Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I know You will always be right, Father....

Yang aku tau Bapa ga pernah salah menetapkan keputusan-keputusanNya dalam hidupku (mengutip kata-kata Pastor Chris)

Sore pas abis kelas di Business lab akhirnya melihat tayangan KKR Benny Hinn di website:
Liat: Monday 04/03/06 - Friday 04/07/06

Bagus banget deh...coba ga disekul pasti dah ikutan nyanyi ni......jadinya ikutan doa dalam hati. I was amazed to see how God worked so great over the healing service. Aku percaya gitu kalo this is just the beginning....God still have many great and mighty works soon to be done in our beloved country, Indonesia. "Sampai Indonesia dipenuhi kemuliaanMu Tuhan..."

Kemaren malam pas SaTe n baca catetan kotbah Benny Hinn yang diforward-in ma Helen (tengkiu len!) agak susah dimengerti si, kudu konsen ni. Yang mau email me ato Helen de, entar kita bisa forward-in.

As I read God's messages through Benny Hinn, aku reflect back gitu atas apa yang Tuhan mau aku kerjain as soon as aku graduate. Ceritanya kan dari Fall 2005, mulai bargain ama Tuhan. Ternyata bener lho, ga lulus minta cepet-cepet lulus, udah lulus bingung sendiri mau apa. As people started to ask, I began to pray for my future plan. December 2005 berakhir tanpa aku dapat apa-apa dari Tuhan mengenai plan ke depan. Tidak putus asa, bulan January makin kenceng ni doanya.....until one point of time, I was experience a big turbulence in my life. The problem brought me to a very serious and deep praying time. I was praying, bargaining, asking God. On that night, God actually said something about my plan that I need to go back to Indonesia after I'm done with my school here. My heart was joyful and released coz I know what I'll do after August 2006.

80% going back to Indo - 20% finding a job in the United States

On March, then mom brought a question, asking if I want to work for a year in L.A. (my cousin actually asked my mom, if I want to do this). Then, I told mom about what I got when I prayed, but I said I would think about it.

Went for retreat, this burden became one of my biggest expectations. I did not really get an answer, but when I asked Pastor Chris Manusama and his wife to pray, they only gave this message, "your name, Debora, is defined from the Lord and God will grant you the wisdom to decide whatever best for your life." nah lo.....jadi bingung jelas begitu...intinya aku bakal punya wisdom buat decide the best thing for my future. Oh man....mayan susah....however, someone: you were right when you gave me a verse about the baby bird and that it may be my time to be more mature....God will not give me a direct and very clear answer, but He wants me to grow and understand His desire and then, I can decide what the best for my life.

I was confused and lil' bit worried about my plan....people keep asking me, while I keep saying, not sure for now. Anyhow, as I do really think about my plan, I said to God, if God does not say anything other than what I had last time -go back to Indonesia- then I'll go back on beginning of September. I have bargained up front with God to apply an OPT and get a job here or not apply for it and go back to Indonesia.

For now, I will go back to Indonesia, unless something comes up and God says that my project in the States in not done yet...

Last night, as I read, I thought about what God is going to do for Indonesia. If in fact I'm going back to Indonesia after August, then I'm thanking God for the privilege. This means that God actually wants me to take part in what He is ready to do for Indonesia. I'm ready for that. Can’t wait to see what God will do for Indonesia.

Before, I know God wants me to go back to Indonesia for a purpose, but now, I even see a greater purpose.

Back to Indo for many great purposes...there are great and mighty things that God wants me to work with Him when I'm back there.......

So, nothing to lose.......either place is long as I can be where my Master wants me to be.

No matter where my feet will long as my dear God is with long as He has a purpose for me to be in that place, I will surely obey and follow.

What my final decision would be??? I know it securely rest in the hand of my mighty God.

Jeremiah 29:11 (New King James Translation)

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Do you know what do you want to do with your future? It is never too late to ask God where He wants you to be and what He wants you to work as.


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