God makes everything beautiful in His time....
"Kalo kamu bahagia hun, aku juga bakal bahagia...." Kesannya cheesyyyyy banget ga si hun, tapi beneran kan??? Kita sering banget bilang gitu, tapi serius deh namanya juga dah bersodara sehati seperjuangan seperasaan (ga selalu sih), kalo satu bahagia, satunya sudah seharusnya turut berbahagia.
Today almost 4 p.m, I finally back to my home sweet home. The driving from Lafayette to Indianapolis was fine, thanks God, though I was sleepy hmmmmmmm.... it was cloudy outside. After unpacking my stuffs and did some things, akhirnya saya tak mampu bertahan dan memutuskan untuk bobok....
Thanks God for the awesome retreat. Pastur Sofyan lucu banget tuh, khotbahnya juga SIP sih. Lord, I thank you for teaching me many new things and even bringing me to step higher.
What God really told me on the retreat:
1. I shall not be afraid of anything. When He calls me to do greater things, I should not say that I am unable or afraid. When God died on the cross, He took my weaknesses and disability, so that now I can do anything God wanted me to do.
- Lord, I want to be maximal in everything. I want to walk beyond my limitation. Leaving my comfort zone. I will soar like an eagle with my dear Master. This is my training ground, and let everything that You desire, be my desire.
"Yang terbaik menurut Tuhan, kerjakanlah dalamku"
2. God is able to answer prayer. We just have to keep on praying, pressing, and pushing. When God's timing comes, He will make it beautiful.
- Lord, I am so thankful that You answered my prayer. Diani's salvation and holy spirit baptism were the true answer of my plea to God. In the beginning of the semester, I've been asking God seriously about Diani. I know that I don't have much time to stay here. My time is almost up, considering that I may go back directly once I graduate on August. I was worried about my dear hunny. But, I did ask God.....with all my heart....if my request matches with His desire, may He call my hunny to be His daughter before I graduate.....furthermore I even pray that before I go, I will dance with Diani. I keep asking Diani to ask God for revealing Himself to her personally and He finally did. Thank you Father. You are God who answers prayers. You are truly a living God.
Pas retreat kamis kemaren, aku lagi ministry di depan, ini mayan berkeras hati. Si Helen dah sempat bilangin aku, Mei...Diani tu......cuman aku bingung juga masak aku tinggalin gitu... entar yang nyanyi sapa pula.......sampe akhirnya Sigit, kasih aku tau juga...... this time... akhirnya aku decide untuk kembali disisi Diani. Thanks for Iecun, Louis, Frisca, Ci Lyd.....Louise shortly explained to me about what happened. Lots of people were praying together for Diani..... She was baptized by holy spirit and she did experience what is called "BORN AGAIN." She finally received Christ as her Savior and God. Praise the Lord........... Tuhan, aku ga akan pernah bisa berhenti bersyukur buat apa yang sudah Kau lakukan dalam Diani. You are just awesome... ga bisa dideskripsikan dengan kata-kata..........
Welcome to the family, hunny............. ^.^ We are truly happy for you.
Bros and Sis, let's keep praying for others...........Prayers are powerfull.........
"Apa yang tak pernah dipikirkan, dirasakan, dialami, itu yang Tuhan sediakan bagiku"
Ayo hun, siap lari bersama kita..........pake sepatu roda juga bole tuh........ Mari tinggalkan hal-hal yang membuat kita ga bisa focus and berlari mengerjar apa yang Tuhan mau di hidup kita.
Pokoknya mau give thanks aja ke Tuhan buat retreat kali ini.....banyak banget hal-hal indah.
I finally ministered on the retreat. Thanks to all the team: Sigit-Sandy-Reyner-Pastur-Ci Lyd-Meggie-Helen-Renny-Dolly-Frisca for being a supportive team. Specially to my dear God for the annointing and ability to be able to lead. All the glory belongs to You and You only God.
"Semua terjadi bukan karena kuat dan gagah perkasaku tapi karena kasih dan anugerahMu atasku, Bapa! Urapan Tuhan memampukan aku melakukan hal-hal yang luar biasa."
Bisa dibilang aku ke bless banget buat ministry....I think this is the most enjoyable moment of praise and worship saat aku ministry........Thank you Lord....Aku tahu saat aku melangkah, Engkau bekerja.
My part + God's part = AWESOME
"Bukan karna kebaikanku, bukan karna kemampuanku, bukan karna fasih lidahku.... Ku dipanggil, ku dipakaiNya. Semua karna anugerahNya diberikan kepadaku, semua anugerahNya bagiku, bila aku dipakaiNya............AMEN"
Thanks for what I have done with You........still want more and more and more with You, Father!
2 days in Chicago were fun and great. "Kebersamaan itu sesuatu yang tidak terbeli." Makasi Tuhan and teman-temin sekalian for such a great time being with you all. Shopping bareng, lunch-dinner bareng, bahkan bertempur memakan "earthquake ice cream" bareng... seru banget... entar aku post deh picturenya minggu depan, perlu ambil di Diani and Iecun deh. Ghiralldeli yang tak terlupakannnnnnnnnnnnn..................... termasuk kisah lucu dan seru bersama Meggie Moooooooooooo hhahahahahhahahah....
Thank you for the strength to keep awake for the driving back to Lafayette. It was hard to stay awake, but God made me able........
Yang paling seru dan mendebarkan jantung tuh ya..... ketemu mobil mabuk....ya ampun serem banget. Yang di Final Exit Perfomance itu bener lho....... tuh mobil ya nyetirnya zig-zag dah mau nabrak segala deh..........sampe akhirnya beneran nabrak mobil disebelahnya.... hati udah dag dig dug ga keruan.......sampe pada bangun tuh yang semobil........Terima kasih atas penjagaanMu yang sempurna buat kami Tuhan.
Pokoknya selama bareng Tuhan.......tiap liburan selalu dikasih kisah-kisah yang menyenangkan deh.....
Gut nite alllllllllllllllll.......................
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