Thursday, September 29, 2005

Just keep smiling....

Things I have to learn:

Melihat segala sesuatu dengan cara Kristus memandang.
Sabar menanti waktu Tuhan.
My old slogan: let it be, let it go, let it happen.

Kok lately ga bisa sebahagia dulu ya…kemana sukacita yang biasa mengalir dihatiku sepanjang waktu??? Hm…ga boleh terpengaruh oleh keadaan sekitar. Bukan situasi yang mendikte perasaan kita, tapi kita harus mendikte perasaan kita.

Barusan mamam bareng anak2 cowo yang abis maen badminton. Enak banget kalo lagi laper terus mamam. Tadi abis pulang sekolah jam 8-an, ke Marsh dulu kudu isi air, terus guess what?? Aku coba beli milk lagi hehehhe Vitamin D of course, ga ada low fat milk dalam kamus mei-mei so far. Terus beli hot chocolate punyanya swiss miss tapi yang rasa French vanilla. Inilah hidup di U.S., aku banyak mencoba n nekat memaksa buat berani mencoba something yang aku ga mau sebelonnya. Sekarang dah bisa minum Lo Han Ko, hot chocolate (kudu dicampur kopi tapinya)…..suggestinya ga sembuh-sembuh nih.. kalo liat milk dah ga pengen minum….harus belajar demi masa depan.

Senin besok ada 2 exam…basically next week is my exam week. Ayo lari-lari ama Tuhan. Grant me the strength and wisdom Lord! I want to lean on you. I know I can do it with You. Though my classes are heavy, I still want to be joyful in God.

Hun, seneng lho tadi denger gimana kamu ‘menebus’ our ‘daily special’ hehehhehe ga nyangka….keep growing deh hun!

I wonder how you are doing, but pray that everything is alright and nothing goes wrong. Take care!

Just keep smiling….just keep smiling…nemo…blup…blup

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Happy Birthday Sister Vonny....

September 29,2005:

HaPpY BiRThDaY to CaPLoG YoUnGesT SiSteR, VoNnY, the 4th daughter!

WiShInG YoU a WoNdErFuL NeW YeAr, WeLcOmE to ThE CLuB!

On YOuR S'pEcIaL DaY, I PrAy tHat:
  • YoU WiLL bE MoRE MaTuRE n' WiSeR iN BoTh dAiLy aNd SpIRitUaL LiFE.

  • GOD wiLL DrAw YoU cLoSer tO tHe WoNDeRfuL CaLLiNg He HaS SEt fOr YoU sInCe ThE BegInNinG.

  • ThErE WiLL bE mOrE oF GoD and LeSS Of yOu.

  • YoU Will SeE mORe of GoD's MiGHtY wOrk iN yOUr PeRsONaL LifE

HaPpY BiRtHdaY oNcE AgAiN to My SwEEt PoNChaY!

LoVE yoU, SiS..........

Bear with the molding process....

Lately there is something that makes me impatient. Something can easily burn my anger. Lord, I know I’m not supposed to have this feeling….Sometimes, it is just hard. Should I talk to that person? Well, I just don’t like the way that person talking to me. I know that I am a very gentle person in words, thus I can get easily hurt by someone’s words. My dad already warned me about this. The world out there is not just as nice as our surrounding. Specially, if you keep meeting those people who are like angels…..

Lord, this is probably the time when you want to shape my characters. If you could bear all the sufferings and harsh words that people said to you, help me to do so…Lord help me to bear with the molding process, so that you will find me as beautiful as you meant me to be.

Thanks to Prof. Brown. Today evening class was fun and quick…..Thank you Lord for putting me in that class. Though I have lots of things to do for the class, I enjoy taking this class ^.^

Now, I need to do my Chinese homework….hard but I know I can do it with God.

Philippians 4: 13
“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Ups...keasinan >.<

I spent the whole morning and afternoon studying for my chinese big quiz. was hard to write and memorize those chinese characters. I still remember when I was in elementary and junior high school, I learned about Javanese and those sanskrit was hard too....Need God's grace and wisdom to put all those chinese characters in my brain....I wish I have studied chinese when I was a lil' kid.

My Sociology professor handed in the paper. Thanks God for the grade. I know You will stay the same Lord...I know You will do the same with my other classes. Walking with God gives you the assurance that everything will be overcame, Amen!

I reached home ta 6:30pm and decided to do exercise like usual. I ran around the apartment area. It was cold. I think this is the time we say goodbye to Summer and welcome to Fall and after that, the cold Winter >.<

I cooked "dadar wortel", a recipe from Vonny. It was exciting since I haven't eaten this food since last Spring. I didn't like the part of 'memarut' wortel, but I had to....everything was good, until it was my dinner time. Oh was too salty >.<

Thanks to Shinta who called me and gave me some food. Very nice of you, ci! Sering-sering ya....Von, aku jadi pengen makan cap jay n pasta kamu tuh... yum yum kapan dibuatin? Aku rasa Care Group ga akan menolak kalo Vonny membawa something yum yum buat Jumat ini, bener ga guys??? Von, aku baca profile kamu hueheuheuhuehu eh btw, ada kemungkinan kado buat kamu kudu ditunda ni....we'll try to find the best ya...

Thank you for today, God! You are awesome....

Monday, September 26, 2005

A powerful song....

Pas Summer kemaren belajar lagu-lagu baru, salah satunya ini. Lirik lagu ini is really true gitu....

Kuperlu Yesus
By: Mira - Worship Generation -
kuperlu Yesus di hidupku
ku tak dapat hidup tanpa-Mu
kuingin bersama-Mu s'lalu
peganglah tanganku

sekalipun aku harus melewati maut
aku mampu bila Engkau s'lalu besertaku
ya Allah-ku jangan pernah Kau tinggalkan aku
kuperlu Kau dalam hidupku
I'm sure I will be able to walk through everything if I have Jesus with me. Her, don't can walk through these difficult times if you abide in Jesus. He will hold your hands and guide your path. My prayer will be with you and mom. He will always in control....He sees your tears, He hears your cry, He listens to your prayers, He knows everything.....Surrender all things to God.
Her, ini Tuhan kasih ayat buat Hery:
Matthew 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Ku perlu Yesus dihidupku....

Akhir-akhir ini aku ngerasa perlu banget berdiam diri dekat Bapa. Aku perlu Tuhan buat ngejalani kuliah, pelayanan, dll. I can’t imagine if I do not have my Father with me. God keeps putting in my heart that children of God should not be afraid with challenges. We have to face the challenges with the courage and strength that God gives us.

Tadi kelas M407 serem, professornya expect kita high gitu….400 level students kudu bisa gini gitu. Dia merasa banyak student yang unprepared for 400 level class. Aku mayan takut sih….dia tadi bahas masalah paper. Dia merasa ga puas…. Man… I was worried….oh well I have given my best for that. Tuhan, bantu mei-mei untuk ngeliat kelas ini dengan cara pandang yang berbeda. Aku bersyukur buat kelas ini, karena dalam kelemahanku, kuasa Tuhan nyata dan sempurna. Dalam ketidakbisaanku, aku bisa berdiri dan berkata, all things are possible with God. Kalo ada Tuhan, ga bole takut! Aku bisa dan berhasil karena Tuhan. I have an excellent God, so I’m the children of an excellent God.

Jadi inget Sabtu kemaren….pas nyanyi lagu terakhir:

Ku ditanganMu….
Ku dihatiMu…..
dipikiranMu, direncanaMu
tak pernah kusendiri…..
tak pernah ditinggalkan….

Pas lagi nyanyi, kerasa banget Tuhan gi peluk aku….bilang jangan kuatir anakku, kamu berada ditangan a mighty God. Amen….thank you, Lord. I shall not be worry, anxious, afraid of anything, because I am in the hand of a might God.

Lagi takut??? Kuatir???? Tergantung ditangan siapa kita berada…..

Hidup tanpa persoalan, bukanlah hidup yang komplit.
Hidup tanpa ombak, badai, hujan, bukanlah hidup…
Justru hidup jadi indah karena semua yang terjadi memberikan warna yang beraneka.

Saat ombak datang, saat badai menerpa, saat itu kita sadar akan keterbatasan kita sebagai seorang manusia biasa.

Lemah…tak berdaya….menghadapi warna-warni hidup ini…

Saat itu kita terbangun….dan menyadari kalo kita butuh sesuatu yang lebih tinggi, hebat, dasyat dari kita. Sesuatu yang kuat, kokoh, tak tergocangkan. Sesuatu yang akan tetap sama, tak berubah tuk selamanya…..

Ku perlu Yesus dalam hidupku.

How about you?

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Thank you Lord for the weekend...


Care Group was so fun and excited. Thanks God for answering our prayer. I’ve been praying to God for a breakthrough in the CG. I want us to experience more of God in the worship session. This Friday CG, I felt God’s presence among us. I felt joy in having fellowship with all bros and sis. I think we need to involve interaction between the preacher and the listener. Vonny was right, thanks Von!

Going to Purdue with PonChay…..we missed exit 175, so we took exit 178. It was funny hehehehe ^.^ We had sharing in Diani’s room….until it was 3am…oh no… must sleep!


I woke up in the morning for the intercessory meeting. It was good, God reminded me about few things that I’d better do. Thank you Lord!

I met Anthony, my friend from Iowa. They joined for the Purdue Cup. On the evening, DVD made nutrigell….it was not sweet enough, but the makers are sweet already hueheue. Right or not hun??? Then we went to Applebees for our dinner. It was fun to dine there, we order take two, appertizer sampler, and of course, a dessert yum yum.
We continued to Border. We spent 1.5 hours studying there. It was nice to study with my sistas.

We had a quality time at nite. Reading the bible and pray together….that’s what sisters for. We need to grow together….


We had leaders’ meeting at Panera Bread. Thanks to Sandy and Andrew for the bread. Prayer meeting was great; we watched a sermon from a preacher from India. He is great! I learnt a lot. It opened my eyes to things that I never know before.

Isaiah 40:31 (King James Version)
31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Four blessings if we wait upon the Lord:
1. Renewal of strength
2. Mount up like eagles
3. Run, but not be weary
4. Walk, but not faint

Lord, teach me to wait upon You, so that whatever I am doing, all will be the ones you want me to do.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

AnoThEr BeAuTiFuL SoNg.....

A very beautiful song, I cannot recall who gave me the file but I never heard this song seriously….when you listen and go through lyrics by lyrics, so beautiful. Wah wah jadi nemu beberapa lagu for my special day with my prince hehehhehe investasi mulai sekarang ni. Menabung lagu…..hun, kalo pas hari H, sang pangeran pake gitar ato keyboard nyanyiin ini sambil megang tangan kita bisa terharu biru hueheuheu duet nyanyi juga bagus sih….di lagu aslinya emang duet…. Gimana hun??? God hears my prayer, amen!

Artist: Newsong
Song: When God Made You

It's always been a mystery to me
How two hearts can come together
And love can last forever
But now that I have found you, I believe
That a miracle has come
When God sends the perfect one
Now gone are all my questions about why
And I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life

I wonder what God was thinking when He created you
I wonder if He knew everything I would need
Because He made all my dreams come true
When God made you, He must have been thinking about me

I promise that wherever you may go
Wherever life may lead you
With all my heart I'll be there too
From this moment I want you to know
I'll let nothing come between us
And I will love the ones you love
Now gone are all my question about why
And I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life

He made the sun, He made the moon
To harmonize in perfect tune
One cant move without the other
They just have to be together
And that is why I know its true
You’re for me and I’m for you
Cause my world just can't be right
Without you in my life

He must’ve heard every prayer I’ve been praying
Yes He knew everything I would need
When God made you...
When dreams come true...
When God made you...
He must’ve been thinking about me’

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

How deep God love is.....

Thanks God for today, specially the process of renewing my license plate. The BMV on the Speedway area is kind a scary….I felt so grateful that yesterday God put in my mind about proof of residency. I was thinking that I need to change my address, so I decided to bring one of my billing letters with me. I got everything the BMV person asked and they gave me the new plate. My plate numbers are pretty and easy for me to memorize. Dealing with BMV, changing your plane, etc will not happen if I’m not in here. I don’t think I will deal with these kinds of things in my country. A good experience….a time for learning. Parents send me here so that I can be an independent woman, and I have been learning for that since the day I came to the United States. Thanks mom, dad, bros!

I was reading John 13 and the stories there hit me:
God knows the sins we have committed and the ones we will yet commit. Still, He loves us. God knew about Judas and about Peter but He did not change the situation nor did he stop loving them. In the same way, Jesus knows exactly what you will do to hurt Him. Yet, He still loves you unconditionally and will forgive you whenever you ask for it. How we respond to God’s love?

Lord, teach me how to love you and others like the way you love me. I know it is not easy. Becoming a leader is not easy….there are times that you keep praying for others, taking care of people, assisting others, but you feel like no one do the same to you. That is when love will speak and take place….

Thanks for your great love, Father. I know that I should not take granted for that.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Hello Monday...

God cares about everything, even for my parking spot. It is hard to find a parking spot in Monday morning. Dunno why this morning the parking lot seems fuller than usual. I turned around for twice today. While finding the parking spot, I prayed and asked God for that….and I finally found it. I was on the line when I saw a person walked to his car. Thanks God for that.

Classes went well. I had one group meeting day and an appointment with the writing center. My late class finished early, but I attended the meeting for the school organization. I thought there will be ‘gift’ like stated in the email, but Vonny and I got nothing. Well, at least we attended once. It is an obligation for all school organizations to attend the meeting.

I called my home back there in Indo, tried to talk with mom. She was already in the office. Actually I wanted to talk to my handsome brotha, Andre. He has his b-day today.

Happy B-day my dear brother, Andre! On your birthday, I pray that you will grow more mature and wiser in God. May God direct you closer to His beautiful calling. Wishing you all the best in everything that you do. Take a good care my bro! God bless your new year.

For my cousin, Ing-Ing and Martin: Happy wedding day…sorry that I’m unable to attend your wedding party L though I want to do so. May God bless your marriage!

I’m sleepy now, better get some sleep. Tomorrow, I need to go to the BMV to renew my license plate. Lord, please make the process smooth and I can renew the place on the same day. I need to change my address. The address stated on the title was my brother’s willowbrook address. Hope that there will be no problem. Help me Lord!

Gut nite and God bless you all………

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Rio, Sigit, Iechun, Nani, Diani, Debbie Posted by Picasa

Erlin, Fenny, Me, Diani Posted by Picasa

Thanks to Wil Mil for the pics ^.^ Posted by Picasa

Singaporean Food Festival -Me and Hunny- Posted by Picasa

Some of my master piece shape fried banana (dari kecil demen liat bentuk ini deh) Posted by Picasa

Lagi buat fried banana bareng Wil and Jen -March 27,2004- Posted by Picasa

About my weekend....

I have a fun weekend this week…On Friday morning, I woke up and called my bro, Ciwan in Indo then went to school with Vonny for a while. Then we proceeded with going to Circle Center Mall, we need to buy presents for CaPLoG’s members whose b-day are on August-October.

We spent five hours in Mall hueheuheue….we tried to find presents for our bros and sis, but when we stopped by in a shop, we also looked things for ourselves. But it was fun, don’t you think so Von??? Jadi deh belanjaaaaaaaaaaaa saya dan vonny. Fun banget, dasar cewe emang demen barang yang disale, abis membawa kepuasan tersendiri deh. Seneng banget dapet baju2, ada beberapa yang kembar ama vonny hhahahaha… bisa buat acara kita entar. Ama Vonny kayaknya dah ada beberapa baju kembar deh, tapi selama ini belon pernah terjadi kebetulan dalam memakai baju yang sama.

Ketemu Caroline diMall, dia kerja di counter accessories rambut, tambah cakep aja nih dia. Become so feminine nowadays….Von, sekali2 kita kudu begitu kali ya, ga cuman Sabtu doank hehehehehhe….ga tau kenapa ya…kalo di Indo dandan lebih semangat daripada disini, apa karena di Indo ga kuliah gitu kali….not sure. Cuman kalo dah lulus gini, terus kerja kudu manis2 tampangnya. Ketemu pelangan ga bole dikasih tampang lecek kali ya hehehehhe….we’ll see how this little princess looks next year.

Abis dari mall, Vonny ama aku buka puasa dulu di King Wok…yum yum…date yang special ya von hehehhehe. Terus aku masak buat CG. Pas masak…oh no…baru sadar ga beli sweet condensed milk buat chicken mayo…finally cuman jadi fried chicken strip. Untung rasanya mayan. Pas masak susah banget coba, tepung kan bisa ikutan berenang2 diwajan eh terus beberapa gosong, bunyi deh tuh fire alarm di apartment dua kali. Tiap kali bunyi, aku pasti bingung deh….langsung lompat2 ama bawa lap…inget2 kisah Norli hehehhee…..sebel banget bunyinyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa melengking gitu.

Jadi nih CG mulai telat, sorry banget pastur. Tapi since kita ga lama2 juga, jam 9:15pm dah kelar kok. Pulang bentar terus siap nyetir ke Lafayette, sendiri sih tapi kan ada Tuhan bersama gitu. Isi bensin dulu…dah mayan turun sih…jangan naek2 lagi please. Sampe di Lafayette laper huehuehuehue jadi beli apple piesnya McD dulu. Terus sampe rumah diani, eh masih laper, jadi deh dimasakin kuotiek ama hunny. Tengkiu banget hun!

Saturday Morning,

Woke up and picked Dolly up for the intercessory meeting, eit ada salah info si Iechunnya di gereja, jadi deh kita pindah dari apt abang ke gereja. Pertama dah takut telat jemput Dolly, thanks God nyampenya malah lebih pagi. Abis intercessor, kita continue with the church service.

Morning service beda deh kerasanya hehehe fresh from the bed kali heuheuhuehue kayak roti aja fresh from the oven. The service was awesome, since the first song, we can feel God’s presence. Basically this past week, God keeps reminding His people about vision. How we should make God as our vision….jadi visi kalian gimana??? Dah plan belon?

Abis pastur khotbah, kita nyanyi lagunya hillsong yang still…terus si hunny tiba2 doa buat aku hahahhaha such a great improvement hun! Terharu saya ….. bener2 gitu pas nyanyi lagu itu kerasa banget, Tuhan lagi deket ama aku….apapun yang terjadi dalam hidupku, kutahu kau tetap Allahku.

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father, You are king over the flood
I will be still and know You are God.

Yes, Father…I know that whatever is happening in my life, You always in control. My school, my ministry, my relationship with You and others, my life, my future are secure in Your hand.

Abis gereja kelar, kita sama-sama ke Singaporean Food Festival. Enak deh makan fried banana with ice cream and chocolate icing wah wah bisa jadi ide bagus buat our desert. Jadi inget masa-masa DJV buat fried banana n mei-mei yang demen banget bikin shape masterpiece hahahhaa…masih ada fotonya ni, bisa di upload deh.

Setelah itu some of us went to Indianapolis. We went to Circle Center Mall, Canal Walk and dinner in Ocean World. Such a fun Saturday heuheuheue cuman gat au kenapa tuh aku ama downtown masih ga familiar….sering ngeraba-raba jalan. Temenin sisters shopping hehehhe my hunny pasti puas buangetttttttttttt ya hun?????? Hahahahha lucu banget deh….Dinner was great….Erlin, Diani ama aku share gitu…kenyang deh.

Sunday Morning,

Karena saya dapet ijin buat skip leaders’ meeting, jadi aku ga balik Lafayette…..dah lama banget ga memulai hari Minggu dari my own bed hahahahha….bangun2 ada sms dari Sunie, wah wah mau dikasih masakan, senang sekaliiiiiiiiiiiiiii……..

Calling my mom….dia cerita kalo dia sempat lost di Bangkok….kecian deh mama…untung bisa ngomong. Thanks God for the protection upon my mom, kalo mama gue ilang di Bangkok n ga kecari, sedih donk…

Nanti sore Fenny mau nginep sini…dah lama ga ada roommate, jadi aneh kesannya. Eniwei, hope that we can get along well….make our days fun, Lord!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Allah turut bekerja untuk mendatangkan kebaikan...

Hello Diary,

Pagi ini bangun2 udah lembur mesti ngebut buat B2B paper, kamis sore ada janjian ama writing center soalnya. Pokoknya konsen ditaruh sepenuh2nya didepan computer. Sorry my handsome brotha, ga ada maksud menyinggung lho….macam mana bener2 sibuk sih kali ini.

Menulis….membaca….mencari info….akhirnya jam 1 ups….ga sempat mamam macam mana ini, akhirnya saya cuman berbekal satu buah pisang. Thanks God gat au knp semester ini jadi suka banget makan pisang tuh. Kalo di Indo, demennya cuman pisang goreng ato pisang yang dijual ditrawas ato tretes gitu, kesannya seger soalnya.

Tadi Siang dah ngobrol ama Jane Lambert. Thanks God….orangnya pengertian n baek, sama kayak Hery bilang. Tuhan yang buka jalan buat conversation kita, jadi berakhir dengan baek. Pengen juga sih jadi member of the student advisory boardnya Kelley School. Tapi susah juga…..fokus jadi kemana2….sekolah, pelayanan, juga ini… takutnya ga bisa cope n jadi exhausted. Sekarang jadi paham, kenapa si Jane kirimin aku email untuk jadi member of academic fairness board, ternyata dia dah nyangka kalo aku mayan sibuk n kayaknya kebentur time commitment. Everything happens for a reason. Thanks to whoever nominated me for this position, I think it may be Kim Donahue, the advisor for our ICB school organization who has nominated me. Jane told me that she wants to give the person who has been nominated by the faculty a chance to contribute. So here am I… ready to contribute….kan mau menngubah dunia katanya. Eniwei, aku batal bantu jane set up a meeting buat international informal hearing deh.

Kelas sociology….mayan seru…nonton 30 days show. Cerita ttg a couple of young people yang mutusin buat mencoba 30 hari hidup dari minimum wage. Ga tau kenapa tiba-tiba kepala pusing, jadi teringat yang liat 3D movie di Boston desember kemaren. Waduh kepala pusing n berat banget, perut mual2 kembung, mau mun2 lagi… udah pengen pulang aja….cuman kuat gak ya???? Dah pengen ijin….cuman ditahan….berdoa dalam hati…sampe finally baikan n bisa bertahan sampe kelas selesai. Abis kelar langsung ke fending machinenya IT building beli snack nyam nyam…mayan buat nganjel. Ga berani pulang soalnya masih ada kelas Chinese n appt ama writing center sih.

Kelas Chinese makin seru aja….soalnya belajar dialog2 waduh gurunya finally notice kalo aku punya kesulitan di pronounciation, beberapa pasti sama deh….cuman mereka ga take a step buat ngomong ke gurunya… Tuhan bantu mei2 ya…pengen banget bisa ngomong Chinese. Writing center dapet tutor seru juga. Telaten banget dia… diajarin ini itu basically orangnya care n fun banget. Thanks God for that. At least the paper was 80% done. Man….a rough and busy week….thanks God for the strength and wisdom to carry on.

Tadi ujan lho….thanks God dah siap2 payung didalam tas. Sepi lagi sekolah kalo dah kamis sore-malem begini. Si Vonny bakal nginep rumah, soalnya dia ganti karpet. Jadilah saya mau telpon dia, eh ga taunya sehati…ponchay juga nelpon. Begitu dari tempat parkir, masuk mobil…hujan makin deres….huaaaaaaaa… mayan serem. Terus berdoa minta perlindungan Tuhan n kalo bisa ujannya reda gitu….wah wah beneran lho. Prayer does work. Pas nyampe eagle creek hujan dah reda…..WOW… Tuhan kita Tuhan yang berkuasa atas langit dan bumi.

Sambil nunggu PonChay, aku telpon mentor aku tersayang di Indo, Ce Beth. Kita ngobrol banyak, encourage each other gitu….kangen deh….abis gitu siap2 ama ponchay mau dinner ama cowo2. Acara fellowship nih dah lama….sejujurnya mayan pangen maen badminton, cuman ga ada temen cewe. Ga comfie amd takut kalo maen ama cewe2 yang ga kenal, soalnya masih kelas teri ni. Wi, Fan, Pin, Steph, Va, By, Hun…maen bareng yuk! Pasti seru ama cewe2 hehehehehhehe jelas mei2 bisa ketawa ketiwi, kalo inget2 jaman summer kemaren huaaaaaaaa kayak jaman purba aja pasti kalo dishoot lucu bgt. Jadi kind a get idea about a video clip with someone special kali hahahahhaha muncul deh ide2 kreatip mei2.

Dinner bener2 fun….hahahahha….ttg si mul yang godain vonny heheheh waduh2 ada apa dibalik summer heuheuheu j/k. It’s so fun to be a single person, iya ga sih??? Bisa mingle ama guys tanpa takut ada yang marah ato cemburu…ya udah dinikmati aja kalo gi single yaaaaaaaaaaa…………entar ada saatnya udah ga bisa bercampur baur (inget ga sih kata babe Ruehyinn??) Be, Bunda, kalian pada kemana??? Dasar babe yaaaaaaa dipanggil2 di MSN kagak dijawab, macam mana???

Eh tadi on the way to Saigon, jalanan romantis bener bok…berembum…dibawah cahaya lampu kuning jalanan yang remang2 wow…kepikiran kalo buat video klip ato foto session buat ehem ehem….rahasia deh…gals, you know what I mean. Abis mandi, ngelarin paper2 yippi….makasih Tuhan 2 paper mayan kelar. Besok tinggal ngelarin tugas2, cope with school stuffs.

Now it’s the time for the Little Princess to sleep….time is up dear! Gut nite all…. Sweet dream. God bless!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

^ Hepi Anniversary Mommy and Daddy ^

Hi Wednesday,

Today I woke up at 6 in the morning, it was still dark outside. Sometimes I probably need to open my balcony window and just enjoy the morning view. I was so sleepy last night that I decided to sleep early and study the next day. Thanks God for waking me up at 6am.

Happy B-day to our fairy god mother, Sunie Rahardja. May God bless your birthday. Doanya dah di send lewat sms kan cik….hehehehe….Tadi si mama sms, tumben coba.. ternyata today is my parents’ 25th anniversary….orang2 di Indo suka bilang perkawinan perak…coba aku ada di Indo, bisa syukuran deh kita…make a romantic nite for both of them with candles, flower, romantic song hehehhe save it for next year kali ya. Thanks God for their 25th wedding anniversary. Thanks for all the things You have done to them. Pray that in the New Year, God will guide them to be a godly parents and wise spouse for each other. Love them….muach muach….

Hari exam ternyata cepet. First of all, thanks God akhirnya belajar selesai n ada waktu sisa buat mengulang, somehow before the exam, God granted with His peace. I felt ready for the test. I was done with the exam in 30 minutes….not sure about the score, but I have done my best and I know God will do the rest, Amen! Terus group meeting bentar… eniwei today ada 3 group meeting fuihhhh….God’s strength and wisdom fall upon me. Banyak banget group work, paper, exam, dll….i know I can do it with God.

Tadi first prayer meeting, we talked over the plans and structure. Berhubung kelas kelar cepet (exam+group meeting), jadi bisa pagian prayer meetingnya, yippi! Tuhan, kerjakanlah rencanaMu lebih lagi atas Care Group di Indianapolis. Tuhan yang memulai, biar Tuhan yang melanjutkan. Use us, Lord….this is our prayer.

Thanks God for Wednesday. For the strength and wisdom, also for the exam. Praise the Lord!

Cepet sembuh PonChay……God is the healer!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Lagi pura-pura kedinginan pas Winter..... Posted by Picasa

Debbie - Diani at Welcoming Service Fall 2005 Posted by Picasa

Deb-Evan (ketemu juga akhirnya auntie aku punya nephew ^-^) Posted by Picasa

CaPLoG's sistas Posted by Picasa

Dolly-Debbie-Diani-Vonny Posted by Picasa

Louis-Vonny-Sigit-Debbie-Iechun-Diani Posted by Picasa

Thank you Lord for everything...

Yesterday, I was so tired and my head was dizzy, so after went back from school and Kroger to fill my water, I directly took a shower. I think both of my body and mind were tired. I was doing a research for my B2B paper and also starting my sociology paper. It seems that I have so many papers to write….Help me, Lord! Give me ideas and wisdom. Oh well, I have decided to do things excellently. As long as I do my best, I know God will do the rest, Amen!

So this morning I woke up pretty early. The alarm rang at 6pm, but I decided to sleep until 7pm…thank you, Lord for a blessed night and a good rest. I opened the curtain at my living room and saw the morning view….it was just beautiful. Isn’t that our God great? A beautiful morning gives a sense of freshness in my heart….Tuhan ga pernah gagal membuatku kagum akan setiap ciptaanNya. Praise Him!

I called my mom this morning. Thanks to my handsome brother to remind me that mom will go to Bangkok until Saturday. Thanks God that I still have time to talk to her before she flies. Missing my mommy…… you mom! After went through a big storm in my life, I got closer with mom….I really enjoy to be with my mom, thanks God for that. Specially this Summer when I was in Indo….all those loving memories….unforgettable.. Thank you, Lord for giving such a wonderful and loving mother. No one will ever be able to replace her. Pray that God will bless my mom’s trip. Give her a safe and pleasant flight. I believe God will take care of mom when she is in Bangkok.

Abis gitu siap2 ke sekolah ni…soalnya ada appointment ama advisor. Yippie…praise God, I will apply for May graduation, though I’ll be finishing everything by August 2006, second summer. Thank you, Lord that I can finally graduate with double major in four years. It is unbelievable! If this happens, it just because of God’s grace and favor upon me. I have 20 credit hours that will not apply toward my degree. Tapi semua terjadi atas seijin Tuhan, 20 credit hours yang harus dibuang itu sudah membuat aku menjadi a better person. Jadi lebih pinter gitu lho sekarang….. hehehehhe….

Terus ketemu ama Prof Sociology aku….mayan serem sih….thanks God he was in the office, abis pintunya ditutup sih….ternyata masih ada another student didalem. Aku ketemu dia buat konseling ttg paper yang aku kerjain tadi pagi….ceritanya abis bangun tidur, doa bentar terus mulai deh…..naek jet coster buat paper…thanks God, dia bilang papernya okay, organized and bagus di comparison. Cuman ada sedikit masalah ama grammar heuheuheuheu….selama ini kelas writing tuh berhasil karena pertolongan Tuhan. Bener deh kata cece….dengan Inggris aku yang mayan pas2an….ga terbayangkan kalo nilai-nilai bisa indah begitu….tuh dia, coba ga ada Tuhan….pasti dah terkapar2.

Kelas Chinese makin seru hahahaha….di kelas sociology ketemu Ginny, temen se-international house dulu. Abis pulang, beli makanan bentar...males masak gitu, n masih ada kuah bakso yang aku masak minggu kemaren. Sampai rumah, taruh barang2 terus lari….kata hun2, mei2 selalu tampil prima heuheuheuheu ini supaya hidup sehat hun sekalian senengin hati papa. Thanks ya dah ditemenin lewat telpon hehehhehe abis olahraga, badan jadi seger lho. Tadi si hun2 jelasin kenapa kalo ga pemanasan, kita lari bisa gatal2 soalnya oksigennya jalan hahahhaha aku kira aku allergy hun. Abis didaerah kompleks banyak kotoran dari angsa2 tuh….kadang sambil lari, kecium bau2 aneh. Hun, angsa2 pada kuangen berat ama kamu, kapan kamu mengunjungi mereka???

Abis olahraga seperti biasa………saya laparrrrrrrrrrr hehehhehehe ^-^ jadilah saya makan sambil baca JawaPos online. Sekarang mau mandi terus belajar. Besok ada exam nih, doain ya!

God bless you all………..

For everything that God has done in me.....I would never be able to give enough thanks. Love you, Father!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

With All I Am -Hillsong United

Nyambung lagi....

This morning in the prayer meeting, Andrew led us to sing, Lord Overall... isinya be the reason I the my vision, be the air that i breath, the song that i sing, kind a in line with the song that I heard when I was in Indo....

With All I Am
Hillsong United
Into Your hand, I commit again
With all I am for You Lord
You hold my world in the palm of Your hand
and I'm Yours forever
Jesus I believe in You, Jesus I belong to You
You're the reason that I live, the reason that I sing
With all I am ...
I'll walk with You wherever You go
through tears and joy, I'll trust in You
And I will live in all of Your ways
and Your promises forever
I will worship, I will worship You forever
Yes Lord, I'll walk with You wherever You want me to go....through tears and joy, storm and rain, I will always trust in You.
"Untuk menghadapi dunia yang terus bergoncang, kita butuh sesuatu yang tidak tergoncangkan....when it is only God..."

A beautiful song from Bobby, 'isi hati'

Seharusnya Kudatang
Album : ”ISI HATI”

Seringkali kudatang Tuhan hanya karna sejuta keluhan
Seringkali kulupa Tuhan seharusnya kudatang
Dengan segenap rindu dari lubuk hatiku
Dengan hasrat yg tulus karna kucinta padaMu
Tak hanya memikirkan berkat yg Kauberikan
Sungguh hanya karnaku mengasihiMu Yesus

Seringkali aku berdoa hanya karna tak ingin dicela
Namun kini kusadar Tuhan seharusnya kudatang
Dengan segenap rindu dari lubuk hatiku
Dengan hasrat yg tulus karna kucinta padaMu
Tak hanya memikirkan berkat yg Kauberikan
Sungguh hanya karnaku mengasihiMu Yesus

When it is the time....

Dear diary,

On Friday evening, I went to Lafayette with Vonny. After dinner, I went to the music practice. It was fun time practicing, since it’s been a while I don’t play tambourine. I helped the decoration and food committees for welcoming service preparation. This is the nice thing about having many bros and sis who are willing to help you. Though we may have lots of things to do, it was a fun and wonderful time to be with your bros and sis.

Overall weekend was wonderful. Welcoming Service was great. I finally found my relative, Evan, in Purdue hehehhehe after a while….mom told me that I have one relative in Lafayette, but never know which one is that.

I’m wondering why my heart is not stable. I have to fight against the devil’s trick every Sunday. Oh no…Sunday becomes one of my heaviest day…..go back to Indy, my own apartment. Doing school stuffs…..finally here come the fear again….I don’t know why. Every time I see lots of things to be done, I feel sad….incapable….weak….alone... Help me Lord…..I’m badly need You in every second of my life. I can’t live without You. All those duties make me feel powerless....intimidated….afraid…..Tuhan bantu mei-mei to fix my eyes straight on You. It’s been almost a month for me being in U.S again, this semester I feel lebih berat dari sebelumnya…..I miss my spiritual mentor, wish you were here. I have to find a time to call you….I need to depend fully on God, not on human.

Tuhan aku ga tahu n ga ngerti….Tuhan lagi mau apa sama mei-mei. Tapi, aku mau Kau bentuk….buat aku setia…ajar aku bertahan Tuhan. Sampai kau dapati aku indah seperti yang Kau mau. Mungkin ini saatnya, Tuhan ajar mei-mei untuk jadi dewasa dan kuat dalam Tuhan….berakar kuat….tak tergoyahkan….Tuhan buat aku jadi a strong and mature woman of God. Hidup ini tiada arti….tanpa Tuhan sebagai penulis hidupku. Hidup bagaikan kertas kosong…..hampa tanpa sang penulis….namun saat penulis mulai menorehkan karyanya, saat itu….kertas kosong memiliki arti dan fungsi. Tuhan, aku tau ga selamanya aku dapet apa yang aku mau. Ga selamanya hidup indah dan tenang…. Namun aku tahu ga sedetikpun ‘kan Kau lepaskan tanganku, hidupku…. I know You are there….even right now, before I write….You hear my cries….You see my struggles… Tuhan, mampukan aku bertahan….hingga aku keluar menjadi seorang pemenang.

Bapa….aku sungguh bersyukur punya Engkau dalam hidupku. Disaat aku dalam situasi terdalampun….Engkau tahu segalanya….dan Engkau ada untukku. Thank you, Lord. Thanks for just being with me….Increase my faith….bring me to know you deeper. Even to taste Your wonderful love more than before. Tuhan, mei-mei pengen ngerasain Engkau lebih dari sebelumnya….mendapati banyak hal yang aku ga pernah pikir, bayangkan, ato rencanakan…

Nyadar ga sih….kayaknya akhir-akhir ini Tuhan lagi berbicara ama semua, kalo kita tuh ga ada apa-apanya tanpa Tuhan….kita ga bisa apa-apa tanpa Dia dan sungguh…. Kita cuman bisa bersandar sepenuhnya pada Tuhan, menyerahkan semua yang ada dan mempercayai kalau Tuhan adalah Allah yang setia….yang akan mengerjakan segalanya dan membuat segala sesuatu menjadi indah dan baik buat kita.

Bentuk dan jadikanku indah dihadapanMu Tuhan….dan aku akan terus berlari… berusaha menanggalkan segala beban…..hingga kudapati Engkau……Amen!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

About Thursday...

Tadi dah quiz beneran lho, thanks God ga semengerikan yang aku bayangin, though ga tau bakal dapet berapa. Eniwei, lao shi kasih kesempatan buat replace nilai quiz itu kalo dapet jelek….replacenya sampe kita puas lagi…wah wah…it is so nice when you live in God’s favor. Makanya tiap pagi buka mata, minta God’s favor upon me for the whole day.

Pulang-pulang, kepikir mau jogging…inget-inget pesen papa, “Mei, harus olahraga lho ya biar sehat. Ga bole sekali doank olahraganya…” huehuehue kalo di Indo bakal sering denger papa bilang gitu deh…sampai-sampai pas bercanda ama cece Beth, papa aku suruh cari menantu atlit olahraga aja. Abis susah ni…kayaknya my ‘future prince’ harus bisa olahraga kali ya. Maen badminton ama papa, ama aku juga, though aku baru kelas teri di maen badminton. Wi…mana pertanggungjawaban anda coba? Sorry pin, belon sempat badminton lagi ma kamu, next time kalo ce Deb pulang, kita maen deh. Fan, thanks ya selama summer di Indo dah ditemenin maen badminton. Kangen juga saya sama kalian akhirnya…..ama dede angkat aku, Devita. Kabarnya gimana ya?? Jangan diambil lho, Fan!

Terus btw, future prince kudu bisa basket kali…biar bisa maen ama koko n papa, ato bisa renang ama ciwan heuheuheuheu asal jangan maen tambourine ama mei-mei deh. Entar susah bedain mana mei-mei mana pangeran heuheuheuhue bisa aja. Hun, gimana tuh?? Kriteria tambah banyak aja, tentunya bisa maen gitar ato maen keyboard ga bole dilupakan. Kalo bisa nyanyi, tambah plus tuh or at least nice to be heard kali ya… kan pengen entar di special day dinyanyiin wow…..waduh waduh kok mei-mei jadi bikin princess story sih…

Eniwei tadi abis jogging laper…ini program menyehatkan badan juga kudu menaikkan berat badan. Tadi dah timbang, berat aku dah mayan balik. Cuman ditarget ah, by the time aku lulus mei depan, pengennya nambah 2 kilo lagi. I want a bit of chubby cheeks must be so cute….don’t you think so? Jadilah saya goreng dumpling nyam nyam… terus ‘kora-kora’. Taukah anda semua apa itu kora-kora? Wash the dishes gitu…

Setelah itu saya laundry baju. Someone telpon tuh, cuman aku pas angkat baju2 ke mesin cuci, jadi miss call deh. Sorry…eniwei aku dah bales message yang difriendster kok. Sekarang mau taruh di dryer terus hmmm mandi terus dinner kali ya…dumplingnya kan cuman appertizer. Abis gitu, mesti konsen buat paper…huaaaaaaa banyak tugas. But, I know I can do it excellently with God. Amen!!

Allah sumber hikmat, tempatku bergantung. Thank you for the joy, Father! Hun… tadi ga nemenin aku jogging ya….aku denda yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa n’tar weekend aku harus dikasih something huehueheuheu (dessert is acceptable, of course ^-^)

Chinese oh Chinese

Gut Morning Thursday,

Lagi belajar n ngerjain pr chinese....susahnya....Tuhan bukain telinga mei-mei donk, biar sensi dikit. Ampun deh...mei ga bisa bedain 4 tone chinese, mana ni cd cepet banget....hiks hiks...entar siang bakal ada quiz, macam mana ni. I badly need God's grace....

Ciwan....I need you to be here, biar ada yang ngajarin gitu. Tapi kira" koko sendiri mayan sabar ga ya.... i wish i can have one private teacher here... ko...kenapa ini susah sekali....huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....

God please give me wisdom and understanding for my classes. Also, the spirit of excellency. I will give my best, believing that God will do the rest, Amen!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Retreat oh Retreat....

Dear diary,

Although the retreat took only for one day, it was great and awesome. The message preached by Pastor Paul Tan was powerful. What I got personally from this retreat is that once I answer God’s calling and do whatever He asks me, He will walk beside me day by day. His faithfulness will never fail.

I was so surprised when Pastor Paul Tan talked about changing the nation, and that we are so precious in God’s eyes. All of those conform to what God put in my heart for the Saturday service. Church of God now is the time for us to rise up. We must make an impact in the nations. Change the nations and bring them for God.

Pastor Paul Tan talked specifically on what we should do if we want to meet and experience God in our daily life. We have to be the true worshipers. God is seeking the true worshipers now. Then, we have to be the people who stand in the gap, this is talking about intercessor. How we pray for others, stand in the gap between people and God. Lastly, we must be the soul winners. God is a God who conform things that He wants us to do. He never let us walk in doubt, He will make things clear.

I was so amazed on how God touches my hunny. Hun, don’t forget to ask God to reveal Himself to you. I’ll support you in prayer, dear! Keep seeking God until you know exactly who He is. Don’t worry about things that are beyond your capability as human being, but give your burdens to God. He is able to do anything, even beyond our thinking. Love you, hun!

Diani, Vonny and I was in one car with Pastur, Ci Lydia, Sandy, and Jefvlyn. It was fun since we keep teasing on each other. We had our dinner at Applebee’s when we arrived nearby the retreat area. It was so funny when Diani was bugging Iechun to get a blue ballon. He did it! So gentle hehhehehe….

Thanks to Steph and Will for helping me move things out. My apartment is back like before, but it is neater. The cleaning is okay, though some stains were still there. Thanks God for my home sweet home.

Today, I was so blessed by what God has done. First, my sociology professor approved my topic for the reaction paper. Second, my classmate, Tron, gave me a copy of the cds and the textbook file. Thanks God that You answer my prayers. Now, I still need to wait for my Chinese textbooks and two sociology textbooks. Make them arrive faster, Lord.

Tonight, I cooked “baikut sayur asin” huaaaaaaa so nyam nyam. By the way, I meet Mimi and her sisters on the retreat. Wow, Mimi becomes more pretty and feminine.

Gut nite all....have a blessed night. I surrender my school into God's hand. If He allows me to take this many classes, I know He will work mightily, Amen!

"Dalam segala perkara, rancanganMu sempurna. Masa depan yang penuh dengan harapan....itulah yang Kau sediakan bagiku, Amen"

Weekend part 2

Hi Diary,

Saturday service was awesome for me. Once again God showed me that He will never let me walk alone. He shared His heart to His children, so if you want to know what is in God’s heart, don’t hesitate to ask Him. These are the verses that God gives to me when I was preparing for the Praise and Worship. Thank you, Lord. You are awesome. I know You will always guide me….

Isaiah 43
4) Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life.

7) everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made."

Isaiah 49
5) And now the LORD says— he who formed me in the womb to be his servant to bring Jacob back to him and gather Israel to himself, for I am honored in the eyes of the LORD and my God has been my strength-
6) he says: "It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth."

Basically we are all created by God for a beautiful purpose and we are here to fulfill that purpose. No matters how you look like, what you did on the past….God still loves you the same. For we are so precious in His eyes, now and forever God will always love us the same. Thank you Father! We are here to change the nation for God. Touching the heaven, changing the earth together….

We learnt a beautiful song, sang by Bobby, taken from the album “Isi Hati”

Kita Semua (Manusia)
Setiap kita diciptakan untuk sebuah rencana yang termulia

Bahkan sebelum lahir ke dunia Dia telah mengenal kita
Kita diciptakan tuk kemuliaanNya
Tinggikan namaNya
Kita semua dijadikanNya indah
Termulia dan seturut gambarNya
Kita manusia sungguh berharga di mataNya (bagi Dia)

After service, DVD and three musketeers went for a fun and wonderful dinner at Kokoro. Though we had to wait for about 30 minutes before getting our table and another 45 minutes for the food, I’m grateful for that beautiful night. What most important is the togetherness…..the fun and laughter that we share….thank you guys! Then, we went to snow bear to eat ice cream yummy…..was happy for that. Thank you Lord!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Weekend Part 1


I finished cleaning up my apartment on Thursday with Budi and Hery, thanks to both of them. It was fast enough and Hery did a very good job in putting all my stuffs together in the kitchen. I was so hungry after all, but Budi and Hery wanted to play Badminton. So I tried to ask other sisters, but they can’t. I almost decided to eat by myself, when Budi suddenly called and said that he can go for dinner with me….yippie….thanks Bud!

We ate at King Wok and it was a fun dinner. I have been known Budi since the time he came to Lafayette. He joined my car on our trip from Chicago to West Lafayette. He is a fun and interesting person, easy to talk with. After that, I was waiting for Vonny in Shinta and Selly’s apartment. We were having fun chatting.

I slept at Vonny’s house. Thanks for the hospitality, Von! We had care group on Friday. We were having potluck in Steph and Wil’s apartment. The foods were so delicious. I helped Vonny cooking the pasta, it was cheesy and yummy. Wil cooked pork ribs (so delicious ^.^. Our sista Helen cooked a creative main dish, chicken and beef, Steph cooked chicken, which also very yummy…it was a nice and fun potluck. Then, Vonny, Helen and I went to Purdue, Lafayette.

We reached there at 10pm. Thanks God for the safe trip. I was kind a worried at first, because I didn’t drive on the highway for a while. The trip seemed fast, since I was having conversation with Vonny all the way. We decided to stop by in Sigit’s house. We want to check my hunny and frenz cooking for Global Fest. They were making ‘martabak manis’, what we called terang bulan in Surabaya.

On Saturday, I woke up in the morning and went for the intercessory meeting. This is my first intercessory meeting since I went back to Indo the whole Summer. It was good time to seek His face in the morning. I went for music practice in the afternoon. Thanks God for giving me the verses and songs.

I’m quite sleepy and tired now, I’ll continue with the story about Saturday service and the retreat soon.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hello Thursday....


This morning I woke and called my parents. I switch the day to call home because my parents are going out of the town until Monday. I'm also going to Lafayette this weekend and then continue with leaders' retreat on Sunday and Monday.

I love Thursday...hehehhe...only get two classes with a good schedule and then weekend time. This evening, I need to move some things around because tomorrow morning there will be people coming to clean the carpet. I asked them to change, but I don't know....I'll see how things go. Hope by just cleaning the carpet, the carpet would be so much better and cleaner. I wish they could give me an apartment with a new carpet when I entered the apt last year, oh well... They'd better clean the carpet well.

Thanks for Budi and Hery for their willingness to help me. Steph, I will still need your help for Friday. I need to get things back in their place.....such a busy Thursday and Friday hehehhe....thanks God that we are sisters in Indianapolis have all these nice brothers.....can't image if I don't even have one brother here that could help me moving heavy things. Thank you, Lord! Thank you bros!

I may be staying in Vonny's house for tonight and tomorrow. Thanks Von! Time to preparing myself to go to school now.....I will sell my other textbook today hehehe textbook selling time is Thursday. Thanks Lord for the buyer.

New strength and new joy rest in my heart. God will enable me to do things well today, Amen!

God bless you all, friends.............. ^.^