Thursday, March 31, 2005

A story about CaPLoG family...

CaPLoG inC. family (Caring, Praying, Loving, and Growing in Christ), a family God has given me in Indianapolis ^o^
RuehYinn (Babe)
My wonderful partner in ministry. A very caring and sweet brother. RuehYinn legally holds the position as CaPLoG loving babe since March 2003, although he has been our "father" since Fall 2002. It was a great and valuable opportunity to work with him. I will always remember how God connect both of us. There are times that we cannot really talk about the ministry, but God always connected our spirit in prayer. RuehYinn has been a great brother and father for the family. I wish all d'best for your future in Malaysia, bro! May God always work mightly in your life. May you find God's wonderful calling in your life.
Sunie (Fairy god mother)
My other wonderful partner. A independent and mature woman with a broad perspective. Sunie is able to see something in different view that most of us may have. A sister who always comes out with yummy dessert (tiramisu, konyaku with sprite, cheesecake, banana foster, so on). Someone that you can trust to share your problems.
Jenny (Bunda)
Jenny has been our official bunda at the same time when we have our babe. From the nickname, all of you must know that Bunda will soon gonna be babe's life partner. She is the one who create the family recipe, "SAMBAL" Jenny, a gentle, mature, humble, responsible, kind and firm gal. A sister whom I can trust, a sister who has been my sharing partner....I thank God for keeping our relationship. Miss you, dear sis! Wishing you all d'best for your future. God will always be with you through the good and bad times. I will always be there when you need someone to talk, sis!
Vonny (The 4th daughter)
A sweet sista....funny, cute, active, responsible, caring, naughty, like to sleep, love nemo so much.. a gal who is always willing to learn. My lunch partner. Von...I'll always miss all things about you ^o^ Can't imagine if the day when we will be in different city comes, eniwei...still want the best from God to happen in your life. As the youngest daughter in the family, Vonny is responsible to keep and maintain the family recipe, "Sambal Bunda" Now, God starts connecting us. There were couple times that we have the same ideas in our head.
Selly (The 1st daughter)
Seliana, a pretty gal, my ex-roomie. She is an indepedent, helpful, caring, and friendly sister. She is very talented in language, cooking, and make up... a potential good wife. Selly always makes yummy food and those add the list of CaPLoG once in a semester food. My partner in gaining weight, but now I've gained some weight, but she still the same as before. Wishing you the best for the internship and summer plan.
Stephanus (The 3rd son)
A dilligent, neat, humble, helpful, and patient brother. He loves to clean everything, thus his apartment is always neat. I thank God to see your improvement in everything, specially the moodiness ^o^ I long to see God raise Stephanus as one of strong men of God in Indianapolis. It's a pleasure to see how Steph can mix deeper with other brothers in Lafayette. Keep growing, Teph!
Next time, I may talk more about others...why I wrote about them?? Just have them in my thought....Bless them , Lord!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

God is the source of my strength...

Dear Diary,

Finally....I can take a deep breath. I just finished my third exam for this week. Lack of sleep and lack of healthy food >.<>

One thing for sure that if I can stand until today, it is all because of God's strength, love, and grace. Specially last Sunday for the prayer meeting, I thought I would fall asleep....but again, by God's strength, I could enjoy God's presence in the prayer meeting. Someone: see....I wasn't sleepy ^o^ , good job by the way!

I've done my best for the exams and I will let God do the rest. Mei" hand in the result of the exams in Father's hands. I finally got the syllabus from IBMT. Yesterday, I was quite stressful aranging the summer school while studying for the finance exam. Lord, I just surender my summer plan in Your hands, believing that You know exactly the best summer for me. Tomorrow, I'll meet the student abroad administrator, hopefully everything will go well. I really really badly want to take at least 2 courses, so that I can graduate by May 2006. Father, help me ya....."Faith, Hope, and Trust"

In a month and few days, I'll be home. Can't wait.....two cousins will have their wedding party on May and July.'s been pretty long since my last cousin got married on December 2001. Will sure take some pics ^o^

In Christ Alone
By Shawn Craig, Don Koch
In Christ alone I place my trust
And find my glory in the power of the cross
In every victory let it be said of me
My source of strength, my source of hope is Christ alone
In Christ alone will I glory
Though I could pride myself in battles won
For I've been blessed beyond measure
And by His strength alone I overcome
Oh I could stop and count successes
Like diamonds in my hand
But those trophies could not equal
To the grace by which I stand
In Christ alone will I glory
For only by His grace I am redeemed
And only His tender mercy
Could reach beyond my weakness to my need
Now I seek no greater honor
Than just to know Him more
And to count my gains
But losses to the glory of my Lord

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Cheers....^o^ Posted by Hello

BCBC and LCBC music team Posted by Hello

CaPLoG and Luciu Posted by Hello

But God promises us a victorious life with Him....

Hi diary,

Becoming God's children doesn't mean that life will be easy without storms. God never promise that our life will always be easy and smooth, but He grants the strength for us to walk over the storms. He promises us that when we walk faithfully with Him, we will have a victorious life.

These past few days has been a hard time for me to keep focus. Something has distracted me. It was hard to walk and move on. It was pain to give and surender everything to God, but I know that I must go on. I must run with God and relieve all the obstacles that hinder me.....It's heavy to run and bring all burdens with you at the same time....if you want to run with God, accomplishing the goals He has set in your life, you must bravely relieve all those obstacles.

Lord, I thank you for the strength and the courage that You've given. When I was down, You never leave me alone. You came with love and touched the deepest part of our heart. You keep calling me to back in Your arms again... I praise you for I was be able to give a right response with a right attitude. Now, I can walk happily with You. I don't think over it again, but I can keep my focus on You. Love you so much, Father.

Thank you for the testimonials bros and sis. Lunas deh sekarang....cuman si Meggie Mooo - Meggie Mee terkena penalty akibat jadi orang terakhir. Sehingga testinya harus berganda jadi sepuluh hehehehehe..... Gimana ci Meg? Sanggup ga???

"I keep falling in love with You, falling in love, deeper with You.....I keep falling in love with You.....All that I want is You....." Let my love shines for You, my dear Father.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A powerful vision that makes me stay....

Cerita dulu deh sebelon pulang, lagian di Skul internetnya kan lebih cepet gitu....

Taon 2002 dibulan Agustus, pas itu cousins aku dari Seattle, Sandy and Tin" lagi maen" ke Lafayette. Hari Sabtu kita sama-sama ke LCBC. Waktu itu leader gereja salah satunya masih Ko Juned. Benernya dateng kegereja, ga ada firasat apa" gitu kalo bakal dapet something big dari Tuhan. Setelah dapet vision ttg kupu-kupu itu aku kan dah mayan hepi.....terus ceritanya aku jadi beneran ambil TOEFL.

Eh jadi inget ttg TOEFL, hari itu hari senin, Ciwan yang anterin aku balik ke Indy sekalian ke tempat testnya. Aku ada kelas pagi, jadi Ciwan drop aku diskul terus dia puter2 dulu cari tempat testnya. Hari" bersama Ciwan sebelon dia balik Indo cukup mengharukan si. This special brotha itu orangnya gampang nerima, gampang bersyukur, pokoknya salut deh ma dia. Abis kelasku selesai, kita langsung berangkat ke tempat test. Mayan jauh si....sekarang aja lupa sama sekali. Yang paling menyentuh hati itu saat Ciwan akhirnya beli McD buat breakfast sekaligus lunch. Aku dah masakin dia di Lafayette waktu itu, cuman dia ga keburu makan soalnya dia gi lighthouse ama Jo. Ciwan itu ga suka makan those fast food, instant noodle, pokoknya unhealthy food. Dari kita bertiga, Ciwan makannya yang paling sehat kali ya.... Waktu liat dia mamam McD padahal dia ga suka, hati aku ke touch banget deh. Abis Toefl, dianterin balik ke Riverpointe, tempat test dulu. Aku ambil TOEFLnya September deh kayaknya, soalnya itu deket detik" kepulangan Ciwan ke Indo. Waktu aku suruh dia nginep apt aku hari itu, dia ga mau. Jadi deh abis ditinggal dia balik ke Lafayette......aku nangis" sampe si Selly heran, dia kirain aku sakit. Makasi buat doa n supportnya waktu itu ya Sel.

Kembali ke cerita di LCBC.....separuh PW session ga terlalu gimana", tapi saat aku mulai worship. Tuhan kasih aku sebuah penglihatan. Tiba" ada tirai besar banget, kayak panggung pertunjukan yang megah tapi tirainya masih ditutup. Terus Tuhan bilang, "Mei, selama ini kamu terus menggerutu waktu kamu ke Amrik, kamu marah" n ga terima...." terus akhirnya tirai itu dibuka.......and aku lihat banyak banget orang" yang berdiri, cuman aku ga bisa liat muka mereka gitu. Terus Tuhan bilang lagi, " Aku mau kamu di Indianapolis buat orang-orang tersebut. Aku mau ada suatu community dimana orang" bisa mengenal Aku di Indianapolis." Aku cuman bisa nangis waktu itu...........sementara aku pusing", sedih", depress, stress, berada di Indianapolis. Waktu itu ga berapa kenal orang" di Indy.....jadi terus terang saja saya selalu ingin ke West Lafayette. Abis liat n denger penglihatan itu, aku masih ragu. Aku bertanya" apakah ini hanya suara hati aku???? Tapi Tuhan adalah Allah yang mahatahu. Detik itu juga langsung di konfirmasi. Ko Juned yang lagi didepan bilang, "saat ini Tuhan sedang memanggil beberapa orang untuk membuka ladang pelayanan yang baru" Darisitu aku baru yakin. Soalnya emang sebelonnya di Indy itu ga ada care group atopun gereja Indo. Tuhan makasih ya buat a very wonderful and big vision that You entrusted to me. Malam itu, aku bilang sama Tuhan, "Ya Tuhan, ini aku dan utus aku. Aku siap untuk menetap di Indy, bersekolah dan mengerjakan ladang Tuhan." Bros and Sis, gimana dengan kalian??? Apa kalian pernah nanya Tuhan untuk apa kalian ada di luar negeri??? Apa hanya untuk sekolah? Belon terlambat untuk cari tahu yang Tuhan mau.........buruan deh. Jangan cuman disini buat Sekolah, tapi juga kerja buat Tuhan.

Sejak saat itu, dimulailah planning dan pembukaan Indianapolis Care Group. Waktu itu corenya cuman bertiga: Aku, RuehYinn (my beloved partner in ministry, ga tau gimana kabarnya skrg???), Sunie (RY ama aku sama takutnya ama ci Sun", cuman she is a great partner tuh. Orangnya tegas n ga kompromi). Tapi Tuhan itu setia, pernah gara" ga ada yang dateng kita sempat give up.....terus berencana mengurangi frekuensi pertemuan. Abis gitu, RY and aku bergumul n berdoa, we finally ended up with a decision, "Tuhan yang memulai, biar Tuhan yang bekerja. Kita ga bole menghalangi rencana Tuhan." So, we keep go on. Puji Tuhan banget, kan rencana mengurangi pertemuan itu dibicarakan hari selasa, terus pas CG kamis, Tuhan kirim orang" buat dateng. Jadi jangan kuatir, kalo emang ladang itu punya Tuhan, Tuhan pasti bekerja. Jadi inget 2 semester pertama CG, tiap kali mau CG, aku suka ketok" pintu apt tetangga", ngajakin mereka CG. Kalo dipikir" lumayan tebal muka n perasaan juga ya waktu itu. Go bold for Jesus ga pernah rugi guys and gals, mari maju buat Tuhan.

Orang" yang mukanya aku ga pernah bisa liat di penglihatan itu, satu per satu Tuhan genapi. Pas ultah aku taon 2003, 2 sisters got baptist, Pongcay and Selly. Waktu mereka dibaptist, Tuhan taruh di hati aku, kalo aku ga pernah tau sebelonnya.....kalo orang" yang aku liat di penglihatan waktu itu orang" yang aku kenal juga, bahkan temen" baek. Terus makin hari Tuhan makin tambahkan...........Core member kita dari 3 berbuah menjadi 6, terus dari 6 bertambah menjadi 8.....Isn't that our God amazing?????

Yang terbaik menurutMu, Abba.....Kerjakanlah dalamku...........

Sekarang, kami sedang berdoa sama", I claim in faith that I will see Indianapolis City Blessing before aku pulang Indo. Ayo Tuhan, percepat ya....... CaPLoG family is ready to work with God. Bantu doa ya bros and sis.......Tengkiu.

Itulah alasan kenapa mei" sekarang ada di Indianapolis......kalo dipikir" sapa sih yang ga mau pindah ke IU, Bloomington ato Purdue, West Lafayette. Tapi again....Aku pilih jalan dalam rencana Allah.

Entar deh soon aku share apa hasil dari ketaatan aku menjawab panggilan Tuhan. Intinya, sejak detik itu, hari-hari dalam hidupku adalah berjalan dalam mujizat Allah.

The surprise in the evening

I took a nap for a while before going to my evening class. I was so sleepy, but I need to wake up. It was raining outside......but again and again, when I was driving to school, my heart was so peaceful and grateful. Thanks for every blessing that You've poured out in my life, Lord. I know I'll never be able to say enough thank for every single thing that You've done.

I reached school earlier because I need to print some stuffs. I was checking my Oncourse then and I just found out that the class is cancelled due to the instructor's illness.....huaaaaaaaaaaa..... so, now thinking to go back again and study. I should obey when my heart asked me to bring my other class file, that way I can study in the school, but now......beep beep....I'd better drive back. I got a parking space exactly next to Vonny's car. This is the first time I think.

This morning surprise...

A story about the biggest vision given by God on August 2002 will soon be published.

My alarm rang......I was in the middle of my beautiful dream, so sad....wanna sleep more. Then, my phone rang from unknown. I was a bit confused in guessing who is parents never called me on the day that I have a morning class. If they call me, it will be around 11am. A nice voice from a lady... hmm sound familiar......but my brain got stuck. I can't really think hard at the minute when I just wake up, specially from a good dream hahahaha. The gal asked me if I know and remember was hard....finally she said, this is Jenny huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sorry bunda, I was half on the reality, and half on the dream. Tengkiu so much Jen....was so happy to know that it was you. She said, "Happy Belated B-day, Mei" wahhhhhhhh.......Jenny still remembers my b-day. I thought Jenny must have forgotten my b-day, but I was wrong. She was planning to call me on 17th, but she didn't have a phone card. She didn't want to just send a sms, she wanted to call me directly. Thanks once again sis! I really appreciate the special call ^o^ will talk to you again soon ya....

Then, I prepared myself to go for the class. I never thought that it will be my X420 last class. The teacher decided to hand the final exam today. I also volunteered myself to join the student survey from GRAD magazine. Got a gift card for Starbuck.

Now, It's time to study........Talk to you later, diary ^0^

When God said, "I will be a beautiful butterfly"

" Karena semua yang baik, dalam hidupku, itulah karyaMu..... Kau beri kesempatan yang baru" GMB

One day in the morning, aku ama koko n ci Indah sama" ke Purdue di bagian administration gitu, mau nanya ttg transfer dari IUPUI ke Purdue. Hati langsung hancur waktu denger harus ambil TOEFL lagi.......kayaknya kok ga abis" dikerjain ama TOEFL satu itu. Sejak hari itu aku depress banget, hidup sepertinya suram banget. Aku masih inget waktu Ciwan bilang, Mei, kamu kok ga bersukacita?....waktu itu senyum aja ga ada tenaga ya.

Tapi Tuhan kita......Tuhan yang luar biasa. Dia ga biarin aku berlama" dalam kesedihan dan keputusasaan. Tuhan mulai buka rencanaNya yang indah buat kehidupanku sedikit demi sedikit. Jadi kuncinya.....a broken heart, sebuah hati yang mau berserah sepenuhnya. Minggu pagi, Lafayette masih sepi ga banyak orang, tapi ada prayer meeting. Aku masih inget betul yang share waktu itu brother Andy TK, ttg jiwa". Aku ga focus banget si ya......but suddenly pas aku lagi doa, Tuhan bilang ke aku, "Metamorfosis kupu-kupu" Aku jadi speechless n bingung. Aku nanya ama Tuhan, ada apa dengan metamorfosis kupu- kupu dan apa hubungannya dengan aku yang manusia gitu.....Tuhan dengan sabar jelasin, Dia nanya ama aku, "gimana kupu" bermetamorfosis." Terus aku coba inget" pelajaran IPA n biology yang aku dapet.....untung bisa hehehe.... Kupu" itu berawal dari telur terus larva terus kepompong n akhirnya jadi kupu-kupu yang indah. Tuhan kemudian berkata, nah mei, kamu mau ga jadi kupu-kupu yang mempunyai sayap indah n bisa dinikmati banyak orang. Aku bilang ke Tuhan kalo aku mau.......Terus Tuhan jawab lagi, "ada syaratnya mei, kamu harus lewatin fase" metamorfosis kupu-kupu." Kupu-Kupu bakal mengalami masa penderitaan, dimana itu sakit banget, itu dia masa kepompong. Akhirnya, aku bilang ke Tuhan, "Aku mau Tuhan, mau seperti kupu-kupu. Aku mau orang bisa melihat sayap (hidupku) yang indah, dan menjadi berkat buat orang lain."

Mendapat vision ttg kupu-kupu, aku jadi lebih kuat dalam menatap hidup dan masa depan. Aku tau seberapa sulit, seberapa sakit, seberapa menderita yang bakal aku hadepin, Tuhan punya rencana yang indah atas hidupku. Dia mau aku jadi kupu-kupu yang Indah. Tuhan makasi banget, Engkau Allah sumber kuatku. "Engkau Allah yang ga pernah salah dalam menetapkan keputusan-keputusan dalam hidup anak-anakMu", mengutip dari pastur Chris.

Bakal bersambung lagi guys......Masih ada vision yang lebih besar. Vision itu yang buat aku bertahan untuk di Indianapolis sampai sekarang....

My past story........

Hi diary,

First of all, does anybody mind if I use Indonesian? Kadang" baca beberapa blog tetangga, jadi pengen pake Indo nih. Senin berlangsung seperti biasa, tapi aku bersyukur banget buat sukacita dan semangat yang Tuhan dah kasih untuk memulai hari" sekolah lagi. Bersama Tuhan, aku pasti siap menghadapi tantangan" didepan sana. Ga sabar nih nunggu semester ini kelar...bisa pulang Indo ketemu keluarga terchayank and teman" sekalian.

Kemaren pas lagi chat ama beberapa orang, aku terima berita kurang menyenangkan dari my sweet sista, Vonny. Hasil interview dia dah kuar. Nilai" dia emang bagus", cuman hasil interviewnya ga memenuhi persyaratan. Jadi kesimpulannya, Vonny ga bisa masuk Fall nanti ke Pharmacynya Purdue. Tapi ada another good news, dia bakal ada interview di OSU tgl 8 April ini. Pada support dalam doa ya....

Kisah ttg Vonny, ngingetin aku akan apa yang terjadi awal" bulan di taon 2002. Waktu itu aku lagi sma kelas 3, akhir2 masa perjuangan high school. Aku decide untuk ke Purdue aja, soalnya ada 2 koko disana. Somehow, aku realize aku takut sendirian n mencoba kehidupan di Amrik yang ga pernah aku kunjungin ato liat sebelonnya.........Aku merasa kalo di Lafayette kan ada koko n sepupu juga banyak orang Indo, thought my life would be better there.

Aku berjuang mati"an demi survive di TOEFL test, setelah ambil yang kedua kalinya... ternyata....kurang 3 points buat masuk Purdue. Tapi aku masih doa kenceng2, mau ngeliat Tuhan bikin mujizat. Sampai akhirnya bulan mei, pas mama papa bersama koko" saya tercinta masih di Amrik, Ciwan (1st bro) called me gitu, dia kasih tau kalo aku ditolak ama Purdue. Waduh.....dunia terasa runtuh dan gelap, air mata keputusasaanpun was definitely a truly hard time of my life. Ga lama kemudian, ciwan bantuin nanya ke IUPUI, mau pake systemnya Andre ama David dulu, abis satu semester transfer ke West Lafayette. Dalam waktu yang bersamaan benernya aku juga udah di terima sama NSCC, North Seattle Community College gitu....tapi sodara aku bilang disana ga banyak orang Indo. Dasar mei" yang tidak menyukai tantangan, saya pun memutuskan mendaftar express buat Shoreline college di Seattle juga, n akhirnya diterima. Aku akhirnya mengisi formulir2 buat IUPUI, because my heart wants to go there actually.

Menunggu......menunggu...dan menunggu, IUPUI ga kasih2 kabar, akhirnya dibulan Juni aku urus visa dengan tujuan ke Shoreline. Hari" tersisa di Indo berlanjut, sampe suatu hari aku lagi bikin kuetar dirumah buat ultah Mama. Tiba" pembantu manggil, ada telpon dari Ciwan. It was a good news, Ciwan kasih kabar kalo IUPUI udah nerima. Akhirnya aku urus visa lagi buat ke IUPUI, bayar double gitu jadinya........cuman waktu itu pikiran aku yang penting bisa ke tempat yang deket koko deh.

Waktu aku ninggalin Indo diawal bulan Agustus, udah kayak disuruh ngapain aja de. Berhari" sebelonnya, air mata dah mengalir gitu.....kalo ditanya jujur, aku ga pengen pigi. Cuman sebagai penerus generasi keluarga, saya menyadari tanggung jawab saya. Dibandara Juanda, aku nangis ga berhenti", di pesawat juga, di S'pore, di Amsterdam pas transit waduh pokoknya banjir de. Sampai" yang menemani saya kewalahan.......kalo detik itu, mama n papa bilang ga jadi berangkat, aku pasti ga berangkat deh. Tapi itu cuman my wish lho....

Sampai di Amrik, badan dah lemes, muka sedih banget.....sampe Ciwan yang jemput terheran". Masa" itu kalo diinget" menderita buanget, minggu pertama isinya jet-lag ama homesick, complete deh. Tapi sekarang, aku bisa bersyukur buat seorang mama terbaik, yang Tuhan anugerahkan ke aku. Aku skrg bisa melihat kenapa Tuhan kasih mei" seorang mama yang ga pandai n luwes dalam menggunakan kata" buat nenangin orang, jadi sodara/i, jangan bingung kalo saya bisa menggunakan kata" itu turunan papa saya. Waktu mei" nangis, mama mungkin pretend kalo mama ga denger, sampe beberapa menit kemudian, baru mama nanya kalo" mei" abis nangis, kesannya parah, cuman itu juga udah diplan beautifully ama Tuhan. Mama bilang, kalo mau pulang, cepetan lulus dulu...ato pas holiday december entar. Coba kalo mama aku luwes banget pake kata", terus gampang terharu n terhanyut dan ga sadar nyuruh mei" pulang..........tak ada kisah saya bersama Tuhan di Amerika detik ini. Makasi ya ma, pa. Juga buat Ciwan yang walaopun dah nemenin n care ma mei" tapi ga pernah manjain aku. Ciwan yang tegas n displin, pengen mei"nya mandiri. Makasi banget ko, it means a lot. Andre, yang kisah cerita sering minta sorry soalnya ga berhasil take care papa ko...itu bagian dari pembentukan mei" yang sekarang. You guys are the angels that God sends to my life.

Itulah salah satu kisah kenapa sampai sekarang saya disini........

To be continued...

Sunday, March 20, 2005

It is Sunday already........


This morning I was so sleepy, but must wake up for the leaders' meeting. After packing all stuffs, Vonny and I went to the school with Renny. Thanks for the help, Ren! The leaders' meeting was good, we were having some fun. We also gave a surprised for Dolly. Happy B-day dol.......finnaly you're the other b-day gal now.

After the meeting done, we directly went back to Indy. We had a potluck this afternoon. Thanks for cooking, guys! also for coming and joining. It was fun. We were enjoying the food and also sharing stories. We laughed together.......Steph and Vonny were joking to throw me into the ponds.....huahuahua please don't coz later I can have a skin problem -.- I cooked beef potato, good thing that you guys like it. Vonny cooked fried pork ball, we called it "Vonny ball". Steph cooked beautiful fried shrimp and Robert made chick fillet.

I had time to chat with C-git this evening. Thanks for sharing git. All the best for the learning process. I know one day my hope to see you as one of the leaders will soon be true, amen! Keep growing become a mature man of God, bro! I was tired and sleepy, so I decided to take a nap after that.

Welcome Monday! I know God will give me the joy and excitement. I'm ready to start the school again coz I know God is with me. He grants the success of my study. Lord, let's working together. Wanna see more of You and less of me.... Let my school grades glorify Your name! You can use anything, Lord....You can use me ^o^ Ganbate bros and sis!

Last holidays

Hi diary,

I went to Lafayette at nite with Robert and Steph after dinner. We reached there around 10pm. I stayed in Diani's apartment again. I was happy knowing that she was happy too with my decision to stay in her place, thanks Di ^o^ I prepared the material for the intercessory meeting and also made almond puding with Diani. We had problem with making puding lately. Last Monday when I came there, we made a coffee puding, it smelled so nice, but the day after we came back from Chicago, we figured out that the puding was failed -.- We both were kinda wondering what's wrong with the process of making it. About the almond puding, I was washing the place for the puding while Diani was doing something else for a while, leaving the puding on the stove. It was boiling very high, that the puding spilled around -.- we were dissapointed by that. What's wrong with puding and us?? hmm I'll try again one day to make the milky puding.

I woke up in the morning for intercessory. I got the turn to lead that. Last night ci Lisa told me that she won't be able to join the meeting. I was kinda worry, but I said to God, as long as I do my part, God will do His own part. Thanks Ndru for picking me up. The meeting was good, somehow the nite before and when we started the meeting, I just felt hunger and thrist for God's presence. I wanted His touch again. Lord, please come and fill me once again. Lately, It was hard sometimes to really feel God's presence. I mean I wanted more......I wanted Him to soak me in this presence. Gonna make this happen.....teach me Lord.

Lord, help me to keep on the focus. I know there are a lot of distractions, but I also believe that you know my struggles, Father. Hide me under your wings and let me be strong in You. I desperately need your strength to overcome the distractions. I do want to soar high like an eagle beyond limitation.

The music team had a meeting in the afternoon. Pastur shared about the quality of David. After that, Sasa prayed for each sister and pastor pray for each brother, then we all sisters prayed for Sasa. Sometimes as the team, we forgot to support the leader in prayer. The leader may pray for the members, but the leader also wants to be prayed. This is a true fact...... I experienced this before. But, I still remember what my spiritual sister told me when I was stressed out becoming a new leader. A leader must prepare her/his mental to face this fact. God has given everything for us, thus we must follow Him. As a leader, we must understand others without ask others back to understand us. Give, but do not hope to be given back. Care, but do not hope to be cared back. These words have blessed and strengthen my heart during that time. Thanks Lord.

The service was good. The praise and worship session is ministered by our brothers and sisters from Bloomington. It was awesome....we felt joy, we jumped around when praising Him. Some of us were standing in the middle (the gap between the right row chairs and left row chairs), we praised and worshipped God exictedly. Thanks to hilo lan" for the companion, also for Diani hehehhe........we may need to praise God more boldly. Thanks God!

The sermon was ministered by pastur's friend from Iowa. His name was Lasben Sitinjab. The sermon was good, he brought some funny stories that made the conggregation laugh. It was about giving our best. When we give our best, we pay the cost. We should give the best we can give.

After the service done, we all went to Saigon for the dinner. Luciu, Going, Just-Jus, and CaPLoG all went together then. It was very fun and enjoyable moment. I sat with Pongchay, R-mond, Iechun, Ouis, Eddi, Mike, Rio, and Sunie. We were playing words game, teasing each other, sharing, overall.......we were having fun. I think we need to do this more often hahahhaha ^o^ Louis was starting another rumor heuheuhue......this was supported by Lisa and Tin". We were talking that the LCB members were so close together that one rumor can fly to the rest in just a minute.

At nite, I got another b-day surprise from CaPLoG and those bros and sis who went to Michigan. Thank you guys.........I do apologize for not be able to pretend, that I don't know anything about the surprise. Man....this happened again. I don't know why that I got easily know about my own surprise??? not a good habit. I wish I was blur on my b-day so that I can be surprised, but Diani's plan on Wed nite was success. I think you guys are not supposed to talk over the plan in the same place where I was. Anyway........I really appreciate everything. Thanks for coming and also putting those creams in my face because I was unable to guess my present correctly. Hiks hiks....I felt that my face was so sweet and chocolati -.- Anyway, thanks for the presents guys also those beautiful flower. I'll upload the photos once I get them from Vonny and Sigit. Special thanks to C-git for arranging the photos. Still have some people promised me my words encouragement hahahhahaha...........I didn't get any words encouragement on my last year B-day, was happy to have those this year. Can I have it special pake telor???? ;)

Vonny slept in Diani's room too this nite. Thanks to Diani, Frisca, and wimpa for a very good hospitality. We were having fun sharing until it was 3am huaa and tomorrow Vonny and I need to go to Leader's meeting. I was able to talk and clarify things with someone. Thanks for the time yaaa.... ^o^ was happy to know that everything is alright.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Happy now ^o^

Hi diary......

Let's continue with another half part of the story. Steph and I finally decided to have the pot luck. I cooked the corn soup due to Steph's request. Robert, Steph and I ate together at 8pm. It was fun and enjoyable moment.

This morning I got a call from Elizabeth...I was surprised that she remembers my b-day. Hery sent me a very touchy b-day e-card. Thanks bro, you've chosen the right card. I'm so blessed by the words. He also called me when I was having the dinner in Steph's apartment. I received lots of message and some testimonials from friends regarding my birthday, thanks all! I really appreciate all of those. Some friends greeted me from MSN. Someone asked why I don't tell him that today is my b-day?? hahahha do I need to say in the radio that this is my b-day?? funny.....

After waiting for quite a while with a sad heart..........I finally received calls from my parents separately. My dad and my uncle called me from their office. Does someone remind my dad about my special day??? hmm.... Daddy asked me if mom has called me or not. He then called my mom, asked her to call me faster.

Another phone call was my previous roomie, Vineeta. She is in Washington DC right now. I was surprised when I saw her name on my cell phone. Thanks a lot, roomie!

Finally............mommy called me hiks hiks......she said happy b-day and apology for not calling me this morning. She was chatting with my bro until nite and thus forgot to call me. My family just attended the family seminar in church. Mommy said that she actually remembered my b-day few days ago.......eniwei, thanks mom and dad! I still remember this morning my first bro, lopely ciwan, prayed for me over the phone. I was happy with that, he remembered the most important content, prayer! Love you guys! I feel incomplete before hearing the b-day greetings from them.

Some people haven't said anything........hehehhehe....are you guys planning on something??? ^0^

My first day being 21th years old

Gut morning.........

I checked my phone directly.....thinking that I might miss my lovely family's call. missed call. I got 2 sms from my friends, one is grace, another one is unknown. I was quite dissapointed, but there is still an hour before my parents' bed time. Got a phone call from Steph asking for a lunch together in schezuan. Diani and I then prepared ourselves.

When I was about to go, my cell phone stated unknown. I was happy coz it must be my parents. I heard a "happy b-day" greeting from far away. I thought it was my parents and bros, but it was both of my bros' voices. Where is my mom and dad? hiks hiks.....I was so happy knowing that my bros still remember their lopely sista's bday. Thanks ciwan and ko Andre. Ciwan is updating me with many good news, specially about my dad. I'll join my heart to support you bros in prayers. We'll make a prayer network in the air. I hope you dream will come true, bro! Lord, I pray that You'll do Your mighty plans in my family. We are ready for Your movement, Lord! Use our family for Your glory.

The lunch time in schezuan was fun. It was about 9 people. After lunch, Steph and I drove back to Indy. This is the report for the half-day.

Last Seconds before I turn to 21th


morning: Got a phone call from Jontek, asking for a lunch together with Sandy and the rest. I tried to set up an appointment for the car service, but it was full until I decided to set another appt later on.

Diani and I went to Asian Market first. I want to buy Lohan Kuo...I feel funny with this. Because I was sick 3 weeks ago, I forced myself to drink this chinese beverage...the result is now I like it. It works well for the "inner heating" and coughing sympthom. We then proceed to the exotic thai, a new thai resto in 38th st, Lafayette. The food tasted strange......the pad thai is sweet, the green curry has so much coconut milk taste on it. I ate there with Diani, Dolly, Liza, Sandy, Steph, Davis, Dodoy, and Daniel.

Diani and I went to Bed, Bath and beyond and walmart after that. We need to do some grocery shopping for the potluck tonite. We reached Diani's apt around 3:30pm then we waxed the leather seats of the car. Thanks for your help, Di! Really appreciate that........

I cooked pineapple shrimp mayonaise and egg napa veg for the potluck. Frisca made nastar nyam nyam.....Jontek, the main chef tonite, made sushi and those japanese food. Evelyn made a soup, daniel made chicken teriyaki, sandy made almond puding.

After the potluck done, I asked Diani to go back home. We planned to study actually. Here's come the plot. I didn't know if Diani and friends were preparing a surprise for me....good job guys! I didn't realize the we finally went to Sandy's apt to burn the retreat pictures.....Sandy was doing a great job by capturing my intention to see the pictures.

After a while.....Diani suddenly called me to go outside Sandy's room. And when I stepped outside.........all bros and sisters were there, singing the b-day song, and there was a cake with candles.... I was really surprised and happy at the same time. I never thought that someone will initiate to make a b-day surprise for me. Thanks Di..... Diani and Wimpa gave me a b-day present. It's a cute pinky cardigan from Banana Republic........wah you guys were so clever. I didn't know at all about this present although I was with both of them shopping at the outlet. Wah......thanks to all who attended the surprise b-day.

Almost all bros and sis gave the words encouragement. I think CaPLoG family must start doing this. It was a great time to know that others care and love you. I was so surprised and blessed by all those words, specially from those people who I didn't expect to receive any words encouragement. Bros and Sis told me those things that I may not realize my past sharing which actually used powerfully by God to touch others' heart. Lord, thanks for all the talents, courage, bros and sis, everything that you've blessed me. They are all precious treasures. I never can thank God enough for all those treasures. Lord, thanks for the chance to hear all those comments, encouragement from all bros and sis. I missed some people who can't join the surprise........eniwei have fun guys! Entar menyusul ga papa kok.........huaaaaaaaaaa... ^o^ I'm asking C-git for compailing all the pics together, hopefully I can get all of them soon, so I can upload here.

At nite I got a phone call from bros and sis who went to Michigan. Thanks for that guys! I'll wait for the words encouragement later was fun talking with them. I was waiting for others who I love to say happy b-day, but......

Time to sleep then............... gut nite. Thanks for all!

My prayer in the new year:
Lord, this is my new year. I'm so grateful with all things that You've done in my previous year. All friends who make my life colorful and family who loves and cares about me so much. Thanks for my school grades, ministries, and relationships. Lord, I long to see more of Your might works in my life. Let it be more of you and less of me. Use me even more for Your glory, Abba. I want to accomplish every single things that You've planned in my life. Help me to walk faithfully and joyfully in the path that You've designed for me. Make me be a blessing for others more than before. Mold me, guide me, teach me to be what You want, Father! Lord, help me to soar like an eagle in this new year beyond the limitations. Raise me up as a woman of God who can bring influence to others' life. Bring me closer to the calling that You've put in me, Abba. I want to see more salvation this year. Hold my hands and let me abide in Your wings.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Seconds before I turn to the next year.........(part 2)


Woke up in the morning to go to Chicago. We planned to meet before 9:30am at Daniel's house. We finally left West Lafayette at 10:30am. We directly went to the china town for our lunch. We divided into two groups, dim-sum group and joy-yee group. It was a fun lunch, we kept teasing the guys to be gentlemen and let the gals took the food first. Another funny story was the fact that Steven usually eats slowly hehehhe sometimes it's good for gals who can't eat fastly. I can't eat hot food fastly.

We experience bad traffic from china town to Aurora outlet. It took us about one hour to get there. Praise the Lord for the safe trip! I got a stomache, but I prayed to God the nite before that I don't want to have the worked! I only felt the pain when I was in the car and first minutes in the outlet. Thanks God! prayers do work, guys and gals!

I took the map and a VIP voucher book, then made a plan for our visitation. Entering every store would take foreva, thus we decided to enter only those interesting stores. I bought a pair of pink shoes by Aldo, a pink top from Aeropostale, and a blue jeans from Guess. The jeans were on sale.......what made me happy is that it was the first time for me buying a jeans from US :) it used to be very hard to find the ones that can well match with me.

I also got time to buy Jenny's request, a t-shirt from Nautica for her friend. In the store, I just remembered that Jenny hasn't told me the size yet, and I didn't realize until I was choosing for the size. Thanks God that I've bought a phone card this morning to call my parents. My mom has sent me sms many times to ask how I'm doing.......I feel a need to let them know how i'm doing and my holiday planning.

From the factory outlet, we went back to china town for our dinner. I chose Kien-Kee, a yummy resto :) Finnix and David brought me and my mom there before. I wish there is a resto like this in Indy/Lafayette. Maybe I can find one in Indy??? who knows???

We reached West Lafayette at 12:15am, thanks to bro Daniel for driving us the whole day. I know it must be tiring.....thanks once again.

A story about the last day before I turn to my 21th b-day will be published soon.

Seconds before I turn to the next year.........(part 1)


I woke up pretty late cause I was so tired. I talked to Daniel today and he told me that Going is planning to go to Chicago for eating and shopping.....this invitation seems interesting, since I wanted to do some shopping too. Finally, after talking to my sweet Diani and stephanus, I decided to come along.

I drove to Lafayette at 8pm after went to Kroger for some grocery shopping. Hua...why gasoline price is so expensive lately?? I thought that filling the gasoline in the middle of the way will be cheaper, but the exit was closed.....and I went to the exit, which I didn't mean too. It was the exit to the small road that will bring me to the Tipecannoe mall, Lafayette. Thanks for accompaning me, bro Steph.

Reaching West Lafayette around 9pm, then Hilo Lan" called me, asking if I want to eat ice cream with Diani and Iechun. Finally, we met there. I slept in Diani's room.

Monday, March 14, 2005

The cute alphabets Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 13, 2005

The beautiful view at the resort..... Posted by Hello

Sailor Moon Style ^o^ Posted by Hello

enjoying time at the bridge...... Posted by Hello

Looking to the sky.......... Posted by Hello

a smile together.... Posted by Hello

C-git&Debbie Posted by Hello

A picture with "Hilo Lan-Lan", thanks a lot San! Posted by Hello

The Gals at the Sawasdee Resto Posted by Hello

Diani, Debbie, Shinta Posted by Hello

Debbie&Diani Posted by Hello

Soar high like an eagle....... Posted by Hello

Spring 2005 ReTreAt at Fourwinds Resort, Bloomington

Welcome back my home sweet home ^o^

Huallow all......I just got back from retreat. It was a fun, wonderful, sweet and unforgetable moment to be together with all bros and sis from Lafayette, Indianapolis, and Bloomington. I left home at 4pm on Friday with Steph and Vonny. We had a dinner together with some bros and sis from Lafayette. It was a fun dinner. Gonna have to make that more often......

We left King Wok at 5:45pm, we had 4 cars at total, Sandy's car, my car, Teddy's car, and Dodoy'car. When we almost done with our dinner, Andrew's group came. Dolly moved to my was nice to have you with us, sis! Thanks to Sandy....our "hilo lan-lan", now I gave him another name, the most reliable man.....hehehhe make sure you follow Sandy's car with Iechun as the life GPS. What so nice about "hilo" was he will always make sure that my car is located behind him. Otherwise, he will either wait for me by driving slower or move into the other line.....Vonny was amazed on how I interpreted Sandy's signs. It seems that I can read all Sandy's signs when we were on the way. Thanks Lord for the fun and safe trip.....You are our protector.

We reached at Fourwinds resort at about 7:20pm, not all people get there yet. We started the first session at 8:45pm with the introductory game lead by Leno, a brother from Bloomie. We had to find people and found their unique characteristics, then Leno will call some people to come front and do something. The first was bro Albert from Laf, it was so cute. He need to act like Bruce Lee while mentioning about a person's name and his/her characteristics. The next was me......the audience chose me over vonny....hiks hiks...I had to act like a sailormoon. I was shy and confused......thanks that Vonny was called to accompany finally we imitated one action from Sailormoon. The last person was Wei Chang (do I pronounce his name correctly??), he need to act like Michael was funny too.

We then proceed with the praise and worship ministered by BCBC team and the sermon preached by Pastor Rony. It was a nice start, we felt God's presence. In the middle of the sermon, Diani sat down next to me. I got a chance to pray for her. What God put in my heart when I was praying about her is that God loves him so much. God also reminded me about my focus. Thanks God that you are God who always reminds us over and over............The theme of the retreat was Soar like an eagle beyond the limits. The banner was beautiful. We had a name tag and bulletin. Thanks for the hard works bros and sis. Well done! Lord, please bless those people who have contributed to manage every single things for the retreat. May You use them even more, Lord!

In our room.........I got chance to share and pray with my sister Shinta. It was a wonderful sharing time........keep going sis!

We started at 10pm by PW ministered by LCB team and the sermon preached by our lopely pastor Chris. Then we had a lunch together....continued with the free activity time. So, Diani, Vonny, Shinta, and I decided to have a photo session. The lake view in the resort was so beauuuuuuuutiiiifulllll and romantic. Although it's just a lake, it looks like a beach for me....oh God, You are a wonderful creator. We was enjoying our fun session for almost the whole free time. Thanks to all bros who helped us taking the pictures: bro Wil Kus, Andrew and C-git.

We had 2 more session ministered by pastor Robert Newton from Iowa. Both PW lead by BCBC and LCB teams were great. We felt joy and God's spirit when we sang. The sessions were awesome......God's movement was powerful. Some people got personal messages from God, thanks God for that. Looking at how God amazingly touched others has been a blessing for my heart. We also ministered by Bro Steve from Iowa. He has a great voice and annointing in singing.

We had a music practice for the last session on Sunday. It was a corporation between BCBC and LCB teams. It was a great opportunity to minister together with all bros and sis. Retreat was a nice time to get to know others from different location. I can say that BCBC and LCB music teams have different style in selecting the songs, but of course both are great teams. Lord, keep expanding your Levited to grow more and more. Help us to be the true worshiper for You!

I was ministering as a singer on this last session. Agung was the WL and we had both BCBC and LCB ministering together. Agung chose to sing "Who Am I, by Casting Crown." I love this song.......the lyrics were deep and meaningful. Lord, I pray that more and more people will know who they are and how you really love them. Make known yourself more and more, God! Pastor Christ thought us to be the Joshua generation, a generation who fulfill God's promises. Raise your Joshua generation up, Lord!

We had a photo session before we had our lunch in "CHIBU, China Buffet" Bloomington. We had 6 cars was hard to keep with everyone, but it was a good learning time. I learned how to follow other cars and next time, who knows I'll be followed by someone else. Basically some of us got lost for a while but again thanks Lord for bringing everyone together at last.

We actually planned to go to Edinburgh outlet, but time didn't permit. So we decided to go to circle center mall. Wil Kus, San, and I were driving together. I was accompanied by Diani and Tin", we had a fun conversation. We shared about our future dreams, imagination and so on.......girls' talks ^0^. A friendship is not limited by distance.....

We only had an hour at circle center. I went around with Diani, and we didn't really find something we want to buy. Well, I was interested with a white skirt at forever 21, but it wasn't really pleased my heart, so I didn't buy that. Dunno why, I'm interesting on having a white skirt lately.....I think it because I only have one white skirt but it's old already. Gonna find one later on....

Selly invited CaPLoG family to have a dinner together at Thai resto, Sawasdee at 86th street. Sadly her mom is still having jetlag, so she couldn't join us. It was only 7 people at total, Robert, Steph, Sunie, Shinta, Selly and her sister, July and me. Selly's sister is so friendly and easygoing. She can talk to us just as we've known each other before. Selly and I brought camera, so we took some pictures. Thanks Selly and July. Hope you guys have a safe, pleasant flight and holiday.

My lopely bed and the crew are calling me now......get to go to you again soon. Thanks for calling me, Dew! Thanks for faithfully listening to my sharing ^o^. All the best for the "SE".......forget the abbreviation. Gut nite all! Sorry for the long sharing hehehhee....

Diani, Lita, Patty, Vonny, Debbie Posted by Hello

At Fourwinds Resort Posted by Hello

Friday, March 11, 2005

What gender is your brain?

Your Brain is 93.33% Female, 6.67% Male

You have the brain of a girly girl

Which isn't a bad thing at all

You're emphatetic, caring, and in tune with emotions.

You're a good friend and give great advice.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Developing my cooking skill ^o^

Dear diary,

Being alone again at home without my sweet Yuli help me to develop my cooking skills. Actually, cooking is a fun ^-^, you can try your natural instict in making yummy food. Last week I cooked all ball soup (meat ball, fish ball, shiomay, tofu), then baikut sayur asin (what is it called in english??). Monday and Tuesday I cooked spinach and egg soup, potato-carrot-green pepper stir fried, tom yum soup, and beef teriyaki (dunnow what should I call it).

There is a funny thing about the tom yum soup. I bought the paste together with Selly. She chose a brand of tom yum paste which has a lot of thai words on it, yesterday, I went to Kroger to buy mushroom and tomato. Today, since it is cold outside, my brain starts think of a hot soup when I was in class.........hehehehhe my junior school habit appears again. When I was in my junior high school, my friends and I always plan about what to eat before the break time, kinda miss those times. We are planning to take a photo session together, just as what we did that time. Thanks to Ivana for organizing this plan. Back to the tom yum's stored in a jar and somehow it was really hard to open the lid. After trying for couple minutes, I felt pain in my palm, so I think of someone that can help me. Well, I don't have a roommate to help me, the only way is finding my neighbour. Steph must still be in school, so I remember bro Robert....aHa....he must be able to help me opening the lid. I called him up and asked for help. So, I ran into steph's and wil's apt bringing the tom yum paste in my hand. It was cold and windyyyyyyyyyyy outside brbrbr... Eniwei, it took Robert few minutes and yup......he opened the lid. Thanks God for having someone to help me, even in small thing. If I couldn't open the lid, I would not be able to cook my tom yum soup.

Nice dinner by the the key is put courage to cook a food in trial, then use your girly feeling to estimate how much seasoning (salt, soy sauce, pepper, sugar, etc) should you put into the food. When there's a will, there's a way. While you are being in USA, you should utilize the times.....trying whatever useful activity that can bring benefit to your future.

Yesterday, my double dee called me. Thanks for that surprised calling, wi! Really appreciate your willingness to call. I told her that being able to cook is a plus point for a gal. Is it true guys???? If I were a guy, I would like to find a girl who can cook.......not necessary very yummy and complicated......just as long as it's good for the stomach and the mouth. Well, as a gal, I would like my future partner to be able to cook. Isn't that romantic to cook together? heuheuhuehue there's a book title saying that love comes from stomach. Let God hear my wish then ^-^

Time to go back to my school duties now. I heard couple friends that got injured. For Leo and Davic, get better soon ya! May God be your healer, amen! Take a good care guys! My dear diani is sick :( hmmm wah di....why you follow me?? Eniwei, I pray that God will be your healer. Pray in faith that you will get better soon ya! Take care my dear sis, may God give you a good rest tonite.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Thanks God for the weekend

Hellow yellow....

Thursday nite,
I went to West Lafayette with Robert for CG combination with guest speaker from Indo, Pastor Jonathan Pattiasina. Thanks bro Robert for driving. When I was little gal, he used to preach in my family's church near my home. He is still the same now. The food were good, each CG contributed to cook. Daniel: you cooked a yummy soto, so who win now?? (^-^) Others cooked yummy food too, we had Agung italian noodle, John Tek ikan bilis and chick, Just-Jus soto, Yafet cook a spicy food, look like "gule", someone cooked rawon too. Ci Lydia made a very yummy dessert, luv it.....the event itself was good, we heard some teaching about "Fatherlessness, a phenomena happening in our real world" We drove back directly at that nite. I met my sweety diani and lopely yuli. Diani was sad because of her homework, so I decided to write a letter for her and fold it in the doggie shape (I learnt it in elementary school ^-^, just read her blog and she was happy with the letter). Thanks God that I can give support to her through that letter. That's what sisters are for, rite? I slept directly after reaching my home sweet home. The gasoline price was so high, I should have filled that this morning.............need to follow what my lil heart there says. Good lesson!

I woke up in the morning. When I was in the shower, my lovely mom called me. Well, dad asked her to call me earlier this time. So, I called them back. You know how to value a togetherness with your family when you are away from them. I still remember when I was in high school, having so many b-day party, dad usually complained to mom about me. Sorry mom, dad......i guess there is a time in our life, where we enjoy having fun with friends. Then, we are more mature, we start to value our times with family, probably we are wiser in managing our time.

I went to Starbuck coffee to do homework with my Japanese friend, Ayako. We've been doing financial homework together so far. I dunno why I always craving for food when I study. So, we decided to see what they have for cakes. The lady was still aranging some cakes and asked if we can check them out later. When we were back to our table, we were talking about restaurant.... and finally we decided to have lunch together in King Wok. I didn't fast today because I wasn't really that healthy.....still in recovery process, so I ate Selly's pork pouridge in the morning.

Was at home in the evening for taking a nap..........then we had care group time. Although it was only 9 people, it was fun. I was leading the PW, I choose "Shine Jesus Shine" song and asked them to do the movement with me. I remember those times with RY during first and second semester CG, pretty long time ago. Those lovely memories will always stay in my God formed our Care Group amazingly. We are moving foward now.....looking and praying for Indianapolis City Blessing, help us in prayer ya... ^-^ Lord, by faith, I know I will have chance to see ICB before I graduate, amen! Fasten your will to be done, Father. Vonny was the one who preached and she did a good job with the verses game. Selly cooked yummy steam egg, and Steph cooked soto hehehe have been eating soto for two days. No dessert tonite, since we made one for service tomorrow. TJ had a lil accident with his foot when playing basketball, pray that God will be his healer. At nite, Vonny, Sunie and I were making pudding for refreshment.

Saturday morning,
I was sleepy zzzz....zzzz.....but need to wake up. I drove to Lafayette with bros and sis to attend the ministers' meeting with Pastor Jo. It was fun going with sister Sinta. Thanks God for the good opportunity to have a chit-chat with her. Selly and Robert also drove their car. We always have people in schedule to drive every week. The meeting was good, we learned about mentoring stuffs.

After that Vonny and I went to walmart, while Selly, Shinta and Linda ordering the Korean food for to go. We had our lunch together in Linda's house. It was fun to do grocery shopping with usual.......whatever interested to our mouth and stomach will attract us to buy, so I ended up buying some juices. While doing the shopping, some marketing concepts crossed my mind. This is about brand loyalty, how you prefer to buy one brand over another.

Around 3pm........we got ready for church......I didn't plan to wear something different that usual, but gals were commenting on my look....hmmmm gals stuffs, sometimes what you choose to wear just so fit with you on that day, and you look more sweet than other times. I picked up my dear Diani, just knew that she wasn't feeling well. Di, thanks for coming. It blessed my heart to see your willingness. I got a chance to pray for her while we were singing "You are the God that healeth thee...." Lord, I believe you are working over her condition. Let Diani feel your healing touch, amen!

We were planning to have dinner in Olive Garden........but that place always full during weekend, so finally we ended up eating at Basil. I'm not supposed to eat Pad Thai I lips were red and I guess I have "inner-heat" sympthom, must be carefull.........can't eat those dangerous food. At nite, I brought Diani to study with me at Linda's place. It was fun to spend time together with her after a while.....I guess we can do more, Di. Agree not ;) ?? What amazed me about this sweet gal is that she can decide things quickly. I was surprised when she said that she will just stay over with us, so that I don't need to take her back.............isn't that cool??? She can decide that in just a minute, without planning before. So we slept at Linda's room, four of us. The room was warm............full of love huahuehuehue :P Oh exam grade is up for Human Resource Class. God is always amazing......I got a grade which I never hope before.......since I felt unprepared....although I've done my best in studying and praying........again and again.....You will always be a faithful God for me. Thank you glorified through my grades. I always have in mind that my Bachelor certificate will have a statement "Only By God's Grace". It's true........without Him, I won't achieve all those good grades. Bros and Sis, always do your best and give the rest to God. He is able to make impossible things in your school life. You are God over my school! I live in miracles when I walk with God everyday.

Daniel finally handed to me the valentine presents.....I'll take picture with it soon. Tengkiu niel, the presents are so cute...even the card those gifts. I'll put them with the "D" soon after cleaning my table. Wah...I've once thought about buying those. I was talking to Yuli about those cute alphabets. Thanks once again.........

Sunday morning,
Thanks to bro Andrew who always picked us lately for leaders' meeting. I was so sleepy because I couldn't sleep fast last nite. I was still awake until the first hour....we were done earlier for the meeting. Sisters and Sandy decided to visit the food cafetaria to grab some breakfast. Then, we continued with prayer meeting. Vonny and I had lunch together with Just-Jus in Joo-Joo....nice and fun lunch. Then we drove back to ponny "sleepingbag" has a 90% tendency to sleep in the car's okay sis! You can always sleep if you are tired.

Now it's time to do my school assignment.......ciaooooooo......Oh iya, I booked my flight. Please pray that everything will go well........and I can enjoy my summer. Help me Lord.......wish to take summer in Indo again ^-^

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Thank you, my Healer!

Dear diary,

Sunday morning,
I woke up and found out that I'm still sick. I took shower, and hmm...the hot water wasn't working well, it turned to cold water :( thus, it caused me a fever. I was putting high heat in my apartment, so that I won't feel cold. Vonny said that it was really hot. Thanks to Eddy Leno for some suggestions about the medicine. I decided to take blue panadol, since I don't know my red panadol expired date. It was working well for couple hours, but I was having fever again at nite when I woke up after take 1 hour nap. I was worried, afraid, and sad about my condition. The devil again and again tempted my mind to think about all bad things. Devil made me worried about this symptom, which is similar to the thypus symptom that I had when I was in junior high school. Thanks to cici Sinta for the counseling. Thanks to dear pretty sista, Selly, for all prayers, helps, and support. Also for Vonny and Diani for the Lo Han Kuo. Special thanks to Daniel for helping me with my scholarship application. My eyes were heavy, my body was having fever, thus I almost could't type my application information. But, I forced myself........finally I asked Daniel to check and format the structure. Thanks bro!

Monday morning,
My fever was happy...but some parts of my body were still having pain, my head was a bit dizzy, my stomach wasn't good. But, again...praise the Lord. I was getting better than before. Thus, I could go to school with Wil, thanks bro for the ride. I didn't dare to drive coz I still a bit blur. Lord, thanks for answering my prayer. Thanks to all bros and sis for all cares, helps, and loves ya....appreciate all of those. I went back with Selly, we stopped by in Lee and Kroger. Sel, I really appreciate all the things that you've done to help me during my sickness times. Thanks God that we could find pork neckbone, so that I can cook my yummy soup. Finally, I had some mood and energy to cook for my food, good indication! ---> almost gone......will be free soon from sickness :) my soup was so yummy.....I'll cook one for you next time, Di! Daniel got sick.....pity him...we were joking yesterday about me, losing weight fastly when I'm sick. He hoped it would be the same for him.... hehehehe..... we'll see.

Tuesday morning,
I woke up a bit early coz I was afraid of getting late. Again....praise the Lord. I can go to school today. I have midterm tonite, so I must go to the class. I also have a panel discussion, so I must attend the class. I have done my best for the exam, may God works on that. I tried to make a pudding, but it was burnt off. won't taste bad........i took the top part only... my mom was right. It is not easy to make pudding using US stove. Eniwei, I'll try again next time. I want to sleep eyes are sleepy and tired. Talk to you again.....