Monday, August 22, 2005

I'm back...

Dear diary,

Back to write again……..sharing God’s blessings for you and me….

I’m finally back to my home sweet home at U.S. This is my fourth day being away from my other home sweet home and lovely family back at Indonesia. First of all, I want to say thank you for my dear Father in heaven who gave me the strength and courage to walk on. It was hard, heavy, and sad when I realized that my summer holiday in Indonesia would come to end very soon, “it’s hard to say goodbye, and yes, it is true”, but I prayed to God, asking for the strength and joy to move on. And it came to reality, on the day when I was in Juanda airport ini Surabaya, I was crying a bit when I hug my dear families, but my heart was ready……ready to go….ready to fly…thank you, Lord. Without You, I could not move on.

I was happy and ready when I was on the plane, flying from Surabaya-Singapore, then I decided to watch ‘guess who’ movie, and here we go… fear came to my heart. I was sad, imagining my life would be different. I will not see my dear parents and brothers, my spiritual sister, my yayank dew, and others……..but life must go on. I know some people in U.S want me back soon too….specially, my hunny….is that true hun???

My heaviest trip was the time in New York, when Daniel and I must transfer our stuffs from international to domestic flight. The stuffs were many and heavy. At that time, I felt like crying and wanting to be back in Indonesia. Thanks God, we finally got things done.

After spending a total of 36 hours for flight and transit, I finally arrived in Indianapolis on Thursday, August 18, 2005. Feel a bit strange….thanks to Wil and Steph who picked me up at the airport, also for Dodoy and Daniel for the help.

I was happy to see my apartment, but then I found out that my beautiful toilet was having some problem. The bath up was dirty, a lot of ‘butiran kecil (don’t know in English)’ and the water could not flow properly. The toilet bowl could not be flushed. I just came back to U.S and found those unhappy stuffs. Here comes the different between being in U.S and Indo. When this happens in Indo, I can just ask my daddy or maids to help me. Here, I must be an independent gal. I never regret at my parents’ will to send me here, I’m even grateful for their willingness to support me. I can learn how to be an independent gal.

I tried hard not to sleep early because I don’t want to experience long jetlag. I finally slept at 10pm, was hungry hiks hiks…didn’t feel like cooking instant noodle, so I decided to sleep.

Woke up at 5:30 am, I was a bit shocked being alone in the morning. The sky was still dark. I was sad, but I asked God for a new strength and joy. I decided to buy a phone card and called mom at home. “Allah turut bekerja untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi setiap orang yang mengasihi Dia.” Gara-gara jet lag ini, aku bisa beres2 koper pagi itu juga and done….seneng deh…….makasih Tuhan.

Jam 8 pagi ajak Steph ke Mc Donald, laper banget……terus ke officenya eagle creek, laporin masalah kamar mandi. After that, aku urus2 beli buku online, hopefully bukunya bisa nyampe buruan deh.

Akhirnya jam 1 siang, maintance dateng n betulin masalah2 dikamar mandi, seneng deh… terus siap2 mau ke Lafayette ketemu my hunny. Soalnya aku masih jetlag, gampang ngantuk, steph yg nyetir, aku bobok bentar hehehhe…

Weeken was fun, ketemu sama semua bros and sis. Feel homie again…thanks God. Pas sharing time, Tuhan ingetin aku buat share apa yang Tuhan taruh dihatiku pas aku harus kembali ke U.S. No matter where I am, I know for sure that God will always be there. Ga peduli di Indo, di Amrik, semester ganti, skul mungkin tambah sulit, Tuhan tetap Tuhan yang sama…….kalo semester kemaren, di Indo, Tuhan luar biasa, disini Tuhan bakal tetep….bahkan lebih….

One last year being in United States, I want to be maximal for God. Wanna give everything, all my best, for whatever things God wants me to do. Pokoknya, aku mau Tuhan paksain tiap rencananya buat terjadi di hidupku, Amen!

Hun…jangan lupa weeken depan, acara private time kita…yang batal kemaren sabtu gara2 aku dah ngantuk hehehehe…jetlag sih hun. Pengen sih benernya….mau nutrigel lagi bole? Ato pudding almond???

Thank you, Lord for a wonderful and fun weekend being with my family here. Now, I’m preparing my heart to be ready for school. This semester is gonna be harder and schedule is not as what I have expected. Senin-Rabu kelas bakal sampe 8:30pm. Ada satu kelas masih in waitlist and asking for instructor’s consent. Ayo Tuhan, bantuin ya…pokoknya biar rencana Tuhan aja yang terjadi. Bapa tahu yang terbaik buat aku, Amen!


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