Thursday, April 27, 2006

lopely sistas - Blessings from God Posted by Picasa

Gonna miss those times... Posted by Picasa

Cheese... Posted by Picasa

Lagi isenk melet semua =p Posted by Picasa

bakal kangen yang beginian kalo balik Indo >.< Posted by Picasa

Vonny - Sunie - Jessie - Selly - Debbie - Shinta - Erlin - Yenny - Helen Posted by Picasa

Left - Right: Erlin, Jessie, Vonny, Helen, Yenny, Debbie, Selly, Shinta Posted by Picasa

Bersama Vonny, my partner in crime... Posted by Picasa

One evening at IUPUI Posted by Picasa

Gedung Kelley School of Business Posted by Picasa

numpang foto ditempat tunggu bis ni... Posted by Picasa

Almost done...

Time flies…can’t believe that I only have a week left for final and then my last Summer session. Dulu selalu berpikir wah enaknya nyelesain kuliah cepetan, cuman skrg dah mau lulus ngerasa aneh juga ya……….abis gini bakal 8 am – 5 pm berada dikantor… oh no…nah lo…yang lagi kuliah n skul bener-bener enjoy your time de. Maximalin gitu waktu selama masih bisa bebas….jadi ga pengen lulus oh no…hahaha engga ah sudah waktunya juga menunaikan kewajibanku hehehe ^^

Next Friday, I will have my family here huhui…ga terasa…rada tegang juga heheh lho??? Abisnya kan ga pernah ada mereka diapartmentku yang mungil hehehe macam mana ya…moga-moga mereka bisa memuaskan diri dengan fasilitas yang ada…then I’ll be going to Colorado next Saturday – Wednesday…

Grad dinner on Saturday, May 13th feel free to come ya…but do let me know first. Commencement on May 14th noon then May 16th fly to Vancouver for cruise. It’s gonna be a pack graduation trip. I will then fly to China on June for the International Scholar Laureate Program, delegation on Business. Just wanna surrender everything into God’s hands. Believe that I’m gonna have great and enjoyable moments with my parents and lovely brothers.

Still have hotels and cars to be booked….three final exams to go, two projects to be done, one presentation….my wonderful senior semester aiz….dulu berharap semester terakhir bisa ongkang-ongkang kaki ama kipasan, ternyata itu cuman mimpi hahahahha….cuman Tuhan tetep setia, although skrg ini banyak nilai-nilai yang diperbatasan…aku mau percaya kalo Tuhan sanggup….I will give my best and let God do the rest!

All the best for all finals and project!

God bless our final week, bros and sis ^^

Monday, April 24, 2006

AkHirNYa DaTAnG JuGa.........

Abis kelas Psychology tadi langsung pulang ni.......n pas banget....sejam kemudian, rumah diketok, kirain ada kiriman barang buat ternyata orang FeDex yang mengirimkan return envelope dari Konsulat Canada.....yipiiiiiiiiiiie nyampe sudah paspport beserta Visanya. Praise God! Urusan visa semua dah beres.....siap berangkat neh... Tinggal urusan hotel n mobil sekarang, ternyata mengurus semua sendirian mayan juga ne....mayan sibuk....mayan takut juga...tapi percaya de ama Babe bakal dikasih wonderful times bareng my family, udah lama sekale ga pergi berlima ne........KaNgEN euy....

Btw, hari ini sempat ketemu dengan angsa-angsa cuman thanks God deh ga ada serangan mendadak dan mengerikan dari angsa yang furious itu....*glad, thanks God!* doa terjawab...

Semester dah mau kerasa.....time flies.......dah ampir graduate....duh masih banyak urusan ne....*minta kekuatan dari Babe*

Tadi group meeting dari 5:30-9:30pm, udah ngantuk n pucing kepala cuman laperrrrrr jadi kudu masak neh....alhasil masak soto deh barusan......

Selamat Malam semuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

My 1st 10 HoUrS MeETiNG...........

What a day??!!

I just finished with my group meeting after ten hours working geez….but God is awesome! I lacked of sleep lately but when I woke up this morning for my group meeting, I had a strength ^^ thanks God!

Even I was tired today, but indeed my heart was full of joy……working to finish our paper with a great team, thanks God for them…when I was around with them, I need to make sure that I guard my mind, my heart, and my ears….kadang beginilah nasib kita-kita, yang pernah sekelompok ama orang” asal sini pasti ngerasa lah…dikit-dikit bisa ngecurse gitu……nah kalo ga ati-ati entar ga nyadar eh taunya kita dah ngecurse juga.. *watch out – danger zone*

Praise God for today! At least the paper is done, tomorrow I’m gonna have another meeting with them….

The Joy of the Lord is My Strength!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Small things are enough....

Don't you realize that God gives us blessings everyday?

From small to big things that happened, have you ever counted those?

Siang hari jam udah mepet n masih butuh ngeprint dilab, dapet parkir kayaknya agak susah, tapi aku berdoa dalam hati, "Tuhan, kasih tempat parkir donk!" n tiba-tiba pas banget ada yang keluar, n here I go, my defined spot!

Setia join di discussion forum, meskipun banyak saingan buat dapet extra credit, tapi tetep kasih yang terbaik....guess what? Today out of no where, my name was called to receive the extra credit. UNBELIEVABLE! I thought with so many students to compete with, an extra credit would be a dream, but God granted it! This is the second time I got an extra credit for giving a good opinion on the discussion forum...

Lagi laper pulang sekolah, tiba-tiba ditelepon Vonny ato Cici Shinta n dikasih makan ^^

Lagi hujan deras ato rintik-rintik n ga lama bakal sampai rumah, minta Babe hujannya berhenti ato stop bentar, eh beneran dikasih....

Lagi pengen makan something, tiba-tiba ada yang makasih ato beliin....

All those simple things, God shows that indeed He really loves us and cares about you and me...

-Thank for each blessing that You gave dear Lord -

Praise God for granting Vonny's and our prayer.....indeed....God finally fulfills what she has asked so far.....kadang Tuhan emang ga langsung kasih apa yang kita minta, ada saatnya Tuhan mau bentuk kita.....and again sis, it shows that everything is done because of God and God alone. It's not about us, but it is about Him! All glory and praise all belong to Him!

We never know what tomorrow may hold, but treasure and cherish every single moment that God allows us to enjoy....

Thanks God for my parents and lovely ciwan+andre, DVD Player, for him, for all sisters and brothers, for everyone that You have placed around me........

God bless you all ^^

Monday, April 17, 2006

? what are the gals doing at my back ? Posted by Picasa

Debbie - Diani - Vonny Posted by Picasa

Smoky Mountain - Spring Break 2006 Posted by Picasa

Pony and Debbie Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 16, 2006

In the Hands of the Mighty God....

Thanks God for today!

Because He died, we have a hope.....

Because He died, we can face tomorrow

I went back to Indy with Patty, thanks sis! It was a great time sharing and talking beside the very scary weather outside there.

Tadi tuh baru aja lewat Lafayette 15 menitan kali ya, waduh tiba-tiba hujan deres banget, foggy, and turunlah es batu yang bunyinya sangat mengerikan...duh meskipun ga nyetir dah super dupper tegang nih...Patty juga....duh kalo gi sendirian aku udah nangis kali ya....itu tu bener-bener ga bisa liat depan kadang, terus Patty kudu jalan pelan banget tapi tetep aja serem abis....Aku terus doa dalam hati gitu....minta Tuhan berhentiin.....after kayak 20 menit gitu, mulai mereda, sampai tiba-tiba langit dah uniknya Indiana.....masak beda berapa mile doank bisa beda banget euy....

Thanks God for protecting us and Patty's car....mobilnya Patty bener-bener sehat walafiat, cuman spion aja yang sempet lepas dikit cuman not a big problem....praise the Lord!

Aku mau belajar dari apa yang tadi aku alami........

There are times in our life kayak apa yang tadi aku lewatin...

Hujan deres banget....kabut tebel batu yang turun dengan bunyi yang keras....suasana sangat bisa liat apa-apa didepan sana... jarak pandang pendek banget....hati gelisah, gundah gulana, tegang, konsentrasi penuh..........

Sama seperti hidup kita gitu, ada kalanya kita ditengah badai sampai kita ga bisa liat apa-apa... kita cuman bisa jalan pelan banget.....penuh ketakutan....kegelisahan....suasana hati ga enak banget.....

Tapi satu hal yang pasti.......Tuhan ga biarin kita sendiri ditengah badai...sama kayak Tuhan ga biarin Patty ma aku sendiri dimobil.....kadang kita terlalu fokus dengan badai sampai kita ga bisa liat kalo Tuhan disamping kita, memegang tangan kita, bahkan mengendong kita....

He never let us walk alone....He is there for all times....through good and bad times... He never fails to show His faithfulness....

Berbahagialah kita sebagai anak-anak Bapa yang perkasa........walau badai melintas ditengah kehidupan kita.....ada pengharapan....sebab Dia, Allah yang hidup, Allah yang sudah mengalahkan sengat maut.......dan karna Dia hidup, ada jaminan dalam hidup kita.

Ada jaminan untuk masa depan

Ada jaminan untuk keluar dari masalah

Ada jaminan untuk hidup dalam kekekalan

Ada jaminan untuk hidup benar dan kudus

Ada jaminan untuk pasangan hidup

Ada jaminan untuk keberhasilan

Ada jaminan untuk kita bisa terus berharap pada Tuhan..........

Karena Allah telah memberikan anakNya yang tunggal sebagai jaminan untuk hidup kita.

- Tak pernah ku takut dan tak pernah ku berjalan sendiri, s'bab tanganMu menopangku -

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Terus berjuang....

"Ku berjuang sampai akhirnya, Kau dapati aku tetap setia...."

Current feeling: Not so well

Duh...tadi abis ketemu satu prof. Marketing buat ngecheck paper, hasilnya separuh perlu direvisi, diperjelas gitu. Duh dipikir-pikir, kerjaan buanyaaaaaak banget ya...dah mikir mau nyerah ni....cuman tinggal ga 3 weeks....

"Tuhan, meskipun aku tau ini ga gampang, tapi aku mau menyelesaikan pertandinganku sampai selesai serta keluar sebagai pemenang, dan ku tahu aku ga berjuang sendirian. Ada penyertaan Tuhan, ada tangan Tuhan yang akan menggandengku untuk berlari menyelesaikan pertandingan sampai garis akhir."

Karena ini jugalah udah deh ga minta kuliah lagi, kalo sekolah bahasa ato sekolah yang laen bisa dipikirin. Cuman buat MBA?? not for now....dah capek nian ni otak, dipake mikir, stress, banyak kerjaan, under pressure....I think it is the time for me to finish up my school and move on.

O my last big semester..........very fun because it is very FULL of work!!

My last semester on Summer II, hope it would be better....can't work like this anymore. Too tiring....deadlines....projects....exams....homework....and specially when you really do care to get an "A" and maintain your overall GPA. I'm not going to give it up.....not on my last big semester.

"Tuhan aku telah melihat segala pekerjaanMu yang dasyat mulai semester pertama sampai sekarang, dan aku tau saat ini pun Kau tetap bekerja bersamaku."

Though my eyes have not seen the result yet, I will still believe that with you,
.......The End of the Story would always be BeAUtiFuL and of course, Happy Ending -

Kerjaaaaaaaannnnnnn banyakkkkkkkkkk, otak udah penat......but I want to claim that
"The Joy of the Lord is my strength.....biarlah saat aku lemah aku berkata, aku kuat didalam Tuhan."

Giving my best as I know God will do the rest......

"Masa depan dan harapanku sungguh ada didalam Tuhan"

All documents for applying Canadian visa are ready, plan to send it by tonight. Put the process into God's hand.

Didalam hidup ini ada hal-hal yang kita ga bisa kontrol, disitulah kita punya pegangan kalo kita bisa serahin itu semua ke Tuhan. Sebab, segala sesuatu ada dalam kontrolnya Tuhan.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

One done!

Thanks God, I finally got my passport back today and the visa for China is attached. I should have received it yesterday, but I was not home when FeDex came. It is good to know that they left my document in the office, so I don't have to pick it up on the FeDex location.

Today, I asked for some documents so that I can apply for Canadian visa soon. Mom already asked me to do so as soon as possible, since my family already got both U.S. and Canadian visa.

Giving all the process into God's hands!

Von: mari berjuang sama-sama ni, masih banyak bener urusan trip yang kudu diselesain. How is everything going, sis? How exams were? All the best for the coming interview ya!

Thanks God for Juned and his very good memory. Yesterday, I talked to him about going to Colorado and he said, I won't regret for going there. So, I need to plan and buy the rest of the multi-destination tickets.

My graduation trip is coming up soon, can’t wait. Gonna be exciting especially I’ll be the sole planner huaaaaaaaaa…….wish my brothas were here, bias bagi tugas neh. Eniwei, pengalaman bagus juga ni belajar ngurus trip macem-macem. Pokoknya, dipasrahin ke tangan Tuhan de tripnya…….biar enjoyable and memorable dan lancar.

I know You will always be right, Father....

Yang aku tau Bapa ga pernah salah menetapkan keputusan-keputusanNya dalam hidupku (mengutip kata-kata Pastor Chris)

Sore pas abis kelas di Business lab akhirnya melihat tayangan KKR Benny Hinn di website:
Liat: Monday 04/03/06 - Friday 04/07/06

Bagus banget deh...coba ga disekul pasti dah ikutan nyanyi ni......jadinya ikutan doa dalam hati. I was amazed to see how God worked so great over the healing service. Aku percaya gitu kalo this is just the beginning....God still have many great and mighty works soon to be done in our beloved country, Indonesia. "Sampai Indonesia dipenuhi kemuliaanMu Tuhan..."

Kemaren malam pas SaTe n baca catetan kotbah Benny Hinn yang diforward-in ma Helen (tengkiu len!) agak susah dimengerti si, kudu konsen ni. Yang mau email me ato Helen de, entar kita bisa forward-in.

As I read God's messages through Benny Hinn, aku reflect back gitu atas apa yang Tuhan mau aku kerjain as soon as aku graduate. Ceritanya kan dari Fall 2005, mulai bargain ama Tuhan. Ternyata bener lho, ga lulus minta cepet-cepet lulus, udah lulus bingung sendiri mau apa. As people started to ask, I began to pray for my future plan. December 2005 berakhir tanpa aku dapat apa-apa dari Tuhan mengenai plan ke depan. Tidak putus asa, bulan January makin kenceng ni doanya.....until one point of time, I was experience a big turbulence in my life. The problem brought me to a very serious and deep praying time. I was praying, bargaining, asking God. On that night, God actually said something about my plan that I need to go back to Indonesia after I'm done with my school here. My heart was joyful and released coz I know what I'll do after August 2006.

80% going back to Indo - 20% finding a job in the United States

On March, then mom brought a question, asking if I want to work for a year in L.A. (my cousin actually asked my mom, if I want to do this). Then, I told mom about what I got when I prayed, but I said I would think about it.

Went for retreat, this burden became one of my biggest expectations. I did not really get an answer, but when I asked Pastor Chris Manusama and his wife to pray, they only gave this message, "your name, Debora, is defined from the Lord and God will grant you the wisdom to decide whatever best for your life." nah lo.....jadi bingung jelas begitu...intinya aku bakal punya wisdom buat decide the best thing for my future. Oh man....mayan susah....however, someone: you were right when you gave me a verse about the baby bird and that it may be my time to be more mature....God will not give me a direct and very clear answer, but He wants me to grow and understand His desire and then, I can decide what the best for my life.

I was confused and lil' bit worried about my plan....people keep asking me, while I keep saying, not sure for now. Anyhow, as I do really think about my plan, I said to God, if God does not say anything other than what I had last time -go back to Indonesia- then I'll go back on beginning of September. I have bargained up front with God to apply an OPT and get a job here or not apply for it and go back to Indonesia.

For now, I will go back to Indonesia, unless something comes up and God says that my project in the States in not done yet...

Last night, as I read, I thought about what God is going to do for Indonesia. If in fact I'm going back to Indonesia after August, then I'm thanking God for the privilege. This means that God actually wants me to take part in what He is ready to do for Indonesia. I'm ready for that. Can’t wait to see what God will do for Indonesia.

Before, I know God wants me to go back to Indonesia for a purpose, but now, I even see a greater purpose.

Back to Indo for many great purposes...there are great and mighty things that God wants me to work with Him when I'm back there.......

So, nothing to lose.......either place is long as I can be where my Master wants me to be.

No matter where my feet will long as my dear God is with long as He has a purpose for me to be in that place, I will surely obey and follow.

What my final decision would be??? I know it securely rest in the hand of my mighty God.

Jeremiah 29:11 (New King James Translation)

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Do you know what do you want to do with your future? It is never too late to ask God where He wants you to be and what He wants you to work as.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Tetangga oh Tetangga......

I left school at 5:15pm; it was so hot outside....I start feeling dizzy as I drove back home. I need to stop at Target to compare prices for some shopping items for my Marketing Strategy class.

Most stuffs in Target and Wal-Mart are only 1-2 cents different, some are the same. We have been thinking that Target is the most expensive supermarket and Wal-Mart is the cheapest. Indeed, our thinking is not right. I have done the comparison.

Still feel dizzy.....then I want to cook for my dinner, also cook for Vonny. I promised her that if I cook, I'm gonna give her some. She is very busy preparing for 3 exams and already keeps stock of instant noodle.

Realizing that I have a bouquet of cauliflower in my fridge that need to be cooked soon, I decided to cook spaghetti and Cap Jay. I finally cook a very big pan of Cap Jay, so I’ll be giving it to others also. *hope you guys like it*

I have boiled the spaghetti and cut all meat. However, I decided to cook for Cap Jay first. After I’m done with cooking Cap Jay, I washed the dishes and then started to put some olive oil on the pan. Then, I realized that I need to open the spaghetti sauce first……

Oh man……..I have tried so hard……my right hand was painful……still I could not open the sauce. Feel the pain until now >.<

I wish I have someone with me at that moment………

Tried to call Steph, but it went directly to his mailbox. I was thinking to delay cooking spaghetti until Steph or Gary came back.

I was thinking to know my neighbor, the one that lives across my apartment, but did not feel comfortable doing that.

I was finally went out of my apartment with the sauce on my right hand, and still in my cooking piyo-piyo dress…..then I heard someone locked an apartment down there and with FAITH, I decided to see who’s that……I saw this one man, whose garage just next to mine, so I approached him and asked if he can open my sauce. He finally knocked the bottom of the sauce and then opened it…….*learn new thing*…..

Thanks God for him ^^, otherwise, my spaghetti cooking would be delayed…….

Done with cooking for the day and ready to eat…….hopefully my dizziness would be gone as I finish eating…..

Gary and Steph, let me know how the Cap Jay is ^^

Baru kelar kelas Psychology, habis belajar tentang attraction ni....Tadi nonton short video about past studies ttg Look Vs. Attraction

Looks itu mempengaruhi the chance of getting a job
- di Videonya itu cewe ama cowo yang punya better looking, dapet kerjanya lebih gampang

Elementary students rated their prettier teacher as smarter
- padahal masih kecil lho.....research bilang kalo sejak umur 3 bulan, bayi udah bisa bedain gitu.. bayi ngeliat better looking person longer....

Court: Jurinya melihat dan menilai seseorang itu bersalah atau engga dari tampang.

Frustasi ga coba......ternyata nyadar atopun ga sadar disekeliling kita tuh pada punya "Beauty Bias" ato bisa juga disebut Physical Attractiveness Stereotype: Kalo orang itu good-looking pasti dalem-dalemnya baek juga gitu....ouch........sedih banget ga si.....kita pasti teriak-teriak kalo dunia ini emang ga adil, although pada kenyataannya emang seringkali begitu.

Good news is

1 Samuel 16:7 (New King James Version)

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

Dunia bole melihat rupa tapi bersyukurlah karena kita mempunyai Tuhan yang tidak memandang rupa, melainkan hati......kebayang ga kalo untuk dapet God's favor, blessing, love, peace, n joy, syaratnya: harus cantik dan ganteng! duh........bisa nangis-nangislah kita...emang cantik ama ganteng bisa bertahan seumur hidup gitu???!!!

Bersyukur banget kalo Tuhan tu Tuhan yang melihat hati dan Dia tidak pernah mendiskriminasikan kita atas dasar apapun. Tuhan terima kita apa adanya. Bahkan dulu ni pas kita mau jadi anak Tuhan, kita ga perlu apply and meet the requirements. Indeed, kalo Tuhan pasang requirements ni satupun dari kita bisa memenuhi kriteria-kriteria tersebut.

Bayangin kalo Tuhan bilang:
Dibuka pendaftaran jadi Anak Babe, syarat utama:
1. Tampang harus above average
2. Tinggi minimal....
3. Berat maximal...
4. GPA 3.0
5. dll....

"Karena Babenya ganteng bener, anak-anakNya juga harus ganteng n cantik"

Waduh......bisa gawat nasib-nasib kita......karena itu bersyukurlah kita n don't ever take the privilege to be God's sons and daughters for granted....

Hiduplah sebagaimana Tuhan kehendaki kita untuk hidup sebagai anak-anakNya!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Stepping into God's desire....


Doing something that God asked you to do, even you don't feel like doing it....even when it is hard...even when it won't make you happy for that moment....

Father, I thank you that you always remind me again and again...... Furthermore, I thank You for the strength and courage to obey Your command...for enabling me to say "YES"

I was amazed to know that You actually put same burden in the heart and mind...the same time... so that it just seems to conform Your will, Father.

I know that when I walk in obidience, giving a sacrifice, I'll experience all aspects of my relationship with You, my study, my relationship with others, my future, everything.....

Can't wait to see more.....

Expect BIG.....

When we really seek God, we will find Him for sure......

Hanging there.....

Cause I know, It's worth to wait.....

Obedience...........God values it more than Sacrifice......and He will be pleased....

Even today, You brought me to experince the WARMTH of your touch....

Lord, I'm wiling to lose it than not having you by my side....

"You are the one who gives, You have the right to take it back....if it's not pleasing Your heart"

Obeying you is what matters most for me......seeing each plan that You have for me to come to pass in my life.........

Putting a smile in Your face, hearing that You said, "I'm proud of You, my daughther" and be a woman after God's own heart.....

After all........

It is You, Father.........who knows the best for the daughter......and in Your hand, I surrender it to You.......


Here Am I......being ready to see, hear, taste, and experience.......

Thank You for the Gift, Father...

I was planning to share this last Tuesday but didn't have time....


It is worth to give your best for your study, God sees that and will count that...

All tear, dissapoinment, frustation, stressful life, struggle.........

God counts that!

A few months ago, I applied for scholarship just as last year....I just applied that because I got the application anyway, but not sure that I will get it because I only have this semester and one Summer left.

I sent the application and prayed to God about it.

Last Tuesday, when I went back home and checked my mailbox....I got a letter from Kelley... was surprised......

I got the scholarship! this time the amount is like six times what I got last year.....oh man... can't say heart was full of praise to God....He is awesome and you know what?? It can cover my ISLP programme to China coming up in June. Yippie.....thank you Lord!

Everything I got, I don't deserve it.....but my Lord grants me this big honor to taste His blessing and favor.........what a privilege to be a great God's daughter....

Can't say enough thank you....

All the glory and honor belong to you, my Lord! You deserve the highest praise from my mouth!

I still remember when I asked myself whether I will get the chance to get a scholarship as my brother, Ciwan. He got a scholarship from Purdue couple years fact, even my first scholarship amount was higher than his......God, You're awesome

I was asking that in my heart and indeed, You grant it, Lord!

If I can experience this, ask God for you to experience greater than what I have....
Love you Father...........


Friday, April 07, 2006

- Tripple D with Kue Sus - Posted by Picasa

- numpang nampang bentar - Posted by Picasa

- Grouse Mountain, January 2006 - Posted by Picasa

- Evelyn - Jefvlyn - Dolly - Debbie - Diani at Tropika, Vancouver Posted by Picasa

- yummy kue sus - Posted by Picasa

Diani - Debbie - Evelyn in black Posted by Picasa

Debbie - Dolly - Diani Posted by Picasa