Monday, July 24, 2006

- An article about my name, Deborah -

Hi...mei ini ada article bagus abt yr name...I got it frm
the will blessed u

Thank you, Ci Tan Fie!


Deborah lived during a time when the Israelites were
oppressed by the Canaanites. Just a generation
earlier, the Israelites had defeated Canaan, but time
passed, and the people of God grew complacent.
Despite God's warning to remain pure, the Israelites
intermarried with their enemies and started
worshiping their gods. And the Canaanites, under the
rule of Jabin, had grown powerful and cruel.

It is into this setting that God appointed Deborah, a
prophetess, to be a judge. The position of judge was
the most powerful position at that time in the nation of
Israel. Although she wasn't the military leader, she
was the spiritual leader. This was a powerful position
for any person, but for a woman it was extraordinary.

As a prophetess and a judge, Deborah received
divine knowledge by the Spirit and was accustomed
to interpreting God's will. In addition to that, God
chose Deborah to be the rallying point for an entire
nation against their oppressor - the Canaanites. But
Israel was like a confused group of kids compared to
the might of the Canaanite army.

In the midst of these odds, Deborah heard God's
voice and spoke it. She sent for the leader of the
military and told him to gather 10,000 men and go to
the Kishon River, where the Lord would give Israel
success over their enemies.

I'm sure if Deborah looked at the rag-tag group of
Israelites with her own eyes, she might have
considered God's words to be impossible. How could
this group of downtrodden and overwhelmed people
rally and oppose an army the size and might of
Jabin's army?

Have you ever felt that way? Perhaps it's with your
responsibilities at work or at home. Maybe you've
been living in a difficult situation for a while and you
are losing hope. Perhaps you look at the world
around us and you feel the overwhelming oppression
of sin.

Many people give up beleiving God's truth in the face
of the overwhelming odds. They start walking by
sight and not by faith.

It's easy to see that people are compromising the
Word of God at an alarming rate - just like the
Israelites did 1000s of years ago. Christians step
willingly away from God's directive and feel justified
doing so because it's acceptable in the culture, or

But God's truth and character has not changed. He
still calls us to obey Him when it doesn't make
sense. He calls us to keep our eyes focused on Him,
instead of looking to the left and right.

Deborah trusted that God would do what He said.
And God proved Himself faithful. When the Israelites
obeyed, God routed the enemy and brought victory
and freedom to His people.

You and I can trust God too. God is still looking for
women to stand up for His truth in spite of
overwhelming odds. Look what happened when
Deborah did. Her family and her nation were freed
from oppression. What might God want to do when
you walk by faith and not by sight?


I thank Grandma from giving me a divine name, Deborah. I believed she did not choose this name out of fun or because it sounds nice. Indeed, I do believe that she got it from God, since she was an intercessor.

Want to fulfill every single plan God has for my life....

Friday, July 21, 2006


Bapa satu hal yang kupinta
Buatku indah dimataMu
Bapa satu hal yang kurindu
Selalu senangkan hatiMu

S'bab inilah yang kurindu
S'bab inilah yang kupinta
Menjadi anakMu
MemanggilMu Bapa
Biar hidupku berkenan dihadapanMu


Yesus tiada yang seperti Kau
Yang t'lah ubahkan hidup
Menjadi baru

Yesus kasihmu tak berbatas
Kau t'lah pulihkan hidup
dan bebaskanku

S'karang ku mau bersorak
Atas perbuatan tanganMu
S'karang ku memujiMu
Buat pemulihan dihidupku


Jesus, You are my savior
No one else could change
and renew me

Jesus, You are my healer
You make beauty of ashes
for me

You have turned my mourning into joy
You have clothed me with a new garment
Now, I'm living for you
And I delight in you

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Jempol oh Jempol thayank...

Update ni...akhirnya sodara-sodari setelah melalui 3 hari yang menguras air mata dan 1 hari yang membaik, akhirnya jempol saya sudah tidak segendut dan sesakit kemaren-kemaren....*pause* tersenyum lega, terima kasih Tuhan! You are my healer....tengkiu juga buat yang udah ngedoain!

Tadi abis dari dokter neh....dah lumayan ngeri, pertama dah pengen batal aja since kemaren dah membaik n hari ini dah lebih baik *hari esok selalu lebih baik --> benar sekali untuk kisah jempolku yang ndut n ndek sementara (gendut n pendek maksudnya, jangan ketawa lo hun, gue getok entar). Terus ni...dah tegang o....gimana kalo ama dokternya dicabut ni kuku yang sudah menempel 21 taon *hiperbola* hahahha iya o dah menempel erat ni...soalnya kemaren temen ada yg cerita, sisternya dulu jentik kakinya tuh ditarik paksa kukunya tanpa dibius, kejem si dengernya ouch....udah-udah masalah jempol jentik ternyata bisa mengerikan juga. Anyhow akhirnya dianterin ama mas gary hahahahha ke Student Health Center. Si Enteph ama Gary dah tega gitu...nyuruh aku pasrah aja n bertahan kalo emang harus dicepot. Kukuku manis kukuku sayang, udah berubah warna sekarang....tapi akan kupertahankan....aiz...

Di dokter ni dah tegang kan, terus nanya suster yang bagian pemeriksaan awal, ga bakal ditarik kan kukunya....dia bilang ma engga o....keliatannya ga perlu neh...sambil berdebar-debar menunggu dokter Lee namanya. Terus dia suruh aku tumpangin telapakku diatas kaki dia. Dia liat-liat sambil bilang kalo aku pegang, pasti kamu langsung loncat....iyalahhhhhhhh bisa teriak-teriak entar ne......terus dia pegang pelan-pelan *menahan dan bersiap-siap kalo butuh teriak* hahahha terus akhirnya dia mau pegang daerah ujung...oh no...dah makin deg-deg an, dia maksa mau cek...pasrahlah saya....terus ni ya...dia cari benda kecil buat pegang gitu...akhirnya pake bolpen gitu...buat ngetes itu kedalaman kukunya (masuk seberapa gitu). Akhirnya dia bilang kayaknya ini ada infeksi jadi kamu perlu minum antibiotik. Terus biarin aja kukunya gitu....harusnya ga bakal cepot kok....*lega*...terus dia cek dataku, n bilang wah kamu anak business pantes tau harus pake betadine ne....belon tau diaaaaaaaaaa......special thanks to my mom n dad gitu...papa yang suruh ni...tahan ya me....pake air yang panas sekali...kamu rendam...terus kamu keringin n kasih betadine....dokter bilang itu bagus buat mencegah infeksi.

Begitulah kisah jempol o jempol....terus perlu didoakan sampe infeksi ilang n merah-merah juga ilang....bengkaknya juga ilang....sementara kakiku akan berjepitan terus ne sanda jepit maksudnya hahahha kebayang ga interview pake sandal jepit huaehuaheuahe =p thanks God juga ya udah ga perlu perang ama bebek ganas kebayang ni...kalo jalan dah susah masih kudu perang ma tu bebek....bisa jadi gusar bener ne....enihow, praise God karena jempol udah membaik.....menunggu jempol kembali menjadi kurus dan langsing, dan bisa bersandal ato sepatu lagi.

Terima kasih untuk para tetangga saya yang senantiasa mengulurkan tangan, terutama Ger ger ger ge gerrrrrrrrrrrrrry haahahaha budi baik anda tak terlupakan, ga perlu kirim "budi" juga kesini ger hehehe =P apa cobaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......................

-- Jempollllllllllll oh Jempolllllll kaki kirikuuuuuuuuuu....ada ga lagu anak-anak yang pake jempol-jempol...ada deh kayaknya --

Monday, July 17, 2006

Need your prayer...

Back at home sweet home yesterday. After went for 2 days Summer Camp, you can feel that your apartment, bedroom, bathroom is the best ^^

I need your prayer....basically I was playing the "benteng-bentengan" game at Summer Camp with my Yellow team. I was running to chase someone and when I was back to my castle, I felt that my big toe was hurt. I checked it and found that the color of my nail is a bit purplelish =( then it was getting worse that I could not barely the evening it was getting more and more painful.

On Sunday, I felt more pain in my big toe. After I reached home in the evening, I could not barely walk =( it was getting worse. Thanks to Gary for cooking the dinner for me. I was touched! Thank you bro for everything. At night, my big toe was worse, it was so painful that I cried. I missed my mom and my dad =( you were rite, hun!

This morning when I woke up, I felt better. Gary took me to school, thanks bro! Praise the Lord that He heard my prayer. I did not fell pain at all. I could stay until the end of the class and even went to the computer lab to print stuffs. But then after went to Kroger and Marsh for short grocery, I started to feel the pain again. I guess I was not supposed to stand too long and walk too much. It is still painful now...please help me in your prayer. I don't want to see doctor and have him or her pull my nail oh no....will cry if that happens =( and of course, I will badly need my mom with me. Dad said that I need to put my toe on the hot water and let the blood flow. My big toe is now red, hard, and "bengkak." I think the nail pushes inside (the central), not like ingrown nail. Wish that I will feel better tomorrow with less or no pain at all.

Gary brought gauze pads for me, but they turn out to be bigger than my big toe. After putting the pad, it was more painful. I decided to take it off.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Thanks God

This morning I woke up and found out that my home phone had a problem. There was no dial tone. I hate this....this is like the second time it happened and I may get charge if they find that the problem was my mistake. Hmm...isn't that strange? You do not do anything and your phone went wrong and you need to pay the charge. Keep praying and wishing in my heart....

I reported it online through the website and received a confirmation telling that they will send someone later at 7 pm, which means I have to wait for 6 hours. Finally Gary came and brought his phone, it turned out that there was no problem with the telephone itself. Decided to eat BW3 with gary. We were in the parking lot when the guy called me saying that he will go to my apartment in 5-10 we decided to go back home first. Thanks Ger!

Finally the guy came and check the line, I guess there was nothing wrong with the phone line in my apartment. He went outside for couple minutes when he finally came back and said that he took care of it. The problem was with the main box (don't really understand). In conclusion, my phone dial tone is back and I did not need to pay for anything. Thanks God!

Just finished SaTe and guess what I found! God does answer your prayer. He knows your doubts, your thoughts, everything about you. He cares about it and He will never let you stuck with it. He will answer in His time. Thank you, Father =) He just answered mine!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Tak dibiarkanNya...

Saturday was the first time I ministered as WL after 2 months holiday yey....excited...there was a joy to ministering to God and others. God has done a miracle last Saturday. I was practising with the great music team ^^ (didoakan menjadi better n better) and when it came to the last song, we tried the high key and I sang with all my power....guess what?? I suddenly lost my voice and it became a sexy voice was scary because I have not even started ministering was just the I let the guys help me finishing the song. I went back home to prepare my self and drank some hot water....but my voice did not come back....was confused =( already said to Daniel to prepare himself *just in case*

I went to the pre-service and said to God, "whatever happen, whether I have my voice or not, I will still praise and worship you!" then the time came....when I gave opening words, I still could hear my sexy voice...but miracle started to take place as I began to sing the first voice came back.....I could sing as usual....God is really amazing...just as the song I sang.. I felt the joy of the Lord as I praise Him.

Gary and Jessie came *wow* so hepi to see you two ^^ of course, other bros and sis in LCBC were happy to have you both, also Livita! Come more often ya....Gary and Jessie finally will go for Summer Camp yiippieeeeeeeeee..........waiting for Steph now ^^ please come and join us bro! It will be fun with your joining us!

So hepi to see God is doing different mighty works in my life...I was so confused and struggling over an issue, an important one...but He did not let me walk alone...He sent someone to help me and open my mind...thanks God for this person!

So how is everyone doing?

I think it will be fun if I have my beloved DVD Player for Summer Camp!

Monday, July 03, 2006

- the girls - Posted by Picasa

- Bagaikan kisah bawang merah dan bawang putih - Posted by Picasa

- July 2, 2006 - Posted by Picasa

- Diana, Dolly, Diani, Lisa, Debbie, Patty, Meggie - Posted by Picasa

- Together we will always walk as sisters - Posted by Picasa

- Picnic bersama di Cascade Park, Bloomington - Posted by Picasa

.: LCBC sisters at Bloomington (minus Meggie Moo) :. Posted by Picasa

- Ready to eat Siomay - Posted by Picasa

.: berpose bersama siomay, hasil karya bertiga selama 2 jam :. Posted by Picasa

- Siomay Making Crew: Meg, Din, Mei - Posted by Picasa

- Siomay Making, Saturday July 1, 2006 - Posted by Picasa

Verses for you...

I was studying and doing my quiz when I was so happy knowing that I can do excel on my school this Summer. Here are verses that I want to share:

Philippians 4:13
“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”

Philippians 4: 6-7
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

So, if you have anything to worry about, don't! Cause You have a great God who is able to help you. And, not forget the fact that He does listen to our prayers. So if you are afraid or worry of something, say it to God!

Psalm 121:2

“My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

God bless you all........

Btw, ada yang mau join Summer Camp ga ya??? let me know ASAP!