Monday, February 20, 2006

Thank you....

To: Little Princess

"The Reason"

I like the way you smile at me

I like the way you say "macam manaaaaaaaaaa"

I like how you wear your kacamata

I like the way you pray

I like the way you sing kaya orang india

I like the way kamu suka makan malem2

I like the way you love your family

I like the way you are being responsible

I like how you love God so much

I like how I can easily be myself in front of you

-From: Someone-

February 21, 2006

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine all....

First of all,

Wanna wish everyone:


In this special day, I thank God for giving me a loving family, beloved brothers and sisters also friends. Thank you Lord, for having you in my life. For loving me and accepting me as your beloved daughter.

Special thank you for my DVD Player......lope you so much my gals ^^ You are all wonderful God's daughter....thank you for coloring my life with joy and luv. All those sad and wondeful moment we have passed together....

Helen, Vonny and all Valentine commitee....thanks for making a wonderful Valentine Celebration. Helen and Vonny also Gabriel team: thanks for the cute and beautiful frame, the rose, and the guys are wonderful ^^

For my hunny.....this is our second Valentine....ternyata taon ini kisah-kisah udah berbeda dair taon kemaren....but arti dirimu dan diriku dihati masing-masing bakal tetep ^^ Thank you so much for the frame and the picture, luv it! Love you hunny......

For my beloved best friend, Vivi yang nun jauh di Vancouver. Thanks for the pink card and also the cute pair of forever friend earings, love it ^^ (written in yellow coz you love yellow)

For Daniel, thank you for the beautiful package of Godiva....akhirnya makan chocolate Godiva lagi ni......dah pengen sejak choco Godiva terakhir abis....belon sempat beli. Really appreciate it! *Surprise, coz I don't expect anything from you.....* Thanks for being so kind....God bless you! Our friendship is forever in Christ!

For Sunie, thanks for the beautiful flower......hepi to get another flower niiiiiiii.....^^ (warna ini mirip ga ama warna bunganya??)

For Frisca, thanks for the chocolate......

For someone, thanks for your understanding and patient. For telling and asking me on the perfect day. For the companion, caring, praying, and the joy that we share. Thanks God for knowing and having you as someone special. (Macam mana ni.....jadinya ketauan tu hehhehe =p laen kali kudu lebih canggih jadinya, dihukum ga ya karena telat?? hmmm....^.^ bole deh BuTeanya...)

For CaPLoG bros and sis, for the dinner in BW3 hehehehhehe seru juga ni...bole diulang lagi. Thanks God for having Sunie, Gary and Jessie for the meeting.

Happy Valentine everyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.............. Love you alll......

- Wanna fall in love again and again with my dear Lord! -
lagu pastor: I keep falling in love with You...falling in love, deeper with You, I keep falling in love with You, all that I want is You

maap kalo lagunya ada yang salah lyricsnya, inget-inget lupa ni.......

Have a blessed and joyful night everyone.... harus kembali bergerilya dengan buku Psychology terthayank....besok exam ih....Need God's wisdom and strength ^^ Ngerjain exam ama Tuhan tercintaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.................

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Makaciiiiiiiiiiii Babee............

*currently sedang hepi*

Kayaknya aku tuh ga nyadar de kalo benernya akhir-akhir ini Tuhan ingetin aku terus tentang Love, specially God's love.....

John 3:16

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Tuhan itu bukan Tuhan yang cuman bisa ngomong sayang n cinta ke umat-umatNya. But, He do the talk......He proved His love by giving His only son.....for that we can have an eternal life.

Psalm 32:

1 Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.

2 Blessed is the man, whose sin the LORD does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit.

3 When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.

4 For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer.

5 Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD” and you forgave the guilt of my sin.

Psalm 103:

8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious; slow to anger, abounding in love.

9 He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever;

10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.

11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;

12 as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;

1 John 1:9

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

Minggu kemaren pas kepikir mau nyanyi lagu apa……pengennya tema yang persaudaraan gitu kan…..cuman somehow pas cari-cari lagu….dapetnya pada kayak kita ke Tuhan instead of kita ke sesame gitu…





Tuhan, aku bersyukur punya Allah sepertimu….Allah yang pada saat kita jatuh bukannya meninggalkan kita, tapi mengangkat dan mengendong kita. Allah yang pada saat kita berdosa, bukannya membuang kita tetapi menunggu supaya kita mau mengakui dan mohon ampun. Allah yang besar setia dan penuh kasih sayang.

Kasih Tuhan mengampuni, memerdekakan, memulihkan hidup kita….

Tuhan datang kedunia bukan untuk mencari orang benar, tapi Dia mencari aku dan kamu yang berdosa…..untuk bisa mengenal Dia dan mengalami pengampunan Allah yang memerdekakan dan mengampuni hidup kita.

Bukan berarti kita bebas berbuat seenak diri sendiri……..don’t take God’s grace and mercy for granted.

Kita yang ga layak, kita yang berdosa, digantikan dengan AnakNya yang Tunggal,. Allah memberikan kesempatan kedua…untuk kita bisa hidup benar dan berkenan dihadapanNya. Bersyukur buat kasihMu yang panjang, lebar, dalam dan tinggi….

What I have been learning.........

1 Corinthians 2:9-10
But, as it is written,"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him"

Jalan ama Tuhan emang seru banget......soalnya Allah kita demen kasih SuRpRIsE tuh.... apa yang ga kita bayangin, ga kita pikirin, bahkan ga kita minta, itu yang Allah sediakan buat kita yang mengasihi Dia.

Kalo yang ga dibayangin aja Tuhan bakal sediain......apalagi yang kita butuhkan....jadi No Worries deh.......kudu belajar si....soalnya human tendecy kita sering kuatir.......

"Terkadang kita ga bisa liat jalan didepan.........cuman Tuhan yang bisa melihat the master plan of our life.....tapi kita bisa percaya n mengantungkan hidup kita pada Tuhan........"

Kok jadi inget kata-kata Vonny ya........kadang saat kita ga minta, malah ama Tuhan dikasih.... Justru disaat aku udah mutusin....cukuplah.....justru Tuhan kasih......Emang Tuhan penuh misteri banget ga si.......makanya hidup jadi lebih seru kalo jalan bareng ma Tuhan....

Anyhow....semester terakhir kemaren pas bulan Desember gitu de....professor aku bilang pas hari terakhir kelas, Deb...make sure you apply for the scholarship. The school will send the application to you, if not then ask them.........Aku sempat bilang ma mama, n mama udah sempet nanya-nanya lagi ke aku....

Akhirnya ni Last Thursday, seminggu yang lalu pas pulang sekolah n cek mail box, tiba-tiba dapet enevelope dari Kelley School of Business.....ternyata Scholarship applicationnya datang... wah......Praise God! I'll do my part again and let God do His part!

Kemaren PonChay ngabarin kalo dia bakal ada interview di Purdue University akhir February ini...wahhh praise the Lord! I'm happy for you, sis! God is good, rite? Terus berharap sama Tuhan deh ya.....mempercayai kalo Bapa pasti memberikan yang terbaik. All the best my sweet sista ^^ siap makan-makan deh yaaaaaaaaaaaa.........Silver Dipper yuk...

Need God's strength for today.....kemaren cuman bobo 4 jam gara-gara exam, mayan teler ni. Still have one more class to go.......

The Joy of The Lord is My Strength.........

Hallelujah..........For All You've Done, Lord!

HoW Do YoU DeFInE LoVe..........

What the Bible says about LOVE:

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

Sometimes, it is very easy for us to say, " I Love You" to God or others but do we really mean it?

Ingat kata-kata Pastor Chris jadinya, "Cuman Cinta yang bisa melihat kekurangan seseorang dari sudut pandang yang berbeda...."

Hanya cinta yang bisa menerima kekurangan seseorang.......hanya cinta yang bisa menerima seseorang apa adanya, meskipun orang itu ga sempurna....

- Amazing grace -
How sweet the sound....

That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind but now I see.

God does not ask us to be a perfect man....He trully accepts whoever we are.... No matter how bad our past undeserve we were.....God still loves us......

Thank you for Your great love, Father!

Valentine is comingggggggggggggg............................ ^^

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

YoU ArE My EvErYtHiNG.....

You Are My Everything

Glenn Fredly feat. Red (OST Cinta Silver)

Cruising when the sun goes down

I cross the sea
Searching for something inside of me
I would find all the lost pieces
Hardly feel deep in real
I was blinded now I see
* hey hey hey you're the one
  hey hey hey you're the one
  hey hey hey i can't live without you
Take me to your place
Where our heart belongs together
I will follow you
'Coz you're the reason that I breathe
I’ll come running to you
Fill me with your love forever
Promise you one thing
That I would never let you go
'Coz you are my everything
You’re the one, you're my inspiration
You’re the one kiss, you're the one
You’re the light that would keep me safe and warm
You’re the one kiss, you're the one
Like the sun goes down coming from above all
To the deepest ocean and highest mountain
Deep and real deep I can see now

Monday, February 06, 2006

Giving it all back to you and God alone......

Dear someone,

Never thought that I would let you know things that you should know this fast, anyway, now that you have your time to freely decide and really think about what the next will be. I'm ready to hear whatever decision you want to take.

I pray that God will guide and talk to you personally so that there will be no human bias in your decision. I pray that you will be able to decide wisely, that God will reveal what the best is. “A point of no return, a point of no regret." Once you have decided, then be certain with it and take the next move: go forward or back off.

Jadi inget kata pastur pas preaching kemaren, "Mundur selangkah, maju 2 langkah...." Kalo emang dah mau maju ya kudu dipastiin kalo one day these facts will not be the reason for you to back off..... Tapi kalo emang mau mundur, mending mundur sekarang deh.....before it gets too far and too hard to stop it......

I will not regret things that have been built.....even the time we met was a blessing from God.

Past cannot be removed.......A paper that has been written, cannot be erased....even when you tried hard, you will still see, it was there once....Life must go on....whatever happened in the past, I have decided to let it be and let it go. What I can do is learn things from better and be more mature.... You are right; all those small and big things shape whoever I am now. is all back to you and God alone.........only God who knows what the next day turns out to be. Your decision will determine a part of the next story......

Whatever it turns out to be, I'm thanking God for the privilege to know and have you as someone special.

A New Commitment..........

Yellow Monday,

Thanks God for my quiz ^^ Got a group meeting....hmm the simulation project is kind a hard and require lots of effort, time, thinking.....believe that I can do all things through Him who strengthen me.

As God has been faithfull through semesters, I believe this semester is gonna be more awesome than before. My grades are for God's glory.

Yesterday, Diani and I decided to have our quality time back. We picked Monday night as our reserved time for sharing, reading the bible and praying together. We finally did it again ^^ I think it is a good thing that we have this quality time at least once a week......missing those past times.........I think this is refreshing......we both sharing what we understand from the verse. A relationship is all about how you can be a blessing for each other. How we can encourage and build each other up...... "besi menajamkan besi dan manusia menajamkan manusia" It's been more than a year now.......ana I can see how God really accelerates her growth....I'm amazed to see His mighty works and wanting to see more..........Waiting for the time when we can dance together for our dear God, cepetan belajar n ngapalin gerakan-gerakan de ya.......Love you, hun!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Thanks to you....

For someone:

Thanks for things that you do...
for your companion...
for your sharing...
for your caring...
for your willingness to just be there...

It is a simple thing...
but it means a lot for me...

People come people go...
You are different than others...
Don't know why....
But to know you more will be a privilege...

The time we laugh...
The time we complement each other...
The time we encourage each other....

The time you type...
The time I think...
Sometimes it seems like a coincidence...
Don't know....

There are things need to be tested...
There are things need to be proved...
Only time will answer...

Only God who knows the end of the story…

Thank you for being there, even....sometimes it is late...
Thank you for the time you give, though you may be busy with things around you...
Don't want to get to deep for now...

Let it be....Let it flow...

**just keep swimming....just keep swimming....just keep swimming**

Sometimes there are things that you don't need to ask, but you can feel them...

- Life is full of mystery; only time will reveal what it is all about -

Special for someone I care....

Sejak pertama kita bertemu....
Tak pernah terpikirkan kalau ini akan berlanjut...
Hari demi hari...
Hadirmu memberikan suasana yang berbeda...

Canda tawamu...
Gerak langkahmu...
Cara bicaramu...
Melengkapi apa yang ada didalam diriku...

Setiap langkah yang kutempuh...
Kutahu engkau melihatnya...
Meskipun kau tak selalu ada disisiku...
Tapi kuyakin doa dan asamu selalu menyertaiku...

Kesibukan kadang melintas ditengah...
Dulu tak seperti sekarang...
Namun satu yang tinggal tetap...
Arti persahabatan kita dihati masing-masing...

Aku bersyukur untuk kesempatan yang Tuhan berikan...
Untuk bisa mengenalmu, memperhatikanmu bahkan memberikan kasih yang tulus untukmu...
Walau mungkin kita tak 'kan selalu bersama...
Doaku kan selalu mengiringi langkahmu...

Hari-hari didepan...
Mungkin aku tak akan bersamamu lagi...
Tapi persahabatan yang ada....
Tidak terbatas dengan samudra yang membentangi...

Terima kasih buat waktu-waktu yang indah buat kita bersama...
Tawa...tangis...kecewa...sebal...bahagia...kan selalu menjadi kenangan dihati...

Persahabatan yang dibangun diatas dasar kasih Kristus
Tak lekang oleh panas
Tak lapuk oleh hujan

Thanks for being there for me until now...You will always be my best friend, my sister, my hunny ^^

Written in purple because you love purple dear....

- Pastor's House Warming - Posted by Picasa

Surabayaaaaaa.......... Posted by Picasa

- nyam...nyam...nyam - Posted by Picasa

- Mag - Mei - Din - Tin Posted by Picasa

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- Louis - Diani - Debbie - Sigit Posted by Picasa

- Diani and Debbie - Posted by Picasa

- Balonnya siapa hayo??? - Posted by Picasa

- Maggie - Lisa - Me Posted by Picasa