Tuesday, February 15, 2005

When obidience brings blessing for others....

Hi diary, outside is raining heavily. I hear thunderstorm and see lightning....it brings me to remember the song with the title 'Still'....by the way, I was having a wonderful and super great time with my dear roomie, Yuli. Thanks God for the sharing and praying time. It bless my heart so much. Relating to the 'Still', that was the song that God put me when we were praying.

"When the ocean rises and thunder roars, I will soar with You above the storm. Father, You are king over the flood, I will be still know You are God....."

Lord, thanks for reminding me that You are God over everything. When storm comes, when thunder roars, when all things don't work as what I've expected, I will be still know You ara God. I believe You are holding my hands to walk through the storm.

Talking about our prayer time....it was great and awesome. Both of us didn't feel that we've already prayed for an hour. Bros and Sis, when God's present is there, you will never get bored with praying........it just seemed quick...and wonderful. What strucked me the most.....God used my roomie, Yuli to talk about God message for me personally. When we finished praying, I shared to her about a topic that she prayed for me and how that topic was just true. It was exactly what my heart longs for.....search for. Something that has been distrurbing me over and over and many times shift my focus. It's someting that potentially keep me from running with God.

Lord, thanks for opening my eyes once again to realize how I was shifting my focus for a while..........God put this message in Yuli's heart since last week. Thus, God placed an urgency for her to pray..........at first, the message didn't match with what we've shared before praying, indeed.........it was something very very important in my life. Thanks for that ci Yuli, that means so much for me. I believe God pleases to see your obidience in sharing God's personal message to me. I may have been insensitive with what God wants to tell me. Anyhow, I'm so happy now......cause God is still there. He cares for me deeply as for you too... Lord, I know I will never walk alone. Doesn't matter who will be there......as long as I have you with me. I know I can always count on You anytime. Thanks for never letting me walk alone. Thanks for staying there and reminding me again and again............Lord, You're my best friend.

Focus....focus....and focus...............God knows your struggles and He will answer that. Seek and Find Him, bros and sis.........He is so real.....He is just a prayer away. How many of us searching for someone/something wrong??? Finding a fulfilment in a wrong way..........it's never too late to come back to God. Burn your first love for God. Ask Him to remind you once again........how did you fall in love with Him....how does it feel...............

I want to fall in love with God over and over again............specially in this Valentine day. Just the two of us, God and I.....amen!

My sista Yuli, an angel, God has sent to my life. She is a precious blessing that heaven gives. I treasure all the things (love, joy, tears, laughter, prayer) that we have shared. I enjoy all the moments we spent together. I never can thank God enough for having you in my life. You mean a lot to me. Thanks for all the helps, supports and prayers. Gonna miss you badly when you leave, but I know God prepares you for a greater mission back in Indo. I believe we will meet again soon. Luv you, sis!


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