Secercah sinar ditengah langit yang mendung...
Yellow all,
How is everybody doing? All the best for those who have exams, projects, and homework. Cheer up! God is with are not struggling alone!
Wanna share God's goodness....I'm not getting a job yet so far, but I'm in the process for getting one. What really impressed me is that God allows me to get a follow up with companies that I want. It is unbelievable, but it is real. After looking for a bunch of different jobs located in, CPO website, company website and also attending some job fairs, I am interested in a limited number of companies only. Some required a quite long training program, which will make harder for an international student under OPT, some are those sales jobs, which I don't like.
Based on my research, I like the marketing job descriptions for Uline and Rolls-Royce. I talked with the recruiters on the job fair two weeks ago and found that I like their marketing positions. This noon, I just got a phone interview from Uline and need to wait several days if they want me for further process. Once I was done with the phone, I checked my school webmail and found an email from Rolls-Royce. They asked me to do some assesments and they will call me later if they want a campus interview, which will be at Purdue. I never imagined that I would be selected for their recruiting process. Thank you, Lord!
I like Uline's marketing position, but they do not offer sponsorship, so I don't know. Just surrender to God. The interview was okay, there were couple question that I did not give good answers. At least I have done my best for my first interview.
Dipikir-pikir hidup ama Tuhan emang seru si. Cuman kepikir diotak ama bilang ke beberapa orang kalo aku pengen kerja di company A,B,C and Tuhan kasih aku kesempatan gitu, meskipun belon tau keterima ga gitu...cuman tetep aja si...udah hepi =) dikasih email for a further process aja udah grateful banget...
Thank you for never letting me down, Father....waktu aku mulai ga paksain kehendakku, belajar nge-flow ma Babe, be still and wait upon Him, Tuhan ga pernah gagal buat nunjukkin kasih setiaNya buat aku. Ngerasa bener kek ada secercah sinar ditengah hari-hari yang mendung, seperti hari ini =)
So, don't give up!! Be still....believe with your faith that He is able and He will provide. We are limited but with God, all things are POSSIBLE! Yeahhh....
Have a blessed noon everyone!
Mei, tetep percaya aja. Tuhan pasti provide the best job :) Kapan hari anak Bloomie juga dapet kerjaan, pertama companynya ga mau sponsor gara2 OPT udah mo mati aniwei, tp by faith dia bertahan, dan akhirnya supervisor dia bilang bersedia sponsor dan tungguin sampe H1 keluar. Walaupun mestinya department dia tuh sibuk banget and really in need of employee, tp supervisornya milih nunggu dia balik. Keren gak sih Tuhan kita??? :)
Hi, i'm a new reader. For sure, He gave us the best when we think he gave us the worst. good luck, ok :-)
Hi Ana! Thanks
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