bener banget!! So far...kayaknya aku dah bingung-bingung, stress sendiri, takut-takut sendiri. Oh no......apa bedanya apa orang yang ga kenal n ga punya Tuhan....we have to make a difference! Kan anak Babe....n Tuhan dah janji di Jeremiah 29:11....cuman seringnya kita minta yang INSTANT, maunya cepet....guess what! Tuhan care ama proses juga....justru dalam proses itu kita dibentuk...diajar....jadi lebih baik...lebih dewasa... bukannya hasil karbitan....yang tau-tau sukses. Segala sesuatu ada waktunya, ada proses yang harus dilewatin.

Grant me wisdom and patience, Lord! Mampukan aku bertahan....and be still...sampe aku tahu Tuhan mau apa...sampe aku lihat pintu-pintu mulai perlahan terbuka. Sampai aku lihat matahari kembali bersinar terang dan awan gelap berarak gampang...susah...kadang maunya cepet....tapi mau pegang janji Tuhan.......akhir cerita pasti HAPPY ENDING!!!

Tengkiu banget buat bros and sis yang terus ngingetin....terus nyupport gitu....really appreciate!
Mau terus inget...kalo Tuhan itu SETIA and TEPAT pernah terlambat, meskipun kadang kita ngerasa dah mepet....Tuhan ga pernah lupa akan kita...Tuhan juga bukan Allah yang berhutang...JANJI Tuhan YA dan AMEN!

Lord, teach me to know and understand Your ways! Teach me to be still and wait upon You. Teach me to use these times maximally....meskipun jadi PENGACARA tapi mau menghasilkan something yang bisa memberkati orang laen.

Btw, Kamis siang besok, aku ada interview di Indy daerah Castleton. Takut ni...baru interview pertama....but again...not me but God....berserah...apapun hasilnya...percaya kalo Bapa akan berikan yang terbaik. God knows what I need better than I do, and He will surely give the best for his beloved daughter. Support me in prayer ya...

Hope my sharing can encourage and support you all too....

Btw, baru denger juga...berita kurang baek ttg my new lil' nephew. Ada yang ga beres ama jantungnya...but I know He is under strong cousin n wife! God is able!

Have a blessed night!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Greetings to my family.........

Forgot something........

Happy Anniversary to beloved Mom and Dad
-September 15, 2006-

My handsome brotha's b-day is also coming...too bad, I still cannot celebrate his b-day. Maybe next year or even next two month, my lovely Ciwan will also have his b-day.

Wishing I could be with no no....I still have things to do here....that's why I'm still here and not in Indonesia with my lovely family.

Badminton Time

Yellow all,

Akhirnya mengebloggg lagiii....udah 2 minggu ini tiap Sabtu, I played badminton with bros and sis from Lafe....*don't be shock to hear this* hahahah my uncle and auntie who right now visiting my cousin in California were surprised to hear that I was in the Badminton court. My auntie was joking, she asked, "Kamu beneran maen Badminton, ato ngambilin "bola" doank?" hehehe... Hunny said that I'm getting better hehehe.....when I'm back to Indo then I can play with my frenz there huaaa......

Yang lebih menarik...kemaren Sabtu tu aku yang minta n ngajak anak-anak maen Badminton. Rada aneh si...biasa ma si Hunny satu itu yang teriak-teriak minta maen...terus aku nemenin doank. Guess what??? It was actually a God's plan. Yesterday, I played with a new sista. After we finished playing, our hyper sista who really loves to play Badminton was still playing. So we were waiting for her. When I saw this new sista was alone, there was something in my heart that told me, I have to talk to her. So I came to her, and asked how she was doing with everything.

I don't know how and why, but I suddenly shared what I have experienced for four years being in Indiana. The first time I came here, how I adapted with the situation, how I finally like this place, and so on....and I believed it was God who opened my mouth to share. She was being touched with my sharing. She finally said that what I have shared to her (my first time being here) was actually what she felt righ now. *WOW* never know... a sharing has a great power. It can touch and even change one's life. So, don't hesitate to share, guys! Someone may need to hear your sharing, how you coped with it and how you finally survived. Yippie...was happy....we dropped her in the apartment, but before that God already said to me that I need to pray for her, we finally prayed for her. Now, I know why I really wanted to play badminton last night.....It was a divine appointment....and I know, I pray, and I believe that my sharing will open new perspectives and bring joy in her life. You can do it, sis! You are here for a purpose, a godly purpose, a great one. Be a history maker!

When Diani and I reached home, we were hungry again. Thanks to Erlin for the food. It was great. Also for bro Gary who came here and joined with us to play badminton.

Just finished making strawberry fondue huuuuuuuu yummy....we are going to cook for dinner tonight. Since Diani has a meeting until unknown time, so Erlin and I will prepare the dinner. *KOKORO will be postponed* I miss the spicy cajun sushi already.....I have been eating Kokoro for five times this whole Summer aiz.....usually I will only eat once a semester or twice hahaha... my family loves Kokoro very hunny and someone also like Kokoro....

Gary: mau Kokoro ga Ger???????? datenk sini pengen lunch OW nih hiks hiks, pengen makan thai spice juga.......I miss my Indy!

Still looking for a job....I received an email for a personal interview....still have to call the company on Monday. Hope they actually realized that I'm in Indy and not Seattle.

How is everyone doing????

Take care and God bless you allllllllllllll

Monday, September 11, 2006

Tuhan memelihara....

Akhirnya setelah bekerja rodi dan romusha selama tiga hari, selesailah saya dengan misi mengosongkan apartment fiuh...capek...lega...seneng...sedih...campur aduk de...Jumat malam officially moved to Diani's apartment.

Makasi buat yang udah bantu angkat-angkat, juga membeli barang-barang, juga buat Louis yang storagenya udah bole dititipin barang-barang saya yang mayan banyak hehehe (padahal dah banyak jual n kasih-kasih ne)

Sekarang menetaplah saya untuk sementara waktu bersama hunny, hehhe kerasa lutciu, karena ga pake nyetir balik pulang Indy. Btw, pas friday nite after CG, nyetir susah banget. Mata dah capek, badan juga, jadi sepanjang dihighway, berdoa terus, minta Tuhan protect. Dan tibalah saya dengan selamat akhirnya dengan sangat-sangat lega.

Beres-beres barang, ngatur kamar hunny. Merasa sungkan begitu, karena kamar hunny jadi berkurang space (ga papa 'kan hun?) aiz....harus menebalkan hati sedikit hehehe....

Hari ini badan pegel-pegel, hidung meler >.<>

Eniwei hari ini terharu sekaliiiiiiiiiiiii.......inilah bedanya di Indy dan Lafe. DiLafe tu ga perlu takut ttg makan, karena pasti ada yang mau makan gitu. Hari ini udah ada 3 yang ngajak, terharu. Ternyata pada care....kalo di Indy biasa ga ada yg bisa diajak lunch, sampe kepikir mo lunch sendirian diresto, cuman aneh banget kali...jadi so far belon ampe dicoba. Makaci lin, yen, bert, ouis. Bisa kerasa kalo Tuhan itu pelihara.....

Sabtu kemaren baru dapet ttg Mazmur 23,
1. Mazmur Daud. TUHAN adalah gembalaku, takkan kekurangan aku.
2. Ia membaringkan aku di padang yang berumput hijau, Ia membimbing aku ke air yang tenang;
3. Ia menyegarkan jiwaku. Ia menuntun aku di jalan yang benar oleh karena nama-Nya.
4. Sekalipun aku berjalan dalam lembah kekelaman, aku tidak takut bahaya, sebab Engkau besertaku; gada-Mu dan tongkat-Mu, itulah yang menghibur aku.
5. Engkau menyediakan hidangan bagiku, di hadapan lawanku; Engkau mengurapi kepalaku dengan minyak; pialaku penuh melimpah.
6. Kebajikan dan kemurahan belaka akan mengikuti aku, seumur hidupku; dan aku akan diam dalam rumah TUHAN sepanjang masa.

Meskipun skrg masih ga menentu, aku mau percaya, Kalo Tuhan bakal tuntun aku ke tempat yang Dia mau. Ke tempat dimana aku bisa mengerjakan apa yang Tuhan mau aku kerjain sebelon aku balik ke Indo. Susah bisa liat apa-apa didepan...tapi aku mau percaya. Dengan iman, aku akan pergi ketempat yang sudah Tuhan tentukan.

Apapun yang terjadi, Tuhan ga akan biarin....I know He is working....and I need to wait and do my part.

I know my Father loves me and He cares about me as He loves and cares for you too...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What's next....

Mello Yellow

Udah lama ga ngeblog, maapkan! Mayan sibuk keliling-keliling lately. I’m moving out of my lovely apartment this Friday, sad >.< st="on">West Lafayette (hopefully for a short time only). My life needs to get going, journey must be continued. Thanks to pastor Oscar’s sermon from OCBC last Saturday. It really strengthened and inspired me.

Now, I’m thinking and praying to move to a new city. It is a challenge to step my feet out of my comfort zone. I cannot take decision easily because I need to know whether it is the right city that God has planned for me. It is about moving there with purposes. Not just for working, but also for other godly purposes. During my four-year stay in Indianapolis, I have fulfilled and finished what God has planned for me. So, in the new city, I want to do the same thing and even greater than now. Please help me in prayer.

Vonny returned back to Indianapolis last Wednesday, but she is moving to Ohio today. Happy for ya sis! You will start to walk on your dream path. Don’t be afraid, coz I know God has prepared the place for you. You are there for a purpose! Losing the “V” we are left with “DD” hehehe….but I’m sure we will meet again soon! All the best sis! Welcome to your new journey of life.

Saatnya berpacking-packing apartment…thanks to Gary and Otiz for helping me taking boxes from Meijer yesterday night.

This year life theme:



Even when I have not seen

Even when I have not known

Faith is what gets my life going….reaching every single thing that God has in store for me.